INDE _x.-1854,
kr, a 1
the Alma. 1040, 1046, 1072, sliding, 1011 ; death of St. 576; march to Balaklava, 7e of Sebastopol, 1095,1119, 1173, 1194, 1280, 1309,1316, Ur at Balaktava, 1147, 1191, Inkennan, 1194, 1199, 1223,
• titers in journals, 416.
...flea of neutrality, 5. Mi- tt, 292. British fleet, 404. Po- tent, 610, 637, 923, 945. New a," 853. The Diet, 1077, 1097, 1, 1145 ; election, 1253; open- age las Ministry, 1250, 1310. Abbas Pasha , 798.
. question 8, 30, 55, 118. 212,
e of M. question, 149; Ern-
to Nicholas, 183; reply, 268 ; for war, 315, 380. 450, 475 Fi- Opening of the Legislature, 227; Aussie, 347; opening. 1371. Loan, Duke of Cambridge and Lord Rag- , 434. Tariff alterations, 531. Treaty miland and Turkey, 551. Budget, M. de Persigny's review, 661 • retire- . 663; succeeded by M. Billult, 694. at Boulogne, 746, 913, 1013. Troops te, 771. Emperor iu Pyrenees, 791. fate 873. Prisoners of war, 920. ti-eet'z visit, 944, 969. Barbie, St. Arnaud, 1077, 1097 ; "timid 1115. Mr. Soule, 1123, 1118. The • Faucher, 1315.
Archbishop of Freiburg, 34. Prank. 250. Death of the King of Saxony, be Diet—Eastern question, 968, 1227, 1310. Saxon Diet, 1057. correction in Turkey aided, 381, ,31, 556, 661, 700; English and lervention, 51, 610, 637, 694, 747,
-States General, 995.
ope's allocution, 31. Death of Pel- 150. Murder of Duke of Parma, 318. .rrection in Parma, 829. Cholera, 899, , 993. Synod at Rome, 1197. Roman -onspiracy," 1197. "Immaculate concep- on " bull, 1346. Russian in.rigues, 1373. mn—American treaty, 591; English, 1316. xico—Strife, 611.
plea—Muratist feeling, 15 . Carbone case, 292. Poerio,556. Sulphur, 661. Jesuits, 1373. ortugal—Free trade, 150. King's return, 10111. nude—Porch Sr of Bay of Jahde, 56. Va- cillation on the Eastern question, 291, 313, 380, 4,13, 874, 969. Loan, 38o, 403,45o. Close Of Chambers, 475. Prince of Frussia's " eil- 9er wedding," 637. Replies to Austrian Circulars, 1(141,1121. Opening of Chambers,
1260, 1182, 1345. Marriage of Prince Friedrich, 1282.
Hescia—War, 4, 55, 86, 119, 183, 315, 381, 694, 747, 771, 874, 969, 994, 1097, 1145, 1282, 1345, 1373 deputation of Quakers, 212, 238 ; rup- ture with France and England, 237 ; address to the people, 260; memorandum to diplo- dirk agents, 290; " confidential " curry- ondence with England, 291, 424; the r.assian posts, 424; bombardment of Odes- 450, 475, 02, 505,533 ; manifesto to peo- 475 ; Cronstadt, 610; evacuation of the apalities, 022; reply to Austrian note, attack on Petropaulovski, 1228. da—Finance, S. Church and state, 31, Jews, 56. Free trade, 86. Prince of teo, 401. The Eastern war, 426, 1283, 410. Relations with Rome, 532.
• unishment, 691. a, coral , 292. Strike " uestlea,-
oi pirate., 924.
Bulwer and Clayton Walker expedition, 86, ck Warrior, 348, Pri- g, 425.970. Nebraska, British colonies, 661, sallroad rogueries, 772. 470. Reciprocity treaty, .27. Kansas territory, ' 4. 1121,1115. Ft ,ongress, 1346. a. Outrage on an question, 21', 268, Orleff 's mission, Is Prussia. 659 ; pro- ernorandum of Aus- notification to Rus- h treaty, 696; muster r no e, 1017 ; reply to '01 ; treaty with West- 1377. Marriage of U, 723.
'f of Itselnial-007, and, 11E 747;945 ; 77, 890, 921, ; of Napier, French at New Legislature, 7a8.
ape of Good Hope—Progress, 6. ereignty, 603, 681. Barn:tweet, a—Gold, 404. India—teed &met Outran], 31. Intanticidea c of Captain Latter, 1-4.' Al, nah, 404, 1251. Ganges canal, Mvernment act, 691. Riot at
3. Want of water at Bombay, humiliation, 923, 995. St .rm, a intrigues, 1373. Ionian nurrection,269, 318. New L.?.7 government, 1007; 1374. Nova Scotia—As- :, 404. 'West Indies—Cho- ica—Respoosible govern- per money, 695. New As-
French reply to London city, 2. Removal of city e..1 tutlixf. heal!, 2 &60u6,,c Stn. otoluort:zgaurt1,. sr ea, n2d.
Strakes sand lock-outs--meeting at Society
• of 4114. t ;Revenue, 9, 384, 726, 1085. *City corporation commission, 26, 50, 92, 116, 234, 600, 530. Court of Wardmote, 27. Minor Canons of St. Paul's, 27. Royal Geogra- phical Society—Southern Africa, 27; North Australia, 82; river Murray, 266; Red Sea,- 401 ; annual meeting, 553; South Africa, 748 ; Franklin, 1100; Barth, 1308. Privi- lege of an ambassador—mining company,27, 117. Murder at East Acton 27, 51. Wel- lington college, 31,151. Reagnatten of Mr. Sadleir' 32. Mr. Maurice and Queen's Col- lege, 32. The Times and the South- Western Railway Director-, 34, 117, 1347. Common Council—Southwark Bridge, 51; Mr. La- yard, 147. Proposed removal of lose-court,, 51, 121. Middlesex magistrates—juvenile offenders, 51. Railway parcels, 51. City sewers, ILL Trust companies, 82, 147. Lia- bility of shareholders, 82. Convocation of the clergy, 116. Police force centralization,. 116, 121. Deputation .to Lord Palmerston on reformatory schools, 116. Forgery by a clergyman, 117. Australian exploration, 147. Society for Amendment of La w— ecclesiastical courts, 147; juvenile dello quenta, 314, 401; law reform, 607; annual meeting, 639; dinner, 692. Taxes on know- ledge, 147, 235. Court of Queen's Bench— Major Beresford, 148. Fatal fire at Soho, 140. nararture of the Russian Ambassador, 150. Equalization of poor-nun, on. me. Bromley's appointment, 181. New Reform 1011, 210, 238, 377. Dwellings of the work- ing classes, 210, 1166. Lumley r. Gye, 211, 438, 379, 607. Mr. Hudson's contract for Iron, 211. Violation of a Belgian girl, 211, 236, 766, 382. CoMmissioners of sewers, 235, 314,377, 473, 530, 553, 769. Deputation to Lord Palmerston on cholera, 233. Perjury by the Mayor of Rye, 235, 555. Dinner to Sir C. Napier, 265. New East India Direc- tors, 266. Testamentary jurisdiction, 266. Charge of forgery against Mr. de Molyns, 266, 314. City corporation r.Corabe and Co., 289. Presidency of Christ's Hospital, 313. Dinner to Lord Harris, 313. Religious houses inquiry, 314, 349. Mansionhouse banquet to Ministers, 345. Friend. of Po- land, 346. Dinner to Earl of Elgin • 377: Strew propeller patent, 377. Anil row. nary meetings, 401, 473, 500, 553, 607, 659. Statue of Stephensan, 401. Sir Serum] r's speech, 422. St. Paul's K n I gh ts- bridae, 422, 474, 01, no, 579, 633, 693, 768, 1101. Exchequer bonds, 427. Chevalier Bunsen, 428, 452, 536. Day of humiliation,
