31ST‘ DEOgMBXM -1853.
With the number of Electors in each Constituency and the Population in each District.
Bewdley 1 390 7,318.
Sir T. E. Winiungton, country gentleman.
The number of Electors is according to the register of 1831- '2,the one which regulated the voting at the General Election of 1832. The Population Is supplied by the COMM of 1831. One important correetimi has been made. So far as we have seen, in all similar lists, the population of the Counties is given In the gross-that is, swelled by the population of the represented Cities and Boroughs. This has been corrected ; and the County population, like these of the represented Cities and Boroughs, is stated without fallacious admixture.
In describing, for the purpose of subsequent classification, thc avocation, pursuit, or status of the individual Members, a difficulty has been found: many of them could he ranged under several heads ; but preference has been given to the designation with which the person is most prominently ides- tifled,,, and ,which perhaps he would have,thesen himself. The versa "professional politician " Is applied to gentlemen who lmve made polities a profession, as shown In their having apeepted Mace oftener than once. Mr. Disraeli. was in (Ake only once, hut the whole tensor of his Parliamentary career marks hint as entitled to the distinction. In another sense, Mr. Hume, who never held dike, stay be called a profes- sional politician, because he devotes his life to political ob- jeets.3
H. B. Coles, barrister.
firearid 1 203 2,748 Lord E. G. 1. Howard, son of the Duke of Norfolk.,
Astiburton 1 236 3,432 George Moffatt, merchant.
Ashton-under-Lyne 1 .937 29,791 Charles Iiindley, mq,nufacturer. Aylesbrsry 2 . • ...... IA17 23,704 Dr. Austen U. Layard, antiquary; was Under-Secretary for .Foreign Affairs in the Russell Ministry.
Sir Richard Bethel!, barrister; pro. • fessional politician ; is Solicitor. General.
Banbury 1 491 8,715 Henry II. Taucred, barrister.
Barnstaple 2 771 11,371 Sir W. A. Fraser.
Richard Bremridge. Unseated; writ suspended, and a Commission of Inquiry issued
Bath 2 3,278 54.240 Captain Scobell, naval,officer. Thomas Minn, barrister.
Bedford 3 ....... .. .... . ..... . 910 11,693 Henry Stuart, country gentleman. Samuel Whitbread junior, country gentleman.
Bedfordshire 2 4,513 112,785
F. C. Hastings Russell, country gentleman. Richard J. Gilpin, country gentle- man.
Berwick 2 781 15,094
Matthew Forster.
John Stapleton. Unseated ; new election ; suc- ceeded by D. G. klajoribanks, barrister. John Forster, merchant.
Berkshire 3 5,129 125,443
G. H. Vansittart, country gentle- man.
Itsbert Palmer, country gentleman. Inset. Barrington, Irish Peer ; rail- way director.
Bererley '2 1,40.5 10,058 lion. F. C. Lawley, brother of Lord Wenlock.
William W ells, country gentleman.
No. of Popu- Electors. lotion.
Abingdon I sent ....... ... . . . .... 312 5,954 Gen. Caulfield, dead ; aticqeeded by Lord Norreys. eldest son of the Earl of Abingdon.
Andover 2 seats 241 5,395 Aldertnan Cubit, builder.
No. of Electors.
7,936 1;258
Perm- lation.
232,841 46,536
367 6,3N.
987 17,518
2,6& 103,778
524 7.56G
3,675 69,673
, .
, 12,501:J37;328 '
. ,
kooe -
5,659 115,901
959 31,262
749 31,900
160 5,195
6,989 157,590
Birmingham 2 George F. Muntz, merchant. William Scholelield, merchant. • ; Blarkbrern 2 James Pilkington, cotton-spinner. William Eccles.
Mr. Eccles unseated ; new elec- tion; succeeded by . Montague Joseph FeildeSij cotton. spinner.
Bodmin Hentlicote, country gentleman. Benjamin Bond Cabbell,,barrister.
Bradford 2 •
Robert Milligan, merchant. , Henry W. Wickham, merchant.
Bridport 2
• Thomas A. Mitchell, merchant. John P. Murrough, solicitor.
Bridynorth 2 .
H. Whitmore, country gentleman.
• Sir Robert Pigott,
" Unseated; new election; -succeed.' ed by
John Pritchard, banker. '
Bridgewater 2
C. J. K. Tynte, country gentleman ' , BientS. F011ett, barrister.
-Brighton 2 •
W. hfichell:M.D., physician.
C. B.O. Sawle, country gentleman. •
Baton 2 Thomas Dames, manufaeiurer. Joseph Crook, cotton-spinner. Bqston 2 G.
- Rear-Admiral Sir G. B. Pechell, na- val officer.
Lord Alfred Hervey, son of the Mar- • quis of Bristol; professional poli- tician ; is Privy Seal to the Prince of Wales.
Bristol 2
Earl Fitzhardinge. W. H. Gore Lang,ton, country gentle- man.
Buckitsgham 2 The Marquis 9f Chandos, only son of Duke of Buekingham ; chairman of London and North-Western"Rail- way.
Colonel John Hall, soldier.
Buckinghamshire 3
C. G. Du Pre, country gentleman
Benjamin Disraeli, novelist and bio- grapher; professional politician; was Lord Derby's Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ho. C. C. Cavendish, country gen- tleman.
Bury 1
F. Peel, barrister ; professional po- litician; is Under Colonial Secre- tary. •
Bury St. Bdinunn 2
Earl Jermyn, eldest son of the Mar- quis of Bristol.
John Stuart.
Mr. Stuart became a Vice-Chan- cellor; and was succeeded by J. H. P. Oakes, banker.
Caine 1
Earl of Shelburne, eldest son of the Marquis of Lansdowne.
Cambridgeshire 3 Eon. Henry F. Berkeley, brother of
Hon. E. T. Yorke, brother of the Earl of Hard wicke.
Lord G. J. Manners, son of the Duke of Rutland.
E. Ball, country gentleman.
Cambridge Unirersity 2 Henry Goulbuni," "Vest India Pro- ' ‘. 'Pricier ;•prOfeisional ,Loftus T. Wigram, banister.
No. of Electors,
Popu- lotion.
'annbitidye 2
1,984 27,815 Kenneth Macaulay, barrister.
John Harvey Astell.
Unseated.; writ suspended; _end a
. , Goinraitsioti Of Emilie)* lashed.
.Canterbury 2
1,874 18,398 • Henry P. Gippe. batriatere • • lion. H. Butler JOhnstone.
Unseated; writ'auspendod, and a
• Coniniiseion:of Inquiry issued.
-Carlisle 2
1,134 26,310 • Sit James Graham, country gentle- man ; professional politician; is ' Fiest Lord of the Admiralty.
Joseph Ferguson, manufacturer.
-Chatham 1
Sir Frederick Smith, 1,371 28,424 . Unseated; new election; succeed- ed by
Captain L. V. Vernon, Royal En-
_ gmetrs. ,
Cheltenham 1
2,400 35,051 . Ifon. Craven Berkeley, brother of ' Earl Fitzhardinge.
