: coBILExic PoiICY.* MOSE whose memo carries them - back some twenty
years will rehienbir illenitimp'ofiAlekender ;Somerville, as a "Scotch Grey," wOitali'lliWed,Tar iltritifigil§tpra'". tolhe editor." Notwithstan47 inthe,glieNaiiii;1114411o,gage which attended this scrape, ther,,oupequences,etuck to A/41.;../n a:measure,defeating the effects oteqnsaderableenergy, spirit; and literary capability. According tatheiirintipais-of the Letigie -who should know- hest, the letters of1.461)11104,hp'Whist1ed ' '1#01ongli." arid otber fngitive writings, g$IS th19144 . ' 4w,f0i4nAinni-i-,Y(iiilee4., talle--A1r- , e,ai.avfn-s.a0 — 44i4/4,11.iporti94:of,therfactswand,seme of otheIarguspents whiehigaVe weight and strengthito the league oratoryveriginated•with■hinaselE,' - . . ' • -. . " it' tilliepies(i' ' b;•eatilt`br,'St" tAuVIrel' be‘tween, Mr. Somer.. (PrIf q,__'..teilOgt.._:Niciii.C?bdaP i4 parfie ' `During t e An 1-torn- aw ,eagnelognatlOorair4oroor-,t viitf, • :VP 'Nag •triCi811 itri-94P 'fliriki ni9Anii4ro,
ti • 13 er °Ps. gric9Isil3114410) 8 MY'VCAlgOiatIlkao
lulqr ng qb1Rftl; .8 4ngrl Cua4qçneç1,
P,Pktfifi° w49: tlyi fi*.gied IF% 2.ffri RIP v 441 9.Avr t41414nv”wa
qalk•IPX wifise; ten poun s were o ered ann tajeen, appareniyVie ,
stanY4f7, PInCii0ef, .1?A4 viingke t144/4Y,Pigccitle_dr obden'ios
the :subject ,en,,actitomajt4a,oix1ue; matey:leas :referred te ,arbi-- tration, suuldeLfeward to11r, Somerville: ' • ;; Beside la-eft fall% codib of s 'et,t men Cht'Of the
Antikets%&101til'4 tikts‘.14tii„ *47 Cphden,:lhe pugNiaeip4tain 4Vcat 11c2.Jj9a fesg,h Ofirni,of Bright:43FOthers at .gep oia;it .1Przegel,, lety audi tits polities. Tlierikis some autobiegraphicantatter inteference toYSomerville's military.expsrienee both in 7t1lelks9t0li Gieys -ardithe Spanish Lc-
ritherledions and net ,dieYintelligible account of the auffikapeetinia*Aiirs, and how ti* enmity of Peace and dran an4hitupthropic den has Pursued bins to ruin.
The tender who ldoks for what Mr_ Cobden in his correspondenee- ea114•",apicy " revotations, will he disappbinted. 'Of teurae a.godir deal 'comes out, viiieh the parties concerned had ra,ther have kW' back. Bat everybody with any expelience or reflection knows that,. )efore and behind the curtain are two different things. Thelwise mly look at the finished result if they care to admire. The case es dated by the wary advocate to the public ear, is as different from he same case when ", getting up" by the various agents and the rater,
" As Sappho at her to:let's greasy task, With Sappho fragrant at an evening mask."
• Cobdenic Policy the Internal Enemy of Eagland : the Peace Society—its Com- ativeness : Mr. Cobden—his Secretiveness. By Alexander Somerville, "One who as Whistled at the Plough." Published by Ilardwicke.
When. a proper allowance is snide for Use private letters of ad- vice and. clirectien. which Mr.". - I bden.is -centbinally sending to Mr. Somerville, thereis.Little-to be sevenely censured, as things go, though there may :be "mtanagenient;:•-mettnnts,S; and double-deal- ing. The great blot on the Cobden escutcheon re, that he is a man who has- taken money, and' taken it for. services which public opinion and the practice of gentlemen consider should be gra- tuitously . performed. Mr. Hume, if 'we . 'are not mistaken, de- clined even a present of plate for some Parliamentary duty, on the ground of the iniprOpriety., The' bread fact, hewever, is ,patent. The question as regards the-Colqcni.0 Potiir iii; .4141.1;014r. Cob- den onginated his owutestintonial; which Mr. So4nerville affirms he did, using Mr. S. as a cat's-paw. - i. ... .. . .. - . . "Having repeatedlis desire to see me, and -I• having business to settle with thel.eague, I went to Manchester,,.well.knowing froth 'experience that something too apeeial trbe Written about,wai required, when.isuoh 'excessive unetiousneas of flattery:had been applied, . - ' :. ! - • . • , -'• .