447. Church Education Society, 448. Sher. borne school, 448. Mathews's bankruptcy,.
448. Mr. Rowland Hill secretary to,
post•o ' ffice 453. Royal Acade ny dinner, 473. Mr.Fox's insolvency, 474. Fatal fire,
474. Sons of the Clergy, 50o. Metropolitan churches fund, 500. Arnot's fireplace, 501. Ball at the French Ambassadors, 505. Launch of Royal Albert, 539. Albert" sta- tue," 534. Peace Society, 333- Murder by a stepmother, 654, 721. National Society, 578. Soc'eties and poor-rates, 579. Church- rate case, 679. Epsom races, 381. Mr. Maul ice* lectures, 6,7. Department of Practical Art, 607. Mr. Hope's children, 607. Reelection of Lord John Russell, 633. Crystal Palace, 634, 769. Nelson's daughter, 05. King of Portugal at Man- sionhouse, 859. Pollee hill, 659. Infamous law cams, 659, 721, 796. Death of a child in the Free Hospital, 659, 693, 721, 770. Loss of the Europa, 662. French alliance, 692. Shocking libel, 693. Centenary of Society of Arts, 721. Manchester will case, 721, 746. Dr. Peithman's insanity, 716. Parachute accident, 746. Political meeting called by Lord J. Russell, 768. Convocation, 70, 894. Charterhouse inquiry, 760; Dul- wich, 769. Hood's tomb, 789. Lunacy— Captain Childe, 769. Chartered Bank of India, 798. Omnibuses, 825, 850, 871. Copy- right in foreign works, 826. Mr. Home's
portrait, 830. Sir IL Hall Minister of Hmith, 870, 942, 966, 972. Assault on Mr. Ker, 871,1344. Beer act, 871,01, 918, 1638, 1166 - Accident on North London Railway, 71 894, 918. Failure of emigration-agents, 894, 918, 912. Arrest of Madame Caradori, 918, 950. 990. Mormons " Protestant dis- senters," 966. Thanksgiving, 972. Attack on Mr. 9iffard, 990, 1014, 1118. Victory of nation, 1227. Departure of - ueen-Mother; 916. Cholera, 969. Elections, 1017. Curless 1171, 11971 proceedings, 12-3, 1373. Minis- terial crises, 1251, 1253.
Sweden—Declaration of neutrality, 9,213,120. Russian question, 532, 694. 1017. Norwegian !Berthing, 997. Neutrality credit, 1196. Close of Diet, 1345.
Switzerland — Federal Assembly, 38; the Austrian dispute, 150, 610. Revenue, 610. Turk • y—The Russian aggression, 4, 20; war with Russia, 4, 30, 183,237, 291.315 425,450, 475, 311, 711, 747, 797; Kalafat, 21,68; fleets In the Black Sea, 55, 5s, 86. 19, 149, 655; Citate, 65; Russians in Dobrudse ha, 348, 380. 403; arrival of French and English troops, 403, 475, 530, 610 ; at Varna, 836; Silistria; 655, 680, 609, 636, 660, 771 ; Russian retreat, 809, 661. 691, 771, 828, 8.52, 874, 920. Changes of ministry, 149, 183, 610, 636. Conspiracy, 149. Greek insurrection, 212, 269, 315, 380. 425,475. Dismissal of Sheik •ul-Ielam, 380. Convention with England and France, 4e3. Firman on Christian evidence, 404. Monte. Deere, 428, 4-6, 556, 637, 747. Recall of D'Iiilliers, 503. Prince Napoleon.531. Cir- casela, 251, 3fley 609r; 06. Loss of rtbe Tiger7. 555, 380, 609. Attnekt at Salina sw•uth, 8002 War in Alla, 828, 8Y4,$96, 921 s 915, 1121.
Expedition to the talmea, 052, 874,093, 941,
visits 113,-1.47- 949, 968, 102a ; landleg, 992, 1018. Austrians EASES 337. • Mia• in Prinelpallties, 874, 894 914,90. Cholera,
In; 1231: 877, 898, 920. Fire at Varna, 96. Refo m .70. of abuses, 994. Wounded, 1226, 1250,1292. ,955, 1098, 1374. White Sea—English fleet, 1018. .urray, 31, 87.
612, 772. Syd- ENGLAND.
y, 7017. sConstita• 4•Addross on the sour, a, y. ,,Vtafe 7;411t42061)0 ,Utlsent, 1157.'0,406. • *Queen's biatladal 40.• Visa of thmViag.of Mono midi of- Pafliitment: . :•oftugal,61161751,. 'Trip to eh. gderialants, cticn, 813,0911. • Parhomenta- • 858. Rofal vale tuStutlatuf, 916, 1610,1094. , 1018, 1014. Railway slough. 1' Guides, 1142, 1147. Working men's college, 1112, 1343. Dwellings of the labouring classes, 1166. Woking cemetery, 1166. Conduct of 0 reeks, 1166. Central Association and soldiers' widows, 1172. Society of Arts, 1190. New sevrers commission, 1190, 1216. Mastership of Christ* Hospital, 1222, 1243. Meeting of Danes, 1222. Chancery ward— Thornhill a Thornhill, 1222, 1253, 1278, 1309. Case of Archdeacon Denison, 1222. Polish anniversary—Koasuth, 1216. Illegal marriage, 1246. Space near St. Paul's, 1 78. The war, 1278. Trial of the pyx 1278. Crown and Anchor burnt, 1279. Double murder, 1245, 1309, 1344. Marylebone election, 1343. Birch v. the Famainer, 1343. Railway compensation, 1343. Hope e. Ages- do, 1370. Fraud in London Docks, 1370. Dinner to Oxford Members, 3. Carlisle read- ing-room, 3. The Master of St. Cross, 3, The Preston strife, 3, 28, 31,81,149, 182, 211, 236, 267, 290, 314, 347, 402, 423, 449, 474, Murders, 4, 240, 314, 317, 660, 746, 796, 943; Burnham, 167; Esher, 851. Railway acci-
dents, 4, 247, 402 554, 694, 797, 109.5, 1 , 1207- Harting, 2:3, 51, SG; . Croydon, 695, 09$; Illaambape trowel, 998. Election., 20,
m117, 148,182, 2111314, 317, .378; 02, 500, 554, 660, 796, 80, 851, 871, 894, 9427 1119,1101, 1279, 13064 1344, 1870. Eastern question, 29, 553, 423, 1010 Mr. Warren's ebasge, 28. Sebosealorjurautledallmaurnts, 26, 81, 117 149. Wigan strike, 28 Food riots in Devon, 29, 35,51. Cambridge Uni- versity reform, 34. Retirement of Sir IL Inglis, 62. National Public School Assotia- tion, 52. Manchester Commercial Associa- tion, 53. Trade school at Padiham, 63. Coast volunteere, 53, 117. Liverpool cor- ruption, 53. Increase of wages and strikes, 51, 84, 118, 149, 182, 378, 406, 423, 419, 474, 502, 604. Sheffield Reform banquet, 58. Manchester Reform meeting, 82. Hereford diocesan board of education, 0. York Con- vocation, 117. Manchester Chamber of Com- merce, 118. Hull bribery, 148; Barnstaple, 148. Burglars at Windsor Castle, 149. Em- bezelement on North-Western Rail way,182. Explosion in Arley mlne, 212, 536, 267. Pro- posal of reform by the Oxford Hebdomadal Board, 212; proposil in Convocation' 5.54. Reform Bill, 236, 266, 290. Fire at Man- chester, 236. Harbour of refuge for the Tyne, 241. Derby bribery case, 266. Bir- mingham gan.factories, 267. Death of Jus- tice Talfourd, 289. Tynemouth bribery, 290. Philanthropic farm school, 347. Strike onseamen, 347. Oxford University bill, 951. Bishop of Rochester's visitation' 378. Duchem of Manchester's will, 370. Death of Colonel Gordon, 379. Trial of Provis, 4.0. Church-rater, 423, 449. Birmingham Industrial schools, 459. Adulteration, 419. Mr. Beresford at Saffron Walden, 502. North -Western Railway drivers, 579, 668. Kossuth at Sheffield, 608; at Nottingham, 635; at Hanley, 895. Yorkshire mechanics institudone, 608. A sixfold murder* .880 03: Ascot races, 637. Elteriotrof S Bishop of-Bath, 680. Oxford Commemoration; 6932 Courts-martial at Windsor, 746, 770, 786, 826, 851, 872, s77, 895, 1014, 1173. Royal Agricultural Society, 770. Boiler.explosion at Rochdale, 770. Mr. Mechi's farm, 796. Water-poaching affray, 796, 826. Elope- ment at Appleby, 831. King's Lynn Athe- 'mum, 872. Libel—Boyle r. Wiseman, 873. Gun-boat experiment, 894. Archeological Assoolation, as. Aart-Auetria meeting at Newcastle, 919. Archdeacons Wilberforce and Denison, 926, 941, 1019, 1146. Musical festivals, 941, 967. Russian prisonen, 943. Sheffield cutler's feast, 949. Agricultural societies, 966, 999, 1015, 1039, 1095, 1113,
1167, 1191, 1370. Manch, ster School of Art, 967. Bishop of Oxford and Mr. Brock, 970. St. George's Hall, Liver- pool, 990, British Association, 990, 1014. Reformatory schools, 991. Boiler-explosions, 991. Meetings with constituents, 1015. Dauntless hulk affair, 1015, 1039,1071. Mr. Disraeli and Protestantism. 1039. Com- mercial failures, 1046. Eke and explosion at Gateshead, 1046, 1071, 1143, 1148. Earl Granville on the war, 1070. Major Reed. ford and-Sir J. Graham, 1070, 1099, 1119. Disraeli and the pablicans, 10702 Trial of Arctic egpedition officers, 1091. Election of Oxford University Council, 1118, New Na- tional party, 1119. Lord J. Russell at Bed- ford and Bristol, 1119, 1142. Charge against Dr. Giles, 1119,1270. Lord Palmerston and the labourers, 1141. Mr. Whiston, 1143, Mr. Bright on the war, 1148, 1228, 1248, 1344. Russian sympathizers, 1223. The war, 1247. Supply of small-arms, 1279. Cheap Cambridge election, 1377.