Chester 2
2,524 27,766 Earl Grosvenor, shiest son of the
Marquis of Westminster,.
-Hon. W. 0. Stanley, brother of Lord Stanley of Alderley; railway di-
rector. •
Cheshire, lcorth 0
7,191 169,766 William Tattoo Egerton, country gentleman.
Geo. C.' Leg,n, 'country gentleman.
Chash1re,r8outh 2. -
8,117 178,959
rtiiliRitb M. G. Egerton, ,coein-
; try gentleman.
J. Tolismache, country gentleman.
Chichester 2 •
757 8,662 . John, Abel Smith, banker.
Lord G. C; Henry Gordon-Lennox, son of the Duke of Richmond.
300 6,283 Joseph Neeld, country gentleman.
H. G. Boldero, country gentleman
Christchurch 1
313 7A75 Rear-Admiral John E. Walcott, na- val officer.
Cirencester 2
431 6,095 Joseph It. Mulhngs, solicitor. lion. Ashley G. J. Ponsonby, son of
, Lord de Mauler.
Ctitheroe 1
443 11,479 Matthew Wilson junior.
Mr. Wilson unseated ; new elec- tion; succeeded by Mr. Aspi- nall, also unseated. New writ again issued, and Leg,endre N. Starkie returned.
Cochermouth 2
355 7,275 General H. Wyndham, soldier.
Henry A. Aglionby, barrister.
Colchester 2
1,258 19,443 W. W. Hawkins, country gentleman.
Lord John Manners, son of the Duke of Rutland ; was Lord Derby's First
Commissioner of Works.
Cornwall, East 2
5,694 130,256 Thomas J. A. Robattes, country gentleman.
N. Kendall, country gentleman.
Cornwall, West 2
4,649 165,167 Sir C. Lemon, country gentleman.
E. W. W.-Pendarves.
Mr. Pendarves died, and was suc- ceeded by
Michael Wildams, mining and rail- way proprietor.
No. of Electors.
Coventry 2 4,502 Edward Ellice, country gentleman ; held office under Earl Grey.
Charles Geach, banker at Coventry
Cricklade 2 1,647 35,503 John Neeld, country gentleman. A. L. Goddard, country gentleman.
Cumberland. East 2 5,353 76,699 Hon. C. W. G. Howard, brother of the Earl of Carlisle.
William Marshall, manufacturer.
Cumberland, West 2 4,141 lienry Lowther, country gentleman. Samuel lrton, country gentleman.
Dartmouth 1 302 Capt. Sir T. Herbert, naval officer.
Derby 2 2,448
Michael T. Bass, brewer.
T. B. Horsfall.
Mr. Horsfall was unseated, and the seat given to Lawrence Heyworth, merchant.
Derbyshire, North 2 5,315
Hon. G. H. Cavendish, brother of the Earl of Burlington. William Evans.
Mr. Evans vacated his seat, and was succeeded by
'W. P. Thornhill, country gentleman.
Derbyshire, South 2 7,099
C. R. Colvile, country gentleman. William Mundy, country gentleman.
Devizes 2
G. H. Walker Heneage, country gentleman. Capt. J. N. Gladstone, naval officer.
Devonshire, North 2 6,064
Sir T. D. Acland, country gentleman. Lewis W. Buck, country gentleman.
Devonshire, South 2 9,569
Sir .1. Y. Buller, country gentleman. Sir R. Lopes. country gentleman.
,Dorset shire 3 5,690 George Bankes, barrister ; profes- sional politician.
H. K. Seyiner, country gentleman. John Floyer, country gentleman.
.Dorchester 2
R. B. Sheridan, country gentleman Henry G. Sturt, country gentleman.
Dover 2 2,064 Viscount Chelsea, sou of the Earl of Cadogan.
Edward R. Rice, country gentleman.
Droitwich 1 307 Sir John Pakington. country gentle- man ; was Lord Derby's Colonial Secretary.
Dudley 1 912 John Benhow, solicitor.
Durham, North 2 6,631 H. D. Shafto, country genthunan. Visct. Seaham, son of the Marquis of Londonderry.
Durham, South 2 5,216 Lord Harry G. Vane, brother of the Duke of Cleveland.
James Farrer, country gentleman.
Durham 2 1,157
William Atherton, barrister.
Thomas C. Granger, barrister. 11r. Granger died, and was suc- ceeded by
Lord Adolphus Vane.
Lord Adolphus unseated ; new election ; succeeded by John R. Mowbray, barrister.
Essex, North 0 5,715
Sir John T. Tyrell, country gentle- man.
Major William Beresford, country gentleman ; was Lord Derby's Secretary-at-War.
Essex, South 2 5,819 Thomas W. Bramston, country gentleman.
Sir W. B. Smijth, country gentleman.
Eresham 2 319
Sir Henry P. Willoughby, country gentleman.
C. L. Grenville Berkeley, country gentleman ; is Secretary to the Poor-law Board.
Exeter 2 2,501
Sir John T. B. Duckworth, country gentleman.
Edward Divett, country gentleman
Eye 1 356
Sir Edward C. Kerrison, country gentleman.
Finsbury 0 ' 20,025
Alderman T. Challis, trailer. Thomas S. Duncombe, country gentleman.
Frome 1 Hon. Robert E. Boyle, son of the Earl of Cork.
[Unseated on the ground of hold- ing an office of profit, and re- elected.)
Gateshead 1
William Ilutt, country gentleman.
Gloucester 2 1,621 Rear-Admiral M. F. F. Berkeley, brotherof Earl Fitzhardinge; pro- fessional politician ; is a Lord of the Admiralty. William Philip Price, merchant at Gloucester. Devonport 2
Henry Tufnell, country gentleman ; professional politician ; held office under Lord John Russell. Lieut.-General Sir G. Berkeley ; soldier ; was Lord Derby's Sur- veyor-General of the Ordnance.
Hants, North 2 3,596 135,953 373 6,65i Chaernlettefahn '
Show Lefevre country
is Speaker of the House of Commons.
Melville Portal, barrister.
04 50,159 Hants, Soon 2 5,6'94 219,093
II. C. Compton, country gentleman. Lord W. II. 11.Chohnondeley, bro- ther of the Marquis of Cholmon- deity.
Harwich 2
D. Waddington, railway chairman C. M. W Peacocke. 1.59,759 Unseated for an illegal engage- ment to pay money, and was suc- ceeded by
217,884 John Bagshaw, merchant. Hastings o 1,090 17,011 P. F. Robertson, merchant.
133,017 51. Briars, country gentleman.
Helston 1 317 7,328 Sir R. It. V). ) an, country gentle- mau Hereford 2 1,013 12,113
432 6,394 Sir R. Price, country gentleman. H. H. Clifford, country gentleman.
Herefordshire 3 6,972 98,035 02,214 J. Kin, King, country gentleman. T. W. Booker, iron-master.