"At Manchester, Mr. Vrederiek Cobden Was 4,ent to,take ma irra cab to Richard's , house. When,cloteted with the latter, he toldrootowmuch he had ,snffored-inhusinesi by devotion to the !League.; hetilgreatly Mistaken. people were who called him a rieh man ; , Ito* hie fatherdiedlehving.t family unpre sided for, ,ondth;atPel4d/Afge,ef illleMiail AimfolFed.: an ilitny,autd that whatever ths 'country. t do.fonetip,g144imonial was then whispered) r it tduld fall short of w a Alit leg by serving th'e country ; and so forth. rat didirof 'Mistake' d ' Ogn'tif hlet-octfeatinili this rum, be having on several oocadionsjuttidduce the'subje btifore.,, I cigted. if I might, in communicating-that hoinWndedite retire-frodiJkirliain ent—[he- shdwod me the mantisetipkethlsottving #11-ss,s/rnethlopethiNg shout his losses in trade by devotion to pdhl.p, Nipples& rind . gg disalinse tte „pulilic as to his pez'sanil`1/4iAlth." Ile.414 Iii•ebfild',4tuselt/ my digsraton in putting those facts td iiimtipiiraci.in, il4Itlilil 'Ilit.1%1ILZ4IItt SLW Stiwir ,,,Ir -01 pit then 'to thistsainteldetlystfiffthemitrilitleon ;3fittriNheride they went into nearly every provincial newspaper in the kingdotureleetionist as well as Free-trailist, and stimelatedras-designed, the public to get up a liberal fundses4Aestiuurial., ,g_t_, - , -, xi, offif p,- x A "Abmtt SO-,000/ -,, Were collected. -The'apeosps were tcaty`; .bit'So far as I winrebrkerneil,46Ppati MIA tibreqapei4intireittgtherantrafter eiegiven freely to. thb, object.; illsot sixpeating, .' not telkingnoti-hceiving :payment to the aramintsf.a papay.",-L.,,i(1.)f
:A ding. to Mr,„ tilueilille, he too Was . the : means_ of :bringing
before t eipublia the„,-meritsof;Mri :Brown ofiliverpaolii,M.,P; for South Zeneashirew Ikansizet eteetieneetingropose0, it yrab stiqui- site. that the ]ife! ando4harseter !.clf thei merchant Prinee shoukt tome before theworicivithatlitnantoNvaslgnerauttUfttiath, Mr. Somer- viLleiaccordinglyAcowTupvthunsketch.front luslteriala furnished by Mr."Brawn hiasselfoh iticerychhortiyispeadAholoareer of.Willians. BrevelauVitaothe nt.trirniost endonetihaeartli",,,,,celehrity..syhich Mrairows 44E13 JA,NIST.fflfihispaeithave..attctimai, as Sfr,Romerrille avsoand which itils preball* elkaat.abit biegiephy reigh,024 bare reaebe4 bad ithulieelytroited,:taita,tuFlg:laterost...-,IiIttis gkeyous taadd,,that kr*IScanarkftverotoMehedianyArbinoveitherNor the Cobden rsnerwarial.Jior the_ fartiale,• enalliteivu.i •• :The .gratituden_of theonerehautTrineerwetaruo further tlialtfl, shaking handkor mad-
dilig.iallAO istreft.1 fikage. 610 • - J1 - - There is little ,tbost 4 me/Mori/able iu 'the; attack upost. the„Teeee.