Death of Lord Plunket, 4. Dr. Brown and Income-tax, 4. Pora-office, 54. Loss of the Tayleur, 82,90, 118. Coast volunteers, 118. Tuam banquet, 118. Ribandetealing case, 182. Elections, 212, 236, 1141, 1371. Tenant League, 267, 1016. Cholera, 267, 290, 347. Murders, 2-90, 1168,1101. Emigration, 379. Railway accidents, 379. Execution at Mo-
naghan, 402. Middle class schools, 419. Conventual inquiry, 419, 631. Will-case- Mrs. Whelan, 449, Mr. Godley, 474. Ca- tholic university, 609. Strikes, 638. Car- den abduction, 722, 828. Mountgarret es- tate, 828, 852. Agricultural Society, 852. Charges against Mr. O'Flaherty, 873. En- cumbered estates court, 896. Repeal, 943. Paucity of soldiers, 992. Whately on rights of conscience, 992. Wilful upset of a train, 905,14 6,1019. Liberal Associati m 1-10, Patriotic fund, 1144, 1167. A clerical agi- tator stoppi d, 1144, 1168. The war, 1279. Mr. Disraeli and the Protestants, 1309. Mr. Bethell, 1309. Request to a convent, 1345,
E lucational movement, 29, 85 ; portentous "overture," 54. Agricultural labourers, 30. Sir E. B. Lytton at Edinburgh, 55. Coast volunteers, 53, 83. Juvenile reform- ; atones, 83. Wages, 119,403. Cholera, 290. The Education bill, 317, 347, 402, 502. Pro. fessor WIluos, 270,45'. Trial of Dr. Smith for murder, 424. Lord Cockburn, 449. M. Tisserand's mission, 502. Church Assem- blies, 551. Kossuth at Glasgow, 732. Mr. Macaulay and Protestanti.m, 770. Eiec-
• -dwt- 9110,1071, 1371. Riots. at burgh, 1039. Mr. Hume at Aberdeen, 1039. Mr. Dunlop at Greenock, 1040. Lord Aber- deen at Aberdeen, 1071. Patriotic hind, 1144. Russian trade through Prussia, 1141. Youthful offenders, 1168. Glasgow sector. ship, 1191. Dinner to Duke of Richmond, 1248. Militia, 1279.
THE WRATH/Hi, 5, 0,29, 33.
Ws* Pan-sesames, 6, 84, 118, 150, 133, 181, 213, 238, 269, 270, 292, 315, 349, 381, 4(14, 426, 431, 556, 682; Reinforcements, 1197, 1228, 1229, 1231, 1253, 1283, 1375.
Tas Dectsarrrox or Wan, 372.
Tan Cnotras, 167, 799, 829, 853, 876, 900, 924, 912, 917, 971, 990, 07, 1014, 1038, 1070, 1091, 1118, 1147, 1172, 1198, 1370.
OforlIng of the Sion, 110. Opening of the War Sessiv01101-'5, 1302. 'Aberdeen* (Lord) explanation, 686. Admi- ralty Wart process, 767. Affirmations, 180. ardatratIon law% .376. Arctic search, 377. Army admligetration, 882; breach of privi- lege, 658. Assessed taxes, 115. Auditor of duchy of Lancaster, 1312. Baines, Mr. 1 explanations, 243. Ballot, 630. Beer bill, 795. Belligerent and neutral rights at sea, 719. Bill.stealing, 499. Bills of exchange, 849. Black Sea fleet : supply of coals, 374. Board of Health, 719, 749. Bribery, 152, 376, 743, 749, 766, 776, 793, 800, 922,840; and intimidation, 177 . Brougham on the war. 1342. Budget, 262. Burgoyne, Sir John, 824. Burials, 825, Burlington House, 795, 800. Business in the Lords, 472. Easiness of the Commons, 578.
Campbell's monument and Westminster AD- bef, 850. Canadian government, 631;
lsstive council bill. 638, 689, 830. Carlisle canonries, 311, 472. Church-btalding com- mission 344. Church property, 115, 343, 527, 767% removal, 375, 604,720; accommo- dation for poor' 499; rates, 552, 657. Chim- ney-sweepers, 376, 534. CiTCRIWinll slave- trade, 744. Civil service, 288. Colonial church, 311, 4151. Common law procedure, 317, 662, 577, 690, 849. Consolidation of the statutes, 144. Convent question, 234, 344, 472, 628. Cork harbour, 767. Corrupt boroughs, 312.574, 583, 834. County courts, 234; police, 583. Criminal law, 265, 5781 conversation, 376, 472; procedure, 606.. Crown forests, 499.
Dangerous animals, 553. Death punishment, 529. Declarations for oaths, 288, 472. De Bode* claims, 658. Despatch of business, 146. Disposal of criminals, 472. District pauper schools, 146. Divorce, 632, 697, 743. Deg-earls, 720. Dablan and !London, steam between, 344.
Eitetern question 177, 185, 206, 215, 233; 270, 452. Ecclesiaslical courts, 720,767. Educa- tional estimates, 696. Electio.1 committees. 234, 289, 313, 377; petitions, 152. Elgin treaty, 690. Emigrant ships, 234. En- dowed grammar schools, 289. Enlistment of foreigners, 1306, 1312, 1338,1348. Esti- mates, 186, 206, 214, 558. Europa, burning of the, 638. Exchequer bonds, 960, 622. Financial returns, 115; statement, 399; new datement : the war budget, 494, 533. Frau- dulent forage contract, 312, 342, 374. Friend- ly societies, 498.
Gaming-houses, 512. Gold standard, 745. Government, position of, 674. Graham's (Sir J.) speech at Reform Club, 264, 285. Greece Turkey, 374 ; occupation of Greece, 677. Grievances, 767. Hampstead Heath, 691, 796. High treason, 288. Hop-duty, 823. House of Commons ventilation, 401. Hudson, lar., 146. Hull bribery, 147. Hustings expenses, 499. Income-tax, 310, 343, 471. Indian tenures, 745 ; budget, 818. Irehuid—Administration of justice in, 349; bankruptcy laws, 312, Church, 720, 767 ; Dublin hospitals, 210 ; uni- versity, 326; justice in, 499; land bills, 762; landlord and tenant, 233, 527, 558 ; national education, 166; paupers, 234; posse-law board, 767; sedition in, 629 ; spirits, 8251 tenant-right, 180. Irish members—cor- ruption, 145, 180,114, 239, 241, 269, 253, 313, 343, 693.
Judgment executions, 265. Juvenile re- formatories, 288,376, 401, 725.
Land drainage, 527. Lawley, Mr., 823. Law reform, 115,233 ; improvement, 400. leader- ship of the Commons, 114. Legal edumtion, 233. Limited liability, 145, 690.
Malta criminal code, 116. Malt-tax, 520. Management of the public revenue 115. Manchester education bill, 209. revenue, women, 627. Masters' Maces, 720, 767. /dedical practitioners, 166, 312, 4"9; gra- duates, 743. Merchant shioping, 527, 767 Metropolitan bridges, 210. Middlesex in dustrial schools, 376, 552. Micnight legis- lation, 115. Militia, 166, 472, 627, 793, 800 1308,1342. MinisterS-Money, 264, 270, 311 343. Morning sittings, 633. Mortmair 298, 690.