I Hon. C. S. Bateman Danbury, bro- ther of Lord Bateman.
7,006 Hertford 2 685 6,605 Hon. W. F. Cowper, brother of Earl Cowper ; professional politician; is a Lord of the Admiralty.
37,962 Thomas Chambers, barrister. Hertfordshire 3 5,268 133,393
T. P. Halsey, country gentleman.
Sir Henry NI ems , London brewer.
Sir E. LB. Lytton, country gentle-
man, poet, dramatist, novelist.
Hon iton 2 273 3,427 J. Locke, railway engineer.
Sir J. Weir Hogg, East India Co.
Horsham 1 350 5,917 W. It. S. Fitzgerald, barrister.
Huddersfield 1 1,364 30,880
W. It. C. Stansficld, Unseated ; new election; succeed- ed by 'Viscount Godmich, son of the Earl of Ripon.
165,1 irbfalm2 5,221 84,690 James Clay. 54 Lord Goderich, Unseated; writ suspended ; and Commission of Inquiry issued.
Huntingdon 2 390 6,291 Col. J. Peel, soldier ; was Surveyor-
173,995 General of the Ordnance under Sir Robert Peel.
Thomas Baring, merchant.
„ Huntingdonshire 2 2,852 57,964 4,60., E. Fellowes, country gentleman. Viscount :Mandeville, son of the Duke of Manchester.
Hythe 1 856 13,164 Edward Drake Brockman, barrister.
40,688 Ipswich 2 1,838 32,914 John Chevallier Cobbold, banker.
Ilugh E. Adair, country gentleman.
382 11,829
7,531 Kendal 1 George Carr Glyn, banker.
Kent, East 2 7,119 151,666 Sir E. C. Dering, country gentleman. 323,772 'William Deedes, country gentleman. Kent, Nest 2 9,379 231,711 Sir E. Filiner, country gentleman. W. M. Smith, country gentleman.
383 10,148 Kidderminster 1 495 18,462
R. Lowe, barrister; is joint Secre- tary of Board of Control.
Knaresborough 2 242 5,536 John Dent Dent, barrister.
Basil Thomas Woodd, barrister.
711 25,568 Lancaster 2 1,393 16,168
S. Gregson, East India and China 17,572 merchant.
Robert Baynes Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong unseated for bri- bery and treating by agents, succeeded by T. Greene, barrister; was Chairman of Committees of whole House. Popn- No. of tenon. Electors.
36,812 Gloucestershire, East 9 7,936
Sir William C. Codrington, country gentleman.
Marquis of Worcester.
Became a Peer by the death of his father, the Duke of Beaufort. Seat vacant.
Gloucestershire, West 2 8,635 138,159
R. N. F. Kingscote, country gentle- man.
Robert B. Hale, country gentleman 66,292 Grantham 2 774 10,873
Sir G. E. Welby, country gentleman Lord Montagu W. Graham, bro- 4,508 ther of the Duke of Montrose.
Greenwich 2 6,303 105,784
40,609 Peter Bolt, railway contractor. Montagu Chambers, barrister.
Grimsby. Great 1 861 12,263
Earl Annesley, Irish Peer.
Guildford 648 6,740
130,067 Ross Donnelly Mangles, East India Company Director.
, James Bell, architect.
lIabfax 2 1,200 33,582 Sir Charles Wood, country Fentle- man ; professional politician ; is President of the Board of Control.
125,408 Frank Crossley, manufacturer.
118,907 136,966 13,188 272 4,451 99,784 Popu- No. of Popu- lation. Electors. tenon.
Lancashire, North 2 12,297 316,801
J. W. Patten, country gentleman; was Chairman of Committees of whole House.
James Heywood, barrister.
Lancashire, South 2 21,196 500,711 Win. Brown. American merchant. John Cheetbam, merchant and ma- nufacturer. • Lambeth 2 18,131 251,345
W. A. Wilkinson, stockbroker.
William Williams, retired merchant
Launceston 1 361 .6,005
Hon. J. W. Percy, son of the Earl of Beverley.
Leeds 2 13,406 172,270
Sir George Goodman, woolstapler.
31. T. Baines, barrister; professional politician; is President of the Poor-law Board.
Leicester 2 3,853 60,584 Sir Joshua Walmsley, retired mer-
Richard Gardner, merchant.
Leicestershire. North 2 4,097 91,308
E. B. Farnham, country gentleman. Marquis of Granby, son of the Duke of Rutland.
Leicestershire, South 2 5,131 78,416 Sir If. Ilalford, country gentleman C. W. Packe, country gentleman.
Leominster 2 551 5,214
George Arkwright, barrister. John George Phillimore, barrister
Lewes 2 713 9,533
Hon. H. Fitzroy, brother of Lord Southampton ; professional politi- Helen; is Under-Secretary for the Home Department.
Hon. H. Brand, country gentleman.
Lichfield 2 836 6,573
Viscount Anson, son of the Earl of Lichfield.
Lord A. II. Paget, son of the Mar- quis of Anglesey; Equerry and Clerk Marshal to the Queen.
Lincobi 2 1,363 17,536
Col. Sibthorp, country gentleman ; Lieut.-Colonel of Militia.
G. F. Heneage, country gentleman.
Lincolnshire. North 2 11,677 192,074
R. A. Christopher, country gentle- man ; was Lord Derby's Chancel- lor of the Duchy of Lancaster. J. B. Stanhope, country gentleman.
Lincolnshire, South 2 8,551 149,626
Lord Burg,hley, eldest son of the Marquis of Exeter.
Sir J. Trollope, country gentleman; was I.ord Derby's President of the Poor-law Board.
Liverpool 2
Charles Turner. William F. Mackenzie. Unseated ; new election ; ceedcd by T. B. Horsfall, merchant.
Hon. Henry T. Liddell, eldest of Lord Havensworth.
Liskeard 1 34; 6,201
Richard B. Crowder, barrister.
London 4 20,728 127,869 John Masterman, banker.
Lord John Russell, brother of the Duke of Bedford ; professional politician ; is leader of the House of Commons.
Sir James Duke, retired merchant. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, loan- contractor.
Ludlow 2 Robert Clive, country gentleman. Lord William J. F. Powlett, brother of the Duke of Cleveland.
Lyme Regis 1 309 3,516
Wm. Pinney, country gentleman.
Lmnington 2
Sir J. It. Carnac, country gentleman E. J. Hutchins, country gentleman
Lynn Regis 2
Viscount Jocelyn, son of the Earl of Roden.
Lord Stanley, son of the Earl of Derby.
Macclesfield 2 1,058 39,048 John Brocklehurst, manufacturer and banker.
Edward C. Egerton, barrister.
Maidstone 2 1,751 20,801
Jas. Whatman, country gentleman George Dodd. Mr. Dodd unseated ; new election; succeeded by William Lee, merchant
Malden 2
Charles Du Cane. Tavener John Miller.