Nolkkvi.heyoua AftIO:tifitsd4lesesixtion!IL-,FaioAdignitoonisy, at Rochdale q militia Alle,Brightp,., Mr.!! So.1ivarville 1 ititlireeo,, . have turned. into ?a frpuehot, boreugh.-,1 Tulin Jirkhilli4oweite.r, .seetna , rate* muse aiivvfaiVulfritegtflialOtichard cob4vvi4 the:guitar had. ' lesa, to do Iwkth-40AnakeN@Utlittle in the pers9#4. 10We-biography : eraph 04 AA toh. rditiw ApiallicA'LlgjoA fAielJ to.. segviitil. i me. au.41or.,... speaks veturra it.va im Ankl toRtirwAt t44,14-111fts komputitopmy; awl kW mtrlifm//40.figticaign*,6PilPrvilitago.., (w 44, quia:Ageal with which the motley crowd were tursted-tinto, an amyl, procelietrilt.YelvWkiiitrmmi.419pitna-fiL mit 7 d &oil-To:pp il,i-u,--:iivinany) .1. .„ RN . .1'
4a f;', kl.. .4,.. t I vef,ft Ite.f.• .flt, r ,-, ,,,, - h91,efArriir f?..a.ptir • %tit se ee flit 4 • . .f Splfiiii. ti'vls'ibli*.0,, ilh 2 . "t i.'''' ceisicl freathe allfeMitmerws+otIthe Brittshiserviceo-aacefiredscoamissions. t , 0:-. ,. - ,:::,.:::: 61211_,(11.1; )1 ood 13 [it --:-,5.1r.:1*1:-.,7,1 ,i`1.32117/ bf I lai.ftl, d " fidlaRde4 IgkiffikinAliEr9511**7 rliffigt; b 1:tierto .1 4!.,r,-1*Alaig stir,,,i,zrela. A/ , itelziv.,. :c.,,s, •,„..., inierdiitraf . he.eemv,area law ,,, fli, . r,L.'■ tr... i 4'.Wsittsticod.14-5th1lta4 ladasaarif alinyrothinduntaineani lairtlireafelda j range-fact/Ara bilk natpnuarid ma4tte4 thew Vositignal arm after tiul , othenvr, • ente*.Au04iefilffniliral:fdlIii 'HIVItV8 NaPfrin91314121IP,14.■Jerig f .1__en,,,terhailliff A Paieflyngszork7fiariA .ne....r i.,,„...... litddiaie ml'ilet/E Iffi• h4lao3 'a Se4idal inTtior' ',gage:Atilt with lapse& titikirmitiheis,, rind dentimialibutling !Piquet &mks -.
:JalYvApg.ustilata i:...-04.1 the lst,Of Iletobok.ihresreAwariredlhidt.. Erwa
gre. ,T914Pfritre t:i ?gi v., getfaF4At.r.xylli4mi ,,-. III E ,rit, pgratevi. ei2iw.. , sibia,drestas,15 1, re- r-- viOli6liiir2,IVInet11Y iiege;ht Biltoukritt defekt;d* bin. ofo of dv.hieklare tovitedspartrunnaJartuhryill837/-1 •Orr.lotW Iterlii,; laittolgth, 11400 Mull 1.0daffkifisrili 4A47,?*.relsvgrerentragirdtlisi itrawAsiu warrens daily; ' Tallein.. .1i ,A it %,1113,11=6 STetv7nadbtKemoillilly- bersond fbe re ery. o ,le Alapof_dethWeW6 ettrellom-dri o fieitts' service. On ,;4thilfak'l'gI7,,,aktleeeebralqid6ee atiiitillbles,i.ere7weretplu: ally engaged. - On ;the, 14th, .,,Ve Iferw eirgagtel save y Whedhuirching through ravines and de- ,.„,filePrIVI9 Ibt<,)e.M., ITI41.1, IN*I(..IIIXifii AM eumnylflecing..! On the and, ;r5 azi,npt, a Tqlsitmp 1 rAeil qirly . Tpu ;-coutioued the attack Lidneifitiq,F-aVtent(gtdIalA.-%.,'Theoitgi;11'471:11.21111e'grerimeycjsPETV°14sbe-f . sides the wine, brandy, and eider Of cOinmerce, 'and though our thousands of men had been exposed to the enemy's fire, standing in rain and on wet ground two-and-twenty hours, some only with half a biscuit for rations,'. others with none, all having been on the line of march and out of bed the two nights previously ; notwithstanding all those causes, predisposing to in- dulgence and indiscipline, in the hour of bursting triumphantly into a town filled to overflowing with stores of intoxicating liquors, and defended from house to house by a desperate enemy, who had never taken our sol- diers prisoners, but killed them savagely when taken, every one; yet
by two o'clock p. m.—three hours only after Iran was entered—Ge- neral Evans had his whole force paraded in perfect order outside the town, except the guards doing duty over the prisoners of war, over stores, over quarters, or collecting and burying the dead. Not one inebriated soldier was visible ; and only twoor three were found and taken to the provost, and flogged for thieving or assaulting distracted women, in contravention of the General's orders.
"I asked, what was our reward for doing what our Government and 'public opinion' sent us to do ? I refer not to pay, nor to a six months' gratuity promised, and after much delay discharged by Spain. As to the ordinary pay, it was discharged to the uttermost copper on the day before the two years of service ended; though 'popular opinion' at home preferred to believe the more picturesque and poetical report, that the men who sold their clothes, spent, or were robbed by comrades of their money, and came home beggars, had received no pay."
Although the quarrel with the agitators was the primary cause of this publication, there is probably an ulterior object. Part of Mr. Somerville's family are in Australia, where he wishes to join them ; but he has hitherto been prevented by his differences with
the League, and other circumstances, exhausting the fund he had raised for that purpose.