National education, 735, 830. Navigatio laws. 121. Navy list, 143; manning, 2 312,577; bills, 198. Neutmle, 294,342. kJ, foundland, responsible government in, New Zealand government, 578; Glove Grey, 690.749; Bishop Selwyn's salary 744,793; Company's charge on thee' 851. Nuns, property of, 288 279,952,
Oaths bill, 5)1. O'Brien (Smith) and at pardon for, 209, 263. O'Flaherty, Mr
mood, 919. Orange River queatiou, Oxford University, 209, 294, 302, 445 498, 668, 577, 632, 638, 636, 663, 60, 716, 743,294 Fable°, Count, 744. Parliamentary r 143. Payment of wages, 288, 312. ' man, Dr., 795. Petty larcenies, 34 lice bill. 691, 720. Poor-removal,
312, 447, 472. Portuguese dal. Pray er-booir oaa Printing, 7,7.
exchank as with, 17
health. a .8; librate necutor,y 683.03 ltallwayg.
with Russia: Royal message, 342, 330, 374; questions, 409; Sir H. Seymour and the ' Coax, 400; loss of Tiger, 533, 558. Russian securities, 749, 775, 794, 824, 845. Russo- Dutch loan, 824.
Sayings-banks, 1143. Scotland-Juatice to, 376) niervantile law, 288 ; national educa- tion for, 209, 504; reformatory schools, 7.47; registration, 376; schoolmaster', 553, 578; valusalon of lands, 121. Screw propellers, 744. Simony, 311. Slave trade and Cuba, 377.. Soldiers' rations, 180; wives, 371, 52e. Spain and the slave-trade, 850. Stamp- duties, 632. Statue of George II., 401. Sto- nor, sir., 289, 376, 401, 499, 504, 329, MM. Struit's (Mr.) explanation, 618. Succusion to real estate, 180, 264. Sugar-duties, 577, 883; sugar in breweries, 632. Superannua- tion fund, 720. Supplementary estimates, 477. Supply, 232, 606, 612, 632, 658. Sas- pension of writs, 115. Taxes on justice, 527. "Taxes on knowledge," 527. Testamentary jurisdiction, 180, 287, , 343,375. Thames improvement,265. Thanks to the forces, 1312. Tickets-of-leave, 880. Transport of cavalry, 208. Turkey andRue-' fie, 162 ; " Peace or war," 142; state of Turkey, 287.
UnautbOtized negotiations, 498. Usury-laws, 690.
Ventilation of Parliament Palace, 798. Vienna note, 114.
War-Administration, 230,452, 577,749 ; mat- ters, 231. 658, 683; troops at Gallipoli, 417; horses for Turkey, 472. Turkish coal 472 bombardment of Odessa, 477; army In Tor- key,497 ; letters to the fleets, 577; embark- ing and debarking troops, 677; Bkenass, 583; theGerman Courts and the war, 654; White Sea, 863, 744; Lord Aberdeen% ex- planation, 684; the Austro-Turkish conven- tion, 608; operations in the Gulf of Bothnia, 660; army tools, 720; row credit, 766, 774, 790; position of Austria, 847; Austria in the Principalities, 1312; blockade of Ens- ohm ports, 1342; Balaklava harbour, 1342. War Minister, 606, 612 630. War Office new, 719,760. west Indies, troope in the, 209; encumbered estates, 058,8,3. Wills, custody of, 529. Wine-duiles, 180.
The Prorogation, 870.
The Russo-Turkish Blue Books; 122, 153,3714. Secret Correspondence of the Emperor of Russia with the British Government, 333.- Disfronchisement and Enftanchisement un- der the New Refomt Bill, 160; Lord .18hs Russell's Reform Bills of 1852-and 1834, 181. -Oaths Bill division, 558; Ballot, 619; De Bode, 663; Enlistment of Foreigners, 1349. Parliamentary papers, 210, 352, 382, 429, 534, 612, 665, 712, 725, 750, 776, 811, 830. State of Parliamentary Businessat Easter, 407. -Whitsuntide, 581.-Business of the House of' Commons, 529, 801.-Parliamentary Katie NM. Session 1854, 853.-Houne of Comatose Casualties, 1283.
The.Treaty of Adrianople; 691.
Poet office,687 ; Post office and Itallways,903, New York Industrial Exhibition, 984; Mer- cantile Mien against ;Portugal, 1007; Rails • ways, 1008 , -The Double Exodus, 1020; As- saults on Women and Children-Railway Statistics, 1030; Montagu House-Material for our Wooden Walls, 1054; Trade and Na- vigation Accounts-Military Prisons, 1553; Official Pluralists-Exports and Imports- Metropolitan Bridges, 1206.
A Burst of Sunshine, 771 Affixes and theAfrierm I radton- 36' Agriculturists, a Probl. fur, 1001.
(Albert, Prince, the S des' about, 57; The I Position-of; 124: I!American Ambassado the, 123; Colonies- The Natural Allies- or-England, 666; Confer- . erne in- Europe, 1083; Emigration, the New, 929 ; Immensities, 882. A. Minder Association 1023 Anniversaries, 1103. Appointment of Judges in the Colonies, 1233, Appointments, the Late, and some Others, 858. Seeley- Route, 1010. Army-The British Grenadier and his Tailor, 482; Milftary- Coetturre and Syncope, 5614 The British Grenadier, 617; Promotion In the, 792; Neglect of Discipline in the, 913; Discipline of : Military Tribunals, 952 ; " An-Officer and a Gentleman," 974; :Ridge and Advocate Military; 1901; Cowardly- At; tackitmon the, 1021 ; Military Morals, 1040. Austvalla-Whore in the Australian Expe- dition 9 12; The Feet Gold.fibdcr in, 61, The First Australian Gold-Discoverer, 127, Bainesee(Mr.) Resignation; 355. Bank Charter Act of .1844, 636 ; The Batik-end . the State, 616: Bina-Proposal foes New Felony, 508. Bills, Ill-Prepared, 597.
Bill-stamp Act, 1119. Bloc-coat School, the, 1233. Booed of Health, the, 680;' Sir Benjamin% ; }lest Labour, 931.
0:83--, Drought and Waterworks at, 834. h yonservatism and Police Reform, e, 931.
s', the Last Effort egaInst, 803; Some Ruts upon the New Bribery Aft, 927'. , Mr.-The Devil's Advocate, 1176. Palladium, tato, 1900. Principles of the New,-507. Captaiu J. A., 804.
'tor, 1315.
ip of Wiseman or of Ashburton, WM: ssociation-Virtuous Sialversatfon; S Powys and Official Charities, 1233, the Chinese, 62.
ome Thought for Next Summer, end Treatment- of, 029; Medical ng through the Newspapers, 1001, iolidays in the Papers, 1181 eatin8earcl, of the English';108 the Church in England, 190. Reorgoolzation of the Public .et-.enta: The Official Project, 80; Re- : Laotian of, 244 ; Common Sense of the- Serrice Question, 322.
'Expenses 667.
1 g Thingsan Uncommon Results, 126.55. gnat Discipline, Progress of, 953,
-lnd Cruelty, 1203.
.;nsurances, 589. lice Vicissitudes and Prospects, 247. 'test Guests, 197.
,Cutting of; Danish Knot, 1151.
utory, the, 1001. ..-Fine Words. 502.
1, Cure of, 62. d otive Finances of European Govern. j:{ Ecclesiastical Courts, Proposed Reform of, 93.
Education, When we shall have Public, 266.
Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-fear, 1378. Electric Story-Teller, the, 700.
Emigration (the) for the Year, 60.
England, General, 1315.
England and France-The Twollags, 271.
Borland at the Paris Exhibition:1835, 1013.
English History, 1149 Enlistment of Foreigner* Bill-Debates Fo- reign to the Question, 1331.
Falsification of Debate, 801.
Fire-arms and Projectiles Recorded Patents, 714.
Five Boroughs, the, ell.
Foreign Loans, How to Treat, 803.
Franklin and Collinson, 1127, The Laet Arctic Expedlt:on, 1t77; Lady Franklin, 1232.
Free-trade Finance In War time, 660.
Garibaldi to Kosauth, WO.
Gladstone's Exchequer Bond Loan, 435,480.
Government; the Sphere and Duties of, 1050. Government Gun-Shop, the, 245.
aye and Lumley Roc •I, 219.
Halley bury and Redhill, 1380.
Health Departraeht; the 751.
Healthy Emigration, 356.
Herbert, Mr, Sidney, 1150.
Hotel Reform, the Struggles of, 777. . • House of Commons Ventilation-The Shorn Lambe and their Breezes, 40 o.
Mn, Barristers are Made, 247.
How-they Get 'On Elsewhere, 930. Hudson-The' Model Member of the Tory Party, 137.
Improved Machinery of Legislation the Com- plement, not theAlternative, of Representa- tive Reform, 35. • Indian lands, Redemption of, 753. "lathe Opinion of this House," 038.
Ireland in America, 298 ; Teaching Enterprise to England, 1201.