Unseated; writ suspended, and Commission of Inquiry issued
Malmesbury 1 309 6,993 T. Luce, banker at Malmesbury.
Ma/ton 2
Hon. Charles W. W. Fitzwilliam, son of Earl Fitzwilliam.
J. E. Denison, country gentleman Manchester 2 13,921 316,213 Thomas Milner Gibson, country gen- tleman; professional politician' was Vice-President of the Board of Trade under Lord John Russell. John Bright, cotton-spinner and ma- nufacturer; professional politician.
1,176 19,355 Son 17,433 376,065 450 5,376 845 5,883 338 5,282
539 7.661
No. of l'opu- Electors. lotion.
Marlborough 2 271 5,135
Lord Ernest Bruce, son of the Mar- quis of Ailesbury; is Vice-Cham- berlain to the Queen.
Henry B. Baring, country gentle- man; was a Lord of the Treasury
under Sir Robert Peel.
Marlow, Great 2 354 6,523 Thomas Peers Williams, country
Lieut.-Col. B. W. Knox, soldier.
Marylebone 2 19,710 370,957 Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart, coun- try gentleman.
Sir Benj. Hall, country gentleman
Middlesex 2 14,610 283,256
Lord Robert Grosvenor, brother of the Marquis of Westminster; has held office in the Household.
Ralph Bernal. Osborne, country gen- tleman; is Secretary to the Ad- miralty.
.11Idhurst 1 279 7,021 Spencer Horatio Walpole, barrister; was Lord Derby's llonse Secretary.
Monmouth District 1 1,676 26,512 Crashaw Bailey, iron-master.
Monmouthshire 2 4,973 130,906 Charles 0. S. Morgan, country gen- tleman.
Capt. Edward A. Somerset, soldier.
Morpeth 1 415 10,012
Hon. Edward George Howard.
Vacated his seat, and was suc- ceeded by Sir G. Grey, barrister ; professional politician.
Newark 2 867 11,330
G. E. H. Vernon, country gentle- man; has been private secretary to several Ministers.
J. H. H. Sutton, country gentleman.
„iVelccastle-on- Tyne 2 5,239 87,781 J. F. B. Blackett, country gentle- man; political writer.
Thomas E. Headlam, barrister.
Newcastle-under-Lyme 2 1,090 10,569
William Jackson, railway director Samuel Christy, manufacturer.
Newport, Isle of Wight 2 707 8,047 W. Biggs. Alderman of Leicester. William N. Massey, barrister.
Norfolk, Bast 2 8,216 155,230 Henry Negus Burroughes, country gentleman.
E. Wodejlouse, country gentleman.
Norfolk, Irest 2 7,827 168,979
William Bagge, country gentleman G. W. P. Bentinck, country gentle- man.
Northallerton 1 281 4,995 W. B. Wrightson, country gentle- man.
Northampton 2 2,263 26,637 It. Vernon Smith, country gentle- man; professional politician.
Raikes Currie, banker.
Northamptonshire. North 2 3,900 89,528
A. Stafford, country gentleman ; was Lard Derby's Secretary to the Admiralty. T. P. Nlaunsell, country gentleman.
Northamptonshire, South 2 4,568 88,413 Capt. R. H. Ii. Vyse, soldier.
11. Knightly, country gentleman.
Northumberland, North 2 3,111 66,819
Lord Losaine, son of the Earl of Beverley. Lord Ossulston, son of the Earl of Tankerville.
Northumberland, South 8 5,369 94,689 W. B. Beaumont, country gentleman.
H. G. Liddell, country gentleman.
Norwich 2 5,390 68,195 S. M. Peto, railway contractor. Edward Warner, barrister.
Nottingham 2 5,260 57,407
Edward Strutt, country gentleman; professional politician; is Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
John Walter, barrister.
Nn'tinghamshire. North 2 3,996 86,599 Lord Henry W. S. Bentinck, son of the Duke of Portland.
Lord Robert R. Pelham Clinton, brother of the Duke of Newcastle
Nottinghamshire, South 2 3,801 69,037 W. H. Barrow, retired attorney.
Viscount Newark, eldest son of Earl Manvers.
Oldham 2 1,890 72,357
John Morgan Cobbett, barrister ; son of William Cobbett.
John Duneuft.
Mr. Durenift died, and was suc- ceeded by William J. Fox, political writer.
Oxfordshire 3 5,198 125,216 Joseph Warner Henley, country
gentleman ; was Lord Derby's President of the Board of Trade. John S. Nerth, country gentleman. G. G. V. Harcourt, country gentle- man.
Oxford University 2 3,474 Sir Robert H. Inglis, barrister. William E. Gladstone, ecclesiastical
author ; professional politician ; is Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Oxford City 2 2,818 27,943
J. 11. Langston, country gentleman Sir William Page Wood. Sir William became Vice-Chan- cellor. and was succeeded by Edward Cardw 11, barrister ; pro- fessional politician ; is President of the Board of Trade. No. of Pops- Electors. rattan.
Penryn and Falmouth 2 907 13,292 Howe! Gwyn, country gentleman. James W. Freslitield, barrister.
Peterborough 2 518 8,672
lion. G. W. Fitzwilliam, country gentleman.
Hon. It. Watson.
3Ir. Watson died and was suc- ceeded by G. H. Whalley, barrister.
Unseated for treating by himself, and again reflected ; but un- seated a second time, and seat given to Thomson Hankey, banker.
Petersfuld 1 353 5,550
Sir W. G. II. Jolliffe, country gentleman.
Plymouth 2 2,482 52,221
Robert P. Collier, barrister. Charles John Mare.
Mr. Mare was unseated ; new election ; succeeded by Rout:dell Palmer, barrister.
Pontefract 2 684 11,515
R. aionckten Milues, country gentleman; author of" Memorials of Travel," 3:.c.
Benjamin Oliveira, Railway Director and member of several Companies.
Poole 2 508 9,255
Henry Hanby Seymour, country gentleman.
G.W. Frankly n, merchant at Bristol.
Portsmouth 2 3,332 72,096 Sir Francis T. Baring, barrister ;
profession ml politician. Visct. Mond:, Irish Peer.
Preslon 2 2,854 69,542
R. T. Parker, country gentleman. Sir George Strickland, barrister.
Reading 2 1,399 21,456
Francis Pigot, country gentleman Henry S. Heating, barrister.
_Reigate 1 228 4,927
Thomas Somers Cocks, banker.
Belford. East 2 2,710 46,054
lion. W. E. Duncombe, son of Lord Feversham.
Visct. Galway, Irish Peer.
Richmond, Yorkshire 2 243 4,969
Henry Rich, country gentleman ; was a Lord of the Treasury under Lord John Russell.
31. Wyvill jun., country gentleman
Ripon 2 353 6,080
William Beckett, banker.
lion. Edwin Lascellee, brother of the Earl of Harewood.
Rochdale 1 1,160 29,195
Edward Miall, political writer.
Rochester 2 1,269 14,938
Hon. F. Villiers, son of Earl Jersey. Sir T. H. Maddock, country gentle- man.
Rye 1 562 8,541
W. A. Mackinnon jun.
Unseated for treating by agents, and sueceeded by his father, W. A. Mackinnon; author of a
" History of Civilization," Ste.
Butlandshire 2 1,876 22,983
Sir G. J. Heathcote, country gen- tleman.
Hon. G. J. Noel, son of the Earl of Gainsborough.
St. Ives 1 578 9,872 Capt. R. Laffan, Royal Engineers.
Salisbury 2 680 11,657
1.V. J. Chaplin, railway director. Charles Baring Wall.
Mr. Wall died, and was succeeded by General Buckley.
Salford 1 2,950 85,108 J. Brotherton, retired manufacturer.
Sandwich 2 960 12,710
Lord C. P. Pelham-Clinton, brother of the Duke of Newcastle.
James Si•Gregor, railway chairman
Scarborough 2 895 12,915
Sir John V. B. Johnstone, country gentleman.
Earl of Mulgrave, son of the Mar- (leis of Normanby; is Treasurer of the Household.
Shaftesbu, y 1 509 9,404
lion. W. H. B. Portman, son of Lord Portman.
Sheffield 2 5,322 135,310 John Arthur Rosbuck, barrister.
0. Had field , solicitor at Manchester South Shields I 925 28,974
Robert Ingham, barrister.
Shoreham 2 1,865 30,553
Sir Chas. M. Burrell, country gen- tleman.
Lord A. F. C. Gordon-Lennox, son of the Duke of Richmond.
Shrewsbury 2 1,666 19,681 Geo. Torilline, country gentleman.
E. H. Baldock, country gentleman
Shropshire, North 2 4,685 108,481
Win. 0 Gore, country gentleman. John W. Dod, country gentleman.
Shropshire, South 2 9,571 67,688
Hon. R. Henry Clive, country gen- tleman.
Viscount Newport, son of the Earl of Braaford.
Somersetshire, West 2 8,210 160,512
C. A. Moody, country gentleman. W. H. P. (lore Langton, country gentleman.
No it Pupa-
Somersetshire, Bast 2 10,141 172,159
William Shileo. country gentleman W. F. Kuatclibull, country gentle- man.
Southampton, 2 2,419 35,305
B. SPGIrie Willcox, shipowner.
Sir A. J. E. Cockburn, barrister ; professional politician ; is Attor- ney-General.
Southwark 2 9,453 172,863
Sir Wm. 51olesworth. country gen- tleman, political and philosophical writer; is First Commissioner of Works.
Apsley Pellatt, glass-manufacturer
Sfrebrd 2 1,246 11,829 John A. Wise, country gentleman. A. J. Otway, country gentleman.
Stafibrdshire, North 2 9,516 139,038
C. B. Adderley, country gentleman Smith Child, country gentleman.
Staffi.rdshire, South 0 10,116 200,30.5
lion. Gen. G. Anson.
Gen. Anson vacated his seat, and was succeeded by the Hon. Edward R. Lyttelton, son of Lord Hatherton.
Lord Lewisham.
Lord Lewisham having succeeded his father the Earl of Dart- mouth, a vacancy has been occasioned.
Stamford 2 560 8,933
Sir F. Thesiger, barrister ; profes- sional politician; was Lord Der- by's Attorney-General.
John C. [ferries, Lord Derby's Se-
cretary of the Board of Control.
Mr. Hurries vacated his seat, arid
was succeeded by
Lord It. G. Cecil, son of the Mar- quis of Salisbury.
Stockport 2 1,341 53,S33
James Kershaw, merchant at Man- chester.
John B. Smith, retired merchant.
Stoke-upon-Trent 0
John L. Ricardo, merchant; rail- way chairman. Hon. E. F. Levcson-Gower, brother of Earl Granville,
Stroud 2 1,328 36,535
G. P. Scrope, country gentleman. Lord Moreton.
Lord Moreton, on the death of his father the Earl of Ducie, became a Peer ; and was succeeded by Edward Horsman, advocate.
Suffidk, East 2 6,343 148,480
Sir F. Kelly, barrister ; professional politirion ; was Lord Derby's Soli- citor-General, Sir E. S. Gooch, country gentleman.
Suffilk, West 2 4,379 130,391
H. S. Waddington, country gentle- man.
P. Bennet jun. country gentleman
Sunderfand 2 1973 67,394
G. Hartsell, railway chairman. W. Digby Seymour, barrister.
Surrey. East 2 Thomas Aleock, country gentleman. Hon. P. J. L. King, brother of the Earl of Lovelace.
Surrey, West 2 3,897 96,116
W. J. Evelyn, country gentleman. Henry Drummond, banker.
Sussex, East 2 5,298 120,629
A. E. Fuller, country gentleman.
C. H. Frewen, country gentleman.
Sussex. West 2 3,257 56,526
Earl of March, son of Duke of Rich- mond Richard Prime, barrister.
Tamworth 2 Sir R. l'eel, country gentleman. Capt. John Townshend, naval of- ficer- Taunton 2 799
H. Labouchere, country gentleman; professional politician; was Lord John Russell's President of the Board of Trade.
Arthur Mills.
Mr. Mills was unseated; new elec- tion, and was succeeded by Sir W. J. Ramsden, country gentle- man
Tan stock 2 349 8,036
Hon. G. IL C. Byng, son of Vis- count Enfield.
Samuel Carter, Mr. Carter's qualification was de- fective, and the seat was given to Robert Phillimore, barrister.
Tewkesbury 2 370 5,878
H. Brown, silk-manufacturer. John Martin, London banker.
Thetford 2 200 4,075
Earl of Euston, son of the Duke of Grafton.
Hon. F. Baring, brother of Lord Ashburton.
Thirds 1 357 5,319 Sir W. P. Gallwey, country gentle- man.
Merton 2 461 11,144
John Heathcoat, lace-manufacturer Viscount Palmerston, Irish Peer ; professional politician ; is Homo Secretary. 1,778 81,027 6,618 147,017 382 8,633 No. of Popu- Electors. lotion.
Rower Hamlets 2 23,534 539,111
Sir William Clay, retired merchant C. S. Butler, country gentleman.
75wro 2 607 10,733 H. H. Vivian, country gentleman. John Ennis Vivian, barrister.
Triemouth 1 883 29,170
Hugh Taylor junior. Mr. Taylor was unseated; writ suspended; and Commission of Inquiry issued.
WakefieJd 1 850 22,037 George Sandars, country gentleman.
Walling ford I 428 8,061 Richard Mains, barrister.
Walsall 1 1,026 25,680 Charles Forster, barrister.
Wareham 1 418 7,218 J. S. W. S. Erie Drax, country gen- tleman.
Warrington 1 701 23,363 Gilbert Greenall, country gentleman Warwick 2 723 10,973 George W. J. Repton, country gen-
E. Greaves, banker at Warwick.
Warwickshire, North 2 7,002 101,461 Charles N. Newdeg,ate, country gen-
Richard Spooner, banker.