Irlsh Bubble, the Latest, 248.
Italian Question, the New, 190. , Knave of Spades, 667.
Lew Costs, 409.
Law Legislation; Superintendence of 880. Law Palace (a) in Lincoln's Inn, 481; Pro- posed Law-Quarter at Lincoln's Ina, 609. Life-of the Labouring Classes: Iheurance, 978. Loan, Coming, 1555; .Anticipated, 1287. Lockhart. John Clibson,1275. Landon Corporation, 537.
Loss of Life by Shipwreck, 1201. Less of the Tayleur : Judicial' Inquiry. Min Shipwrecks; 93.
Lunatic, the Still Unprotected; 833.
Man Proposes, God Disposes, 859.
Msthewa's (Charles) Bankruptcy, 457. Military Hospitals, French and English, 1127. Minister of War, the Acting,219.
Ministry, the-Cabinet Changes, 640; Minis- try, 727; The Ministerial Meeting, 776; Ini- peachnient of Ministers, 1255. Money World, State of the, 1048.
Neutrals and Commerce in War, 243; Neutral. -Rights, 481.
New Offices of Slate; 996.
Newspaper Stamp. Abolition oflhe, 1178, New Zealand-Colonial Administration, 687) Responsible Government in, 1104-; A Calls at the Antipodes, 1380.
NOTES AND tartans: Queen's weather-Sir J. Graham-Irish Scandal-Austrian Empress, 574; Bribery - Adulterathm - Gaminr. houses - Rail way. wages-Doke of Cams bridge and Christ's Hospital -.Disraeli's- Talk, 322; Mr. Osborree-Itailway accidents -King of Prussia-Duchy of Parma--Jergo - gernant, 357; Derby • leaders in uniform-- • Ships for Russia-The "Czar "-Mr. Lloyd Phelps-War, 387; Statues-London bridges -Ships for itussia-Japan--The Czar a liar; 410; Convict soldiers-Brougham rind coun- ty courts-St. Paul's Knightsbridge-Dr. Smith-Cholera--Cuba press, 4331 Moreno- - beatIng-f3-allitioli prices-Rail way interest, 482; Cobden-. Sir Nicholas "-Distant-e- inem:Ding-W. 11-Highlanders in Turkey, 6419 ; Exchequer bonds-Jury majority- Odessa---Dandles droaohke, 642; Palmer. stun on writing-A noble cook-Lumley and Gye-,filiorr mooleare--American par.-- chase of territory-Woe ministry, 617; Par- liamentary resolves-Free-trade-Ballot-- Mr. Urquhart- Nelson's daughter- Wm Secretary, 641; King of Portugal-Decimal coinage-De Bode-Bad houses-Electing bishops, 669; Cuba slavery-Limited My-Hampstead Heath-Clamfearde and- Aberdeen-Sidney's French demonstration -Napier; 701 ; Harrest-Abd-elKader- Canadian Assembly-Count Pahlen, 713; English and French tunes, 754; Lieutenant- Leigh-Runless" coal-Boiler explosions- Crime on railways-Parliamentary- advt.', tising-Sewers 'commission, 778 ; Vigeount Bury-Smells in the House-Ruseia-" Re-' ferences " -Military beard -Hampstead Heath, 806 r; ; Manufactures in Ireland= Queen Isabella-Perry case-Ladies and the census, 834 ; Russian eolsoners-English prisoners in Russia - Legal cramming --- Open-air preaching-Bread riots-Irish cen- - sus-Board of Health-Ranelagh sewer- London water, 951; Mr. Meehi-Central • Africa-Thanksgiving in Greece-Metropo- • titan )termiane-Spanish bonds-Price of; • bread-Spekches at Boulogne, 976; Sebes- • topol-Timu advertisements, 976; Sultan's • rum-Queen Christina-Lord Derby's horse • -Disraeli -Rights of conscience - Bun. • fights--Houses for workmen-Railway capi.• tal-Bread, 1002; Irish encumbered estates- - Tenant-league -Irish improvement - Cattle - Sewer-men - Roebuck's letter --
, Sikh nobles-Hymn books-Long sermons,. 1025; War news-Surgeons for the East-- Registration of societies-Tickets-of-leave -Dedications-French tine writing-Ennis- killen ambuscade, 1051; Mr. Grant-Disra- ell and Protestants,1062 ; Mr. Beresford and
Sir--J. Graham-St. Arnaud-Space round St. Paul'a -Fints-Church • brawls 1106; Heir for Austria-Newcastle fire-Lord J. Russell on free opinion-Society proseca- tions-Corn-Baby; show-Actors and ac- tresses, 1130; Patriotic fond-Russian " suc- cesses," 1151; Louis Napoleon-Dr. Rae- Palmerston on beer-Foreign refugees- Kicking a womaa-Orer-ways, 1152; A Go- vernment; laundry' - Perry fund - Major- Powys - The Greeks -Christ's Hospital, 1176; Greeks-Earl of Shaftesbury-Mr. Bright-Farmers-- Franklin-Gunpowder, 2505, Commissions to sergeants-Blair and Evans Palongton's delicacy - Disraell's speech, 1316 ; American schools-Poles- General Napier, 135'; Sicilia-Queen Ise-
• bella-Great Northern Rail way -Czar, 1353. Notions between Bruges and Cologne, 1182,. ?Oa.
Oaths Bill, 586.
Obstructed Legislation, 616.
Official Inspector of Complaints and Sag- gestIons, 729. Opening of the Session, the, So; the Session Opened, 123.
Opposition, a Hint to the, 274; The Op- position, 384.
Orange River-Sovereignty, 507.
Palmerston and his Police Bill, 699. Parliament, Dissolution of, 751 ; More ! 879 ; Adulteration of, 805; Meeting of, 1254; The First Night of the Session, 1286. Parliamentary Business, Practical Hints on, 612.
Parliamentary ftatistice, 10. Patriotic Fund, the, 1127.
Pellico (Silvio), Death of, 157.
Pensioners in Commission, 114; Our Active Admirals, 155.
Pioneers of Trade, 1130.
Place, Francis, 13.
Political Importance of a" People," 1177. Post-office, Reorganization of the, sm. Preston Contest, Close of the, 356.
Privateering Reform, 974.
Prussia, 832.
Public-house (the) of the Future, 777. Railways-The Great Railway Confederacy, 386 ; Railway Attack on Parliament, 455 ; Official Rescue from Hallway Collision, 881; The Excursion-train from Dover to the Hospital, 906 ; Railway Causation, 929 ; Official Experiments on Rail way Accident*, 975 ; Boundaries; of Railway Speculation, 1105; Railway Aommentents, Beal Guarantees (the) in -Foreign Statesman- ship, 59.
Recess, the, 857.
Redesdale'siLord) 25th of July, 181.
Reform Bill, the New, 183 ; Majorities and Minorities, 217 ; The State and the Electoral Districts, 246; Reform hill, 386 ; P.,stpone- meat, 408; Lord John's Sacrifice, 408. Religion in Prison, 665
Religious Chart of England, 37..
Representation, Statistics of, Supplement to Spectator, January 7,93.
Rusala-Russian Material Guarantees, 61; Revelations to, 91; Certain Points in the Russian Question, 189 ; Causes and Objects of the War, 217, Unfounded Notions about Peace, 296 ; " La Parole dun Gentilhomrne " -•-a Russian -Imperial Version, 219; The War Proclaimed, 353 ; Chasse au Loup, 3 ti ; Po- litical Panorama, 33 i ; The Road to, 535 ; Russia's lloblockaded Province, 001; Land Blockade of, 946; A- Day-Dream of, 1021 ; Russia's Mislon, 11 5.
St.,leonards upon Thames, 1129. .
Savings (Are) an-Economical Mistake ? 16244 Savings by Insurance, 1049.
Sexton (the) of the Future 1950.
Shocking occurrence in High Life, 298, Small Arms, Supply of, 1187.
South- Western Railway versus the Times, 126. " Speculation" a Commercial Offence, 1083; Commercial Morals, 1104.
Strikes--Master and Man, II; How- Public ' Meetings Do their Work, 525.
Supplies-Within the Year, 386.
Taxing.Machine, the, Mi.
Teat for Claims undertlompenaatien Trestles, 699.
Thanksgiving for the Harvest, 961. The Coup d'Etat in the Flab-pond, 1106. Times-The Lion's Month in Printing-house Square 297 It:melon of therintos Office by the IriNS Committee, 521.
Tieket-of-Leave, the, 1062-.
Turkish, Qucation-Ministerial Explanations in Parliament, II.
University Reform and the Dissenters, 36 ; Last Move of the Hebdomadal Board,..241 ; Oxford Regenerate, 320; The Oxford Reform Bill in Committee, 439 ; Oxford Scholarships and Fellowships, 460; Oxford's Best -Friend, 896; Oxford Reform Bill : a Retrospect and a-Warning, 837.
Vintage of 1856, 1022.
War--Public impatience, 481; Progressive Reform in Laws of War affecting Com- merce, 412; News from the Baltic, 451; War, Reform, and the Ministry, 9851 Minor Military Reforms, 589; Oar Germon Obli- gations and Liabilities, 615 ; . Spirit of the New-War, 010; Jealousy, not Conadence, 665; The Premier's • Explanation, 698; The New Map of the War, 77; Belligerent Rightg729 ; The Coalition Government and the War, 802; A Problem, 904; When to Fire the Tower.Guns,94/4 ; The New Phue of the War, 873; Sebastopol, 899; The War of Principles, 1818; The Hospital; 1081; Duty and Glory, 1081 ; An • Officer and a Gentleman-connected-with-the-Frees, 1081; The Cabinet Council, 0102; The Medical Force in the East, 1163; Peace and its Con-- ditions, 1126 ; " Delenda rot Carthame," 1262; Reinforcements, 1102 ; War Responsi- bilities of the Press, 1203 ; Why the War must Go On, 1231 •Home Army, 1131-; Oar Bill for the Last War, 12 t2 ; The Turks on the Froth, 13561 Cold and Covering in the Crimea, 1227; The Russian Exposition of 1856, 1257 ; Appeal of the Country to Minis. tent, 1194; Austria in 1813 and 1811, 1288; Reporters for the Enemy, 1159; Was Mo.. ralitiee, 1314 ; The Esplanations, 2316; The War-Christmas, 1320; The WeeDrain "spur ' the. Labour-Market, 1351 ; . The War as- Fashion, 1352; The Fifth of November; 1331; Russian Allies in England01379.-
War and Reform, 154. War Expenditure and Pomniereial Develop. silent. 273.
War Ministry-Organization of, the Mattarr Ministry, 408 ; The War Ministry, 681. Wilson, Professor, 387
Windsor Courts-martial, 904; The. Perry Railway•Coillsion, 1237.
Woking, 1177. Working MonliCollege, the, 1128.
UNCIASSISTED PAPERS. :.ltiaborte,representittlon; 8; MO. ?admit% letter- - to Prince Albert, 31'; Quarter-session dars, 32 ; Aretiene w s-Fra nk lin, 32,64,070,- -
1021; 1045, 1146; Captain Oullieson, 1171.;
• Obituary, 944; Marshal BeresfOrd, 221 Lord Londonderry-Blehop of Salisbury-Dr. Jenkyns, 269; Duke of Portland, 349; Mar- quis-of Anglesey, 453, James Montgomery',- - frit -Gahriele Rossetti; 4791 Lord Jocelyn- ' Lord Beaumont, 6;5; Sir-G. Arthur, 096;. Lord Ilenman, 1018, Sir-Beam Martin, 1123; Lord D. stuart-Mr. Forbes,-.1t28 ; Sfr .Kempt, 1346; Dr. ltOuth, 1176; Attacks on . Prince Albert, 56, 57; Jerusalem bishopric, 57; African exploration; 151, 349, 970, 1019 ; Army medical • servieet ;134; Eastern Lines- tIon; 186, 271, 317; Representation of minor- ities; 229; Russian navy, 451; Mr. Jowett, 4831- Loss of the Ercolanoo 176; Publie hegira out, 503; Prosser the Engineer, Met' Mr. Maurice's lecture*, 583 ; Clothier the. army, 611,740; Promotion; in the array, 753; Dish begging blarney on a new-lay 730; Palmerston's. diplomatic career, 730: Mr.' 'Godley on 81. 0. Grey, 773; Lenten a But- ler, 729; 5luilway collisions, 8781 Shrottord. and -Lord Dnadonald, 996, P10 ; Itkeall of Meyendorff, 996; Ness".C.B.s-," 818' Sphere and duties (I government, 1021.; Wounded at the Alma; 1098% Miss Nightingale, 1140, 1I71 ; Cardinal Wiseman% leetures, 1106; Post-office or dress, 1175; War Music, 1930; To the Friends of our Dead Heroes, 1334 , Halleybitry, 1375; To 31 H. C., 1978.
Afreja, 1216.
Ainsworth% Star-Chamber, 838.
Alison's Europe from 1815 to UM, 663.
Alpine Lyrics, 1028 Altars, Hearthojand Graves, 1027. Ambrose the Sculptor, 712.
Angel (the) In the House, 1193.
Angelo, 518.
Ansted's Scenery, Science, and Art, 1068.
Arnold's Poems, 1365.
Aubrey, 611.
Austin's (Mrs.; Germany, 7i0.
Autobiography of Indian Army Surgeon, 473._ Barker's Three Days of Wensleydale, 390.
Barton's Homer, 613.
Bartlett's ire, 11.) Jerusalem Revisited, 1906. Bartlett's Travels in Texas, &c., 814.
Bauer (Bruno) on Boosts. 1028.
Bell's Edition of Wyatt's Poems, 957 ; Old- ham, 1064 ; Waller, 1136.
Berkeley's (Grantley) Reminiscences of a Huntsman, 134; Boatman of the Bosphorus, 366.
Bonelli's Travels in Bolivia, 368.
Brief Career, the, 861.
Brooke's (Sir J.) Private Letters, 16.
Brooks's Russians of the South, 100.
Bunhury's last War with France. 731. Bunsen, 979; on Egypt's Place in Univereal History, 1085.
Burnett's Progreso of a Painter, 168: Burns% (3. D.) Poems, 1171.
Cambridge Unirersity_Transagions, 978.
Cardinal, the, 816.
Carlen's Professor, 618.
Carlisle's (the Earl of) Diary, 1131.
Castellmnonte, 102.
Chambers's William) on America, 1155.
Charles Random; 1184. Chesney's Russo•Turkisis Campaigns, 199. Cholera, Reports on Epidemic, 321. • Cholroondeley's Ultimo Thule, 557. Chorley'a St dern German Music, 678.
Clara Morison, 711.
Claude the Col, orteur,
Cochrane's Florence the Beantym. 151
Cole's Russia and the Rusgans, 414.
Coo:ninierpuus's Hide, fialaid. Seek, 645. Compte's Positive Philosophyr; 166; Cotton (Colonel) on Pubile Work.leIndig County Magbarate, asst. Crabb (James), Rudall's Memoir of,75-1
Crewe Rise, 782, Croker's Moore, 256:
Crowe sloouisKilitlitued.Charles-X-,483/ • Cunningham's-Jobniont 1153.
Curzon's Armenia, 314.
Dalron's (Dr.) History of British Guiana, 1161 Dante-Pollock-and Cloyley, 347.
Davis's Evenings in my Tent, 670.
Davy's (Dr.) West ladies; MM.
De Vere's Poems; 1973.
Dona Navarre; 699.
Doran's (Dr) Habits and Men, MIL
Eastwick's (Professor) Translation of the-Amo
var 1228.
Elsves's Sketcher's Tour Round the World, 14, Erskine's History of India, 677.
Foleonbeck Hall, M.
Faneourt% History of-Yucatan, NC FOriltP64toinan State, 221.
Fashion ano Famlne„910:
Feuerbaeh's Essence of Christianity, 837, Pinang-the Paisley-Sculptor, llni.
Finiay's History-of the Byzantine Empire,709. Foote's Africa and the American Flag, 900; Forbes's Norway and its Glaciers, 109: Forster's One Primeval Language, 485. Fox, Lord John useell'a, 1315. FulioniScOrettallighway, /144.
Gautier's Constantinople, 1132, German Liteeliture, IL German Philosophy, Lectures on, 599. Gersticker's Wild Sports- in the Far West, • and Tales of the Desert and the Bash, 1285. Gilt-Banks, 1137
Ginstinistes Court-of Henry the Eighth, 1140. Gore's tbfra.)Progrearand Prejudice, 301. GosstesAquarium, 680.
Grace Greenwood's Hops and Mishaps, 1114. , Gni:bane% dordan and Rhine, 6116: Granville (Dr.) on Sodden Death, 756. Greece by Remount Renner, 1086.
Guizot's Motors- of Oliver. OrOmwell,, 275S Hall's (Mrs.) Queens before the Conquset, 1006: Hall's (alf.) Twofold Slavery of the-Dulled= States, 1132. Hall's Land of HOFFfiram andrthe-VktIcan, 40. Has-thatoen1 (Baron Von) Transcaucasia:Ate. Heap's California, 459.
Heartsease, 1157.
Stem-of Vallis; 981.
Flerndon's Vele,- of the Amason,.413. Messer and Elinor, 77.
Hill's Travels in Siberia, 299; (S. S.) Battle and Moscow, 733, Holland% Memoirs-of the Whig Party, 79. Home Life in Runde; ISIS.
Hooker's Himalayan Journals, 253: Humbley's Journal, 677.
NOM (Or;) on heartburn and Indigestion, 438: • Idaline, 1087.
-Iion Comte, 511.
.Tassoson's (Sirs.) Commonplace Book-, 1234 Jomes'a Ticonderoga, 212, Janet Mowbray, 816.
Jay's Autobiography, dre., 1026.
Jerningham, 733. Jerroba's (Blanchard) Brage-Beaker 114, Kate Vernon, 1003.
Katharine Ashton, 679.
King's Campaignbag in Kaffirland, 123. Kingsley's Alexandria and her Schools; 8138. Knight's Old Printer and Modern Press, 600. Lariak, Major Cunningham's, 1327. lady-Lee's Widowhood, 200.
lady Una and her Queendom, 688. jiamaninelreelebrated Ohararters, 621. slimda-tonti% Recollections of Military,Life,584. Lupent's Turkey, 1108.
laist-of the Old Squires, 712.
:Leather Stocking and Silk, 818.
- Lire% Lan Darsof Alexander sod Anti/aye of Nicholas; 517.
Lermontees Hero of Our Own Times, 5119. Lewell Pastures, 782.
life's Lesson, 1088. Lights and Shadows of Australian life; 1087. 'Lloyd's tlaminuinavian Adventurer:, 74. Macintosh's Military Tour in Turkey, 765. Macintosh (John), Memorials of, 1004. Commercial Dictionary, 114. Magdalen Hepburn, 732.. Mahon', (Lord) History of England, 909. Malone's Australian Colonies, 980.
Markham's Shooting in the Himalayas, 167.
Marshall's (Lady) II elirs Warning, 1272. )tassey's Poems, 11131. Mathew Paxton, 981.
Mande Talbot, 233.
Maurice's Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, 779; on Sacrifice, 1179.
May arid December, 1213.
Mayhew's Dogs, 958.
3letealle (Lord), Hayes Life of, 935.
Miller's My Schools and Schoolmasters, 300.
MIlinan's loan Chriatianity, 365.
Mitford's (Miss) Atherton, 300; Dramatic Works, 885.
hIoltke's (Von) Russian Campaigns in Turkey, 619.
hooshe's (Mrs.) Flora I.yndsay., 519.
Moore's Memoirs, Journal, ite:, 39.
blorley's Life of Jerome Carden, 323, Morr•son on Labour and Capital, 932.
Murchison'. Snarls, 813. - Nanette und her Lovers 397. holt (General), Stocqueler's Memoirs Of, 183.
Oakleigh Maseott, 13e4.
Old Chelsea Burehouse, 1293.
OldmI x on's Gleanings from Piccadilly to Pere, 1131.
hole (Mm), Memoirs of, 620; Oshurn's Monumental History of Egypt, 1970: • Our Camp in Turkey, 1269. Painting nnd Painters, 11;7.
Patmore's Friends arol Acqtthintaure, Phemic Millar, 438, Philip Rollo. 712.
Plotinus, the Philosophy of, 710. Pride of Life, 996.
Psychological Inquiries, 540. • • Rickards on Population and Capital, 1212. Riddle's History of the Penney, 859:- Rio's Christian Art, 817. Roby (John). Lire and Remains of, 77. Royer's English Prisoner* in Busse, 14462. - Rnskin's Lectures on Architecture and Paint- s g, 565.
ia-Oermafin de.Lagny's Roost and, the ussians, 270; Jesse's, 92 1; Basilan Con. uest of Finland, 813; Lyric Notes; 1172; e Englishwoman in, 1361.
St. ohn's (Bayle) Purple Finns of Paris, 251. S. es's Poems, 1271. So dwieh Island Notes, 883.
Sc 01 Experiences, 1005.
Sc, Vs 'Duvets 19 RIISSia, 1091, • Sc to (William Bell) Poems, 1110: 's Table-Talk1 . 32 i6. • Shai-F 'tide-the, .10
Sherwood (Mrs:), Life of, 468.
Sir Gervase Grey, 937. • . Smyth's Year with the Turks, 220. Somerrille'e Cobdenie Policy, 17, Stephen's Anti-Slavery Recollections, 1363. Stone's (Mis.) Benny Memories of rorefign Lands, 781. .
Stuart's Residence In Northern Persia, 780. Sullivan's Visit to Ceylon, 1180. Seabed's Hungary Past and Present, 168. • Talfourd's Supplement to Vacation Itanibles;
481; Castilian, 519. . - . • . Taylor and Reada's Plays, 1182. Taylor's Life and Landscapes from'Egypt, 1153: Temper, 782..
Tennyson's (F.) Poems,411.
Thackeray's Rose and the Ring, 1319, • • Thirty Years of Foreign Policy, 1392. Thomson's (Mrs.) Recollections, 1160. Tilbury Hugo, 712.
Tom Thornton, 782.
Transmutation, 879.
Trial and Tilumph, 733. Turkey-Spencer's, 542; Rhodes's Personal Narrative,.541 M array's Handbook, 342; Turkish Histories, 882; Creasy's History of the Ottoman Turks, 1362. .Tarnerelli's Kansas, 436. Vandevelde's Journey through Syria, 1132. Tan Santvoord'a Chief Justices of the Su- preme Court, 1561, Vaughan (Professor). on Oxford Reform, 197, Viola, 837.
"Volunteer's (a) Indian Scramble, 539. Waagen's Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 460.
War (the): 'Who's to 131amel 1293.
'Warren's Miscellanies, la81.' • Wearyfoot Common, 1383. . Weiss's French Protestant lleflugbes, 930. Wellington's Military Achieremoots con, trusted with those of other CommanderS, 060. Wells on front and its Complicailonn• 277. Wiese's German Letters on English. Eduga- Hon, 614.
Wilberforce'.- Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority, 1107.
(Mrs,) Slave Son, 41.
"Willis'. Health Trip to the Tropics, 933. Women as they Are, 1292, Zohrabi 201.
Abeken's Cicero, 302, Agnes Valroar, 223. Algeria, 202. Aimanacks, 19, 78, 105, 416, 1150, 1238, 1274, 1294, 1331, American Hendbook, 838. Ancient Art, 170. Anne Boleyn, 1218. Anti-Jacobin, 223. Apoca- lypse Fulfilled, 1029. Art Manufacture, 1133, Australian Emigrant, 681.
Baltic, 1088. Barber's (Mr.) Case, 222. Bar- nard's Water-colour Painting, 622. Beech- wood's Poems, 542. Bell's English Poets, 136, 839, Biblical Literature, 982, Birk- beck's Gleanings, 1218. Black's Ireland, 622. Blue Ribands, 1291, Brande's Lec- tures, 959. Brereton's Lectures, 1063. Bri- tish Commonwealth, 1007. Bungener's Voltaire and Julian, 439. Burn's Colonist's Mechanical Arts, 202 Butterflies, 982, Cab-fares, 105, 646. Cesar, 1029. Calvin on Relic., 601. Carlen's Julie, 462. Cavalry Remount Horses, 170, Central Africa, 369. Charities, Law of, 487. Charities of London, 137. Charles Della way, 982. Charter of the Nations, 982. Chess, 1134. Cholera, Reports on Epidemic, 201. Christel, 1393. Chronicles of Merry England, 278. Church, the, 758. Church Patronage, 731. Church's Essays, 223, Civil Low, 440. Cleaning and Dyeing, Sc?, Coalition Guide, 982. Conchology, 1273. Consecrated Heights, 520, Copleston's Remains, 461. Correggio, 391. Crete, 1183. Cross and Crescent, 543. Crystal Palace Handbooks, 616, 959. Cus- toms Laws, 520. Cyclopedia of Biography, 966,
Dante, Brooksbank's, 601. Danubian Princi- palities 1s9. Dash wood Priory, 1330. Deeds Of Naval Daring, 415. Be Quincy's Miscellanies, 646, 1238. Diary of an Officer, 1218. Divine Drama of History, 520. Doc- trines of Bible, 1291. Dod's Peerage, 42; Parliamentary Companion, 137, 1366, Deno, 328, Drawing-Lessons, 1331, Elocutionist, 818. Eminent blasters, 713. EMmanuel AppadoCra, 302. Encyclopadia
BrItannica, 201, 911. Eagland and Hussia, 713, Ethel, 1135. Ear:rank., 1273. Ex- celsior, 713.
FairholCs Terms in Art, 1065. Family Prayers, 513. Firmillian, 862. Foreign Clas- sics, 713 F,rest Exiles, 1334. Fortunes of a Colonist, 616. Frost upon the Pane. 1165, Gallops Is A utn erat II'. Tetra og ralri%
Gau F It* Nations, 78, Geology. 1273. CienalAine, 105. German Literature, 137, Germ Thoughts, 217. Gift-books, 184 /912330. trni %Trait* Album, 487. Gold; 886! Oclinen
Spell, 237. Goldsmith ill90h14e91.2/1214. Grammar School Classics' 7d. ' Qrand Ida • :Dish Fallitey, 302. J Hakluyt Society publications, 6:41 LP. )1Ista of 1ha Alps, 169. Harmony and Cattlsgat,in William, 872 Poems, 462. Hospitals and Sislarisoods,152/ ' ' 1363. litintatian 'Sketches, 939. 1125; Love and Loyalty, 1200, Hunter's Scrooby Separatisfe, 737.... ,., 3.1athews'soUpsellt, 822-, •
Didestrictibifity, 511 inift; 316! English in, .:121114. Indian Lelaims;258;;;Infttlelit37'959.
Inspiration of Holy Scripture, otrish -Brigades, 1110. Ireingisnrairsiblinnionism, 661. , Irving, Edward, 1.135... Isioniatant'e713. ,Taek and the Tanner; 486. Lectures, 137. John Penry, the athirrith,lithrtitsQ36.9. Johnsoa'a Lives. of the Poets., 17q„,..Innius Dieeovethel, 556."' Juvenile iiiiki?,`TSV 202, _ 1183, 1218,1994'-- Meats', Works, 136. Key's Greek Prepooition 542: :X10 N utorackei,3491:11(1fInges • ln's Serqsons,1520. Lamplighter. 410. Land of liefulell,'403.1Aan--- dors Letter's of 'an AMeileidG1731.011est . Earl of Desmond, 1138._ „Lawn pf.Tbpjaght,
20. Lectures, 681.. Leel'Ipairogni Nice,
DM. 2,egsl• Croke .fuellallorig IN; i- con of Thoughts, 407. Atsurenee, 327. tinie tithe, 42. 'Lertiniikk0(i84,okrti;1007..„--, Loognonts' Dictionaries, 1218.,Lefe9"eaCon- tributioas to 'Literature, 201. , Lyf.tun's
vels,.1111. • .- Mabel, id. hlaccarlan's poems. Naps,
440,543, 632, 783.812,014, 11 ft ,-`2735. - March Winds, 1330:' Maritime Warfoge;#14. Mar- mion, 121,, Matrimonial Speculations,
1138 Mayer's .4.1treestriithriatilter• • May's
Ithyrows223. Medical Dirvaww Me- morable Women, 181' Mere a ntileEa w; 1238. Merchant Shipping Aet, 1272, isMiebealsen's. England, 1965.. hlicriseopc,. Cl(. „Ililluan's - L'Allegro, 13311 ' Ministry Of illbEMWItian . church. 369.. Miseellanea•Graphica,:6131. lifitchelpsLusiad, 278. Modeitillusbandry,,' 170. , 8631:.--Merbida, 278. Mosaic Record„ 1007. , biosktnin, and Frank, 734. Mosees, 1273. • Mallb-Siestern Lairgu'agee, 732. Murray'011ahirsloOlossies, 19,22?, 369, 934.
National Drawintalaster, 370, Navy List, 170 ;4:Slicers, Law relatingto, 369, Het the Bay, 105: Nottlianipteashfr,e 'Words, 983. • North duirs laghte.- 739:- Ittgigthata- brims Castles, 440. Nordufari, 1065, 'Old German Theelogy, '358 ; ldinoI Cation,
691. Our Cruise lu the Uodine, 169. Out
of 'Harness, 934. Uxenhani's Poems 512. Palgrave's Idyls, 1111. iP'eant,7311.: Pe■tient- bay Philosopher, 133A. .rget- edieatis,121, 45,j'103T- of the Intlnite, 19..7 : 0-the 7iNot, the Cross, 1183, Picture Bible, 279. Pillansla 'Geography, 42. Planetary Infidd;•103. Poems. 18,185„ 170, 20.2,327,,-191,41,5, 410, 622, 681. 734,8M:1562, 031', l8nT; 10211; 1088, 1134, 1159, 1183, 1218, 1273,-1294; 1369,1385. Poet's Assistant, 703. Points of War, 16g. - Popery, 448. , 44 Test•office Dficletory,' sot 11e2. ,Powc11.* Poems- 'Prer" Works, 1665. 21Q, • lias- timitt bud Baltic, 616, 1065, 1138; Jahndon, 617; Bellot, 713; Wiacman, 912 ; Crystal Palace, 1069; Ahni,-11.918, Coleridge, 1155; Crimea, 1183,1230; bliss Nightingale -Sir E. Lyme, 1274. Protagoras of Plate, 1154. Psalms, 415. Piplein and Nile, 326, Qpieksands'on Foreign Shores, 435, . Itainbles or a Fly-Saber, 391. Ramnsinitm, • • • 1385,- Redamption,202, Religidadf North- men, 601. Revelatioria of 65:11;llfe., 42.
Ititle417tisket, 357. Rights ornmerce,
713. Rotas, 104. 237, 46s 757, 1088; Nicholas, 440, 5'21. 1385; Celerities - 486, 703; Autoeraey, 863; Odesmi 7320 ; Neighbours -of, 1383., eltuth Bernie, 28. - Sacred Illstory, 415. Sr. John's Nemelis' of Power, 863. Salmon, 487: Salons-New Testament, 136. School-books, 101, 209, 2,33,• 278, 302, 369, 115.513, 666, 713, 734, 838;911, 959,1007,1029, 1111, 91e3, 1210,- 1Ra, _1273, 1383. Schools of Doubt, 237, Seott's Poeils
Children, 568. Sermons; 137, 223, 327, .520, 563, 681, 758, 1135, 1585, Shakspere, 18, 3275; Veretheation, 759 ; Seholar, 818. Sharpen Historic Notes, 1237. Shipping-
laws, 366. Shooting, 93C Shrines of the Holy Land, 369. Sieges, 1330, Simon's Reports, 622. Smith's.Greeee, 18. Songs Of Holy Scripture, 512; of the Present, 622. Soyer's Cookery, 91t. Speculative Philo - sophy, 391. Stammering, 531. Statistical Companion, 497, Staintes, 1218. Studies from Nature, 1305. Study of Language, 1291. Swee'enbor,g, 302.
Table Traits, 391. Tales,202, 566, 601,622,713, 734, 753, 783, 911, 982, 1273, 1331/, 1366, 1385 ; of Flemish Life, 1273; Parley's Faggots,1273. Teeth,18, Theologla Germ:mica, 647. Theo- logical hooks. 622, 838. Therapeutics, 838, The Triad, 1158, The World. 327. Thom's Irish Ahnanack, 74. Thomson's Chemistry, 326. Three Treacherous Dealers, 391. Thu.
cydides, 415 Travel Thoughts, 1238. Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament, c01, Topper's Ballads, 278. Turkey-His- tory of Turks, 78; Turkish War, 302; Voca- bulary, 201; Marmont's Travels, 321; Gram- mar, 622; Ilorell's, 818; Ottoman Empire, 020; Barker's Reading-Book, 863. Turn- pike Road Law, 520, Ulster, 9 ll. United States, Progresso!, 886, Village Development, 1238. Vinet's French Literature, 865. Voice of our Exiles, 520.
Volunteer Rifleman, 952. 'Walter Hurst, 278. Wanderings of an Anti- quary, 78. Water-Llly, 1363. Waiklus'e
Directory, 415. Whately's Detached Thoughts, 1330. White's Scotland, 934. 'Wife's Manual, 713. Wild Flowers, 758. Willmott's Gray, Ito, 818. Wood's Animal Life, Gil. Working Women, 327, Trans Romano) of Travel, 712.
Zurlina, 223.
LITELLAY GLI1,310109,61, 138, 159, 935.
Adelphi-Two Tares and a 1.1(0 ; Mous-
tache Movement, 353; Marble Heart. 551; Moving, 614; La Joie fait Pear. 726 ; Courier of Lyons, 772. Mr. Barnett, 998, 1080, 1102 ; A Summer