Warwickshire. South 2 3,980 88,776
Lord Guernsey, eldest son of the Earl of Aylesford.
Lord Brooke.
Lord Brooke, by the death of his father, the Earl of Warwick, be- came a Peer; and was succeeded by E. P. Shirley, country gentleman.
Wells 2 325 4,736
R. C. Tudway, country gentleman W. G. Hayter. barrister and profes- sional politician ; is joint Secre- tary of the Treasury.
Wenlock 2 • 905 20,588
Lieut.-Col. G. C. W. Forester, bro- ther of Lord Forester.
H. Gaskell, country gentleman.
Westbury 1 - 314 7,029
Jas. Wilson, writer on finance; pro- fessional politician; isjointSecre- tory of the Treasury.
Westminster 2 14,883 241,611
Sir John Shelley, country gentleman Sir De Lacy Evans, soldier.
Westmoreland 2 4,062 46,458
Hon. H. C. Lowther, brother of the Earl of Lonsdale.
Alderman Thompson, iron-master and banker.
Weymouth 2 679 9,458 George H. Butt, barrister. Col. W. L. Freestun, soldier.
Whitehaven 1 535 18,916 Robert C. Hildyard, barrister.
Whitby 1 454 10,989
R. Stephenson, railway engineer.
Wigan 2 718 31,941 Ralph A. Thicknesse, country gen- tleman.
Hon. Col. 7. Lindsay, son of the Earl of Crawford.
ff'llite, Isle of 1 1,665 50,324 Col. F. V. Harcourt, soldier.
Wilton 1 219 8,607 Charles Henry W. A'Court, country gentleman.
Wilts, North 2 4,955 86,024 Walter Long, country gentleman. Thomas H. S. Sotheron, country gentleman.
Wilts. South 2 3,256 73,613
S. Herbert, country gentleman ; pro- fessional politician ; is Secretary- at-War.
W. Wyndham, country gentleman.
Winchester 2 788 13,704 J. B. Carter, country gentleman. Sin. Buller East, barrister.
Windsor 2 712 9,596 Lord C. Wellesley, brother of the Duke of Wellington.
C. W. Grenfell, country gentleman
Wolverhampton 2 3,587 119,748 Hon. Charles P. Villiers, brother of the Earl of Clarendon ; is Judge Advocate.
Thomas Thornley, retired merchant
Woodstock 1 347 7,983 Marquis of Blandford, son of the Duke of Marlborough.
Worcester 2 2,290 27,528 William Laslett, barrister.
Osman Ricardo, country gentleman.
Worcestershire, East 2 6,515 112,845 Capt. George Rushout, soldier. 3. H. H. Foley, country gentleman.
Worcestershire. West 2 4,135 61,110
F. W. Knight, country gentleman. Hon H. B. Lygon. Mr. Lygon having become a Peer, was succeeded by his son, Viscount Elmley.
Wycombe 2 346 7,179
Sir George H. Dashwood, country gentleman. if Martin Tucker Smith, East India Director.
Yarmouth 2 1,249 30,879 Sir E. Lacon, country gentleman.
C. E. Rumbold, country gentleman
York 2 4,133 40,359
John G. Smyth, country gentleman. W. H. E. Milner, country gentleman. No. of Pops- Electors. lotion.
Yorkshire, East 2 7,538 123,920
Lord Hotham, Irish Peer Hon. Arthur Duncombe, brother of Lord Feversham; is a Lord of the Admiralty.
Yorkshire, North 2 11,319 176,224 E. S. Cayley, country gentleman.
Hon. Octavius Duncombe, brother of Lord Fevershani.
Yorkshire, West 2 37,319 791,888
It. Cobden, retired cotton-printer; professional politician.
Edmund Becket Denison, banker and railway chairman.
Anglesea 1 2,577 44,575
Sir Richard B. W. Bulkeley, country gentleman.
Beaumaris District 1 459 12,752 Lord George A. F. Paget, son of the Marquis of Anglesey.
Brecknock 1 336 6,670 Charles R. Morgan.
Brecknockshire 1 2,779 53,167 Sir Joseph Bailey, won-master.
Cardiff District 1 968 20,424 Walter Coffin, merchant.
Cardigan District 1 849 11,760
Pryse Loveden, country gentleman
Cardiganshire 1 2,235 60,951 William Edward Powell, Lord-Lieu- tenant of the county.
Carmarthen District 1 819 19,231 David Morris, banker.
Carniarthenshire 2 4,791 90,315 David A. S. Davies, barrister. David Jones, country gentleman.
Carnarvon District 1 861 22,210
William Bulkeley Hughes, hamster
Carnarconshire 1 1,913 65,660 Hon. E. G. Douglas Pennant, bro- ther of the Earl of Morton.
Denbigh District, 1 858 16,614 Frederick Richard West, country gentleman.
Denbighshire 2 3,901 75,969
Sir Watkin W. Wynn, country gentleman. R. Middleton Biddulph, Lord-Lieu- tenant of the county.
Flint District 1 817 18,814
Sir J. Hanmer, country gentleman
Flintshire 1 2,912 49,342 lion. E. H. L. Mostyn, eldest son of Lord Mostyn.
Glamorganshire 2 6,424 105,459 Christopher R. 81. Talbot, Lord-
Lieutenant of the county.
Sir George Tyler, naval officer.
Ifaverfordwest District 1 682 9,729
J. H. Philipps, country gentleman
Merionethshire 1 1,056 38,843 W. Watkin E. Wynne, country gen- tleman.
iferthyr Tydvil 1 938 63,080 Sir Josiah Guest.
Sir Josiah died, and was succeeded by Henry Austin Bruce, barrister.
Montgomery District 1 1,003 17,942
David Pugh, country gentleman.
Montgomeryshire 1 2,986 49,448 Herbert W. W. Wynn, country gen- tleman.
Pembroke District 1 9,51 16,700 Sir John Owen, Lord-Lieutenant of the county.
Pembrokeshire 1 3,132 66,876 Viscount Emlyn, son of the Earl of Cawdor.
Radnor District 1 434 6,633 Sir T. F. Lewis, country gentleman.
Radnorshire 1 1,802 18,112 Sir J. B. Walsh, Lord-Lieutenant of the county.
Swansea District 1 1,694 45,123 J. H. Vivian, country gentleman.
Aberdeenshire 1 4,022 130,021
Rear-Admiral Hon. William Gor- don, brother of Lord Aberdeen.
Aberdeen 1 4,517 71,973
George Thomson junior, merchant and shipowner.
Argyllshire 1 2,156 79,612
Sir A. Campbell, country gentleman
Ayr District 1 1,039 34,844
Edward H. J. Craufurd, barrister.
Ayrshire 1 3,823 143,257
Colonel James H. Blair, soldier.
Banffshire 1 813 46,474
James Duff, country gentleman.
Berwickshire 1 1,073 35,192
Hon. Francis Scott, brother of Lord Polworth.
Buteshire 1 491 16,608 Hon. J. A. Stuart Wortley, brother of Lord Wharncliffe ; Recorder of London.
Caithness-shire 1 642 31,987
G. Traill, country gentleman.
C:ackmannanshire and Kinross-shire 1 1,653 31,875 , James Johnstone, advocate ; rail- way director. an.
Dumbartonshire 1 1,314 39,658
Alex. Smollett, country gentleman
Dumfriesshire 1 2,520 61,871
Viscount Drumlanrig, eldest son of the Marquis of Queensberry; is Comptroller of the Household.
No. of Yopu- Electors. lotion.
Darter:es District 1 881 22,752 William Ewart, barrister.
Dundee 1 3,190 78,931
George Duncan, retired merchant.
.Edinburgh 2 6,230 160,302
Thomas B. Macaulay. barrister ; es- sayist; poet ; historian ; pro- fessional politician ; not in office. Charles Cowan, paper-maker.
Edinburghshire 1 2,017 57,625
Sir John Hope.
Sir John died, and was succeeded by the Earl of Dalkeith, son of the Duke of Buccleuch.
Elgin District 1 983 24,072
George S. Duff, country gentleman
Elgin and Nairnshire 1 683 36,133
C. L. C. Bruce, country gentleman
Falkirk District 1 1,905 42,038
James Baird, iron-master.
Fifes/sire 1 3,211 98,172
John Fergus. merchant at Kirkaldy
Forfarshire 1 2,873 64,161 Hon. Lauderdale Maule, brother of Lord Panmure; is Surveyor-Gene- ral of the Ordnance.
Glasgow 2 15,502 329,097
A. Hastie, merchant at Glasgow. John Macgregor, statist ; writer on commercial history.
Greenock 1 1,164 36,689
Alexander M. Dunlop, advocate.
Haddington District 1 642 12,504
Sir H. Ferguson Davie, soldier.
Haddingtonshire 1 716 28,602
Lord Elcho, son of the Earl of Wemyss; is a Lord of the Trea- sury.
Inverness District 1 825 20,386 Alexander Matheson, London mer- chant; Director of the Bank of England.
Inverness-shire 1 908 83,707
Henry James Baillie, country gen- tleman; was joint Secretary to the Board of Control under Lord Derby.
Silmarnack District 1 1,380 43,365
Hon. E. Pleydell Bouverie, son of the Earl of Radnor ; is Chairman of Committees of the whole House
Kincardineshire 1 951. 33,681
Hon. Lieut.-Gen. H. Arbuthnott, brother of Lord Arhuthnott.
Kirkaldy District 1 ',136 22,808
Colonel Robert Ferguson, soldier.
Kirkcudbrightshire 1 1,326 36,171
John Mackie, country gentleman.
Lanarkshire 1 3,471 167,506
W. Lockhart, country gentleman.
Leith District 1 2,027 41,508
James Moncreiff, advocate; profes- sional politician ; is Lord Advo- cate.
Linlithgowshire 1 502 24,727 G. Dundas, country gentleman.
Montrose District 1 1,586 49,106
Joseph Hume ; professional politi- cian ; was several years in India employed as surgeon, interpreter, paymaster, postmaster; proprietor of East India Stock.
Orkney and Shetland 1 418 59,032
F. Dundas, country gentleman.
Paisley 1 1,342 47,920
Archibald Hastie, East India agent
Peeblesshire 1 542 10,733 Sir G. G. Montgomery, country gen- tleman.
Perth 1 1,031 23,708
lion. Arthur F. Kinnaird, brother of Lord Kinnaird; banker in London'.
Perthshire 1 .. 4,933 114,220 Wm. Stirling, country gentleman; historian.
Renfrewshire 1 2,450 64,466
William Metre, country gentleman ; classical author.
Ross and Cromarty 1 832 75,532 Sir James Matheson, retired East India merchant.
Rozburghshire 1 2,001 48,027
Hon. J. Edmund Elliot, brother of the Earl of Minto ; was in the East India Company's Service.
St. Andrew's District 1 .... 680 16,878
Edward Ellice jun., country gentle- man.
Selkirk-shire 1 497 9,809 Allan E. Lockhart, advocate.
Stirling District 1 1,097 35,325 Sir James Anderson, merchant and manufacturer at Glasgow.
Stirlingshire 1. 2,431 64,618
W. Forbes, country gentleman.
Sutherlandshire 1 207 25,194
Marquis of Stafford, eldest son of the Duke of Sutherland.
Wick District 1 699 16,799
Samuel Laing, barrister; chairman of the Crystal Palace Company.
Wigton District 1 400 9,958
Sir John 51•Taggart, country gen- tleman.
Wigtonshire 1 1,272 33,478 Viscount Dalrymple, eldest Lou of the Earl of Stair.
Antrim County 2 827 131,643
Ed. W. Pakcnham, soldier.
G. Meow tney, country gentleman.
Armagh aunty 2 Sir Wm. Verner, soldier. James AL Caulfeild, country gentle- man ; Lord-Lieutenant of the county.
Armagls 1 Ross S. Moore, barrister.
Ai'Mone 1 William Keogh, barrister; Solicitor- General for Ireland.
Bandon 1 Viscount Bernard, eldest son of the Earl of Bandon.
Belfast 2 Richard Davison, solicitor at Bel- fast.
Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, barrister Carlow County 2 John Ball, barrister.
Henry Bruen. Colonel Bruen died, and was suc- ceeded by W. B. McChntock Bunbury, naval officer.
Carlow 1 John Sadleir.
Mr. Sadleir baying become one of Lord Aberdeen's Lords of the Treasury, asked for reflection, but was defeated by John Alexander, country gentleman.
Carrickfergus 1 Hon. W. H. Stapleton Cotton, son Hon. James Pierce Maxwell, bro- ther of Lord Farnham.
Sir John Young, country gentleman ; professional politician ; is Chief Secretary for Ireland.
are County 2 Sir J. Forster Fitzgerald, soldier. Cornelius O'Brien, solicitor.
Both Members unseated, but after- wards reflected.
lomnel 1 Hon. Cecil!. Lawless.
Succeeded to the Peerage, as Lord Cloncurry; and the vacancy sup- plied by John O'Connell, barrister.
leraine 1 Lord Naas, son of the Earl of Mayo ; of Viscount Combermere ; is Se- cretary to the Master-General of the Ordnance.
het 1 Sir Timothy O'Brien, merchant and Edmund Burke Roche, country gen- tleman.
Vincent Scully, barrister.
rk 2 W. Trent Fagan, merchant at Cork. Francis Stack Murphy.
Mr. Murphy having become a T. Conolly, country gentleman. Secretary for Ireland under Lord Derby.
rIc County 2 banker of Dublin ran County 2
Commissioner of -Bankruptcy, was succeeded by
ncis B. Beamish.
Regal County 2 'r E. S. Hayes, country gentleman in County 2 rd Arthur E. Hill, brother of the Marquis of Dowushire. . S. Kerr, country gentleman.
on. Charles S. Hardinge, son of Viscount Hardinge.
ogheda 1 ames McCann, merchant.
blin County 2 icnpatrielt 1 • II. Hamilton, country gentleman.
ohn Vance, merchant.
(in University 2 eorge A. Hamilton, country gen- tleman; was a Secretary to the Treasury under Lord Derby. • E. Taylor, country gentleman. lin 2 dward Grogan, barrister.
oseph Napier, barrister ; was At- torney-General for Ireland under Lord Derby. No. of Electors.
4,341 318 181 209 2,697 2,090 237 720 111 3,850 2,581 379 222 19,192 3,039 3,748 10,028 236 501 4,864 11,200 1,780
Popu- lotion
174,884 10 245 6,393 8,275 99,660 57,748 10,409 8,488 5,558 174,303 203,402 13,505 6,255 433,891 86,485 254,288 313,765 4,013 16,876 147,506 254,850 _Dundalk 1 George Bowyer, barrister.
Dungannon 1 Hon. W. Stuart Knox, son of the Earl of Ranfurly.
Dungarran 1 John F. Maguire, barrister.
Ennis 1 John D. Fitzgerald, barrister.
Enniskillen 1 James Whiteside, barrister ; was Solicitor-General for Ireland under Lord Derby.
Fernianagh County 2 Mervyn E. Archdall, country gen- tleman.
Sir A. B. Brooke, country gentle- man.
Galway County 2 Sir 1'. J. Burke, country gentleman Thomas Bellew, country gentleman Galway 2 A. O'Flaherty, country gentleman. M. J. Blake, country gentleman.
Kerry County 2 H. A. Herbert, country gentleman Viscount Castlerosse, son of the Earl of Kenmore.
Kildare County 2 W. H. F. Cogan, barrister.
D. O'Connor Ilenchy, barrister.
Kilkenny County 2 William Mee, barrister.
John Greene, country gentleman.
Kilkenny 1 Michael Sullivan, merchant.
King's County 2 Patrick O'Brien, barrister. Loftus IL Bland, barrister.
Kinsale 1 J. I. Heard, country gentleman.
Leitrim County 2 Hugh Lyon Montgomery, country gentleman.
John Brady, surgeon.
Limerick County 2 William Monsell, country gentle- man; Clerk of the Ordnance. Wyndham Goold, barrister.
Limerick 2 Robert Potter, attorney in Dublin.
F. W. Russell, merchant at Lime- rick.
Lisburn 1 Sir J. Emerson Tennent.
Having become joint Secretary of the Board of Trade, was suc- ceeded by Roger J. Smyth, country gentleman. Mr. Smyth died, and was suc- ceeded by Jonathan Richardson, merchant.
Londonderry County 2 T. Bateson' country gentleman. Captain T. Jones, naval officer.
Londonderry 1 Sir Robert Ferguson, country gen- tleman; Lord-Lieutenant of the county..
Longford County 2 R. M. Fox, country gentleman.
F. S. Greville, country gentleman.
Louth County 2 C. S. Fortescue, country gentleman T. Kennedy, barrister.
Mallow 1
Sir C. D. 0. J Norreys, country gen- tleman.
Mayo Cosenty 2 G. H. Moore, country gentleman.
G. G. 0. Higgins, country gentleman Meath County 2 Frederick Lucas, barrister; news- paper editor.
EL E. Corbally, country gentleman Monaghan County 2 C. P. Leslie, country gentleman.
Sir G. Forster, country gentleman New Ross 1 Charles Govan Duffy, barrister ; newspaper editor.
Neivry 1 W. Kirk, merchant and binder.
No. of Electors.
267 158 314 143 172 3,497 3,491 1,038 5,222 2,774 5,036 604 2,397 139 1,265 5,079 1,144 188 4,305 724 2,321 2,078 143 1,395 4,218 4,119 171 517
Popu- lation.
10,782 3,801 1,858 9,318 5,686 110,292 273,432 24,697 2,878 96,627 119,651 20,283 112,875 5,711 111,808 149,351 52,268 7,524 170,203 15,196 83,198 63,387 6,851 274,716 139,706 143,410 7,543 11,921
No. of Popu.
Electors. lotion
Portarlington 1 71 9,000 Lieut.-Colonel F. Dunne, soldier ; was Clerk of the Ordnance under Lord Derby.
Queen's County 2 2,727 106,747 31. Dunne, country gentleman.
Sir Charles H. Coote, country gentle- man; Premier Baronet of Ireland Roscommon County 2 2,236 173,798 Fitzstephen French, brother of Lord de Freyne.
0. D. J. Grace, country gentleman.
Sligo C.Ainty 2 , 2,105 116,497 Sir R. G. Booth, country gentleman R. Swift, leather merchant in Lon- don.
Sligo 1 336 12,272 Charles Towneley.
Having been unseated, was suc- ceeded by John Sadleir, solicitor, and chairman of the London and County Bank; a Lord of the Treasury.
Tipperary County 2 6,760 304,766 Francis Scully, barrister.
James Sadleir, country gentleman.
Tralee 1 228 11,363 Maurice O'Connell.
Mr. O'Connell died, and was suc- ceeded by Daniel O'Connell, youngest son of the late Daniel O'ConnelL Tyrone County 2 5,692 248,064 H. T. L. Corry, country gentleman ; professional politician.
Lord Claude Hamilton, country gen- tleman; son of the late Viscount Hamilton.
Waterford County 2 3,248 107,311 N. M. Power, country gentleman. John Esmonde, barrister.
Waterford City 2 1,135 26,667 T. Meagher, Alderman of Waterford. R. Keating, country gentleman.
Westmeath County 2 3,132 101,117 W. H. Megan, country gentleman.
W. P. Urquhart, country gentleman ; author of the "Life of Frances- co Sforza."
Wexford County 2 5,917 161,375 Patrick McMahon, barrister. John George, barrister.
Weaford 1 348 11,252 I. T. Devereux, country gentleman Wicklow County 2 3,330 99,287 Viscount Milton, eldest son of Earl Fitzwilliam.
W. W. P. Hume, country gentleman.
Youghal 1 261 9,939 Isaac Butt, barrister.
Before the disfranchisement of Sudbury and St. Albans, the full complement of Seats was 658.
England has-County Seats
Cities and Boroughs 319
Universities 4 467 - Wales has County Seats 15 Cities and Boroughs 14 29 Scotland has-County Seats 30 Cities and Boroughs 23 53.
Ireland has Counties 64 Cities and Boroughs 39 University 2 - 105
Forfeited Seats 4
658 --- The actual representation stands thus- Complement of Seats 658 Forfeited 4 Writs Suspended 11 Vacant (Gloucestershire East, and Staffordshire South) 2
- 17
Actual Representation 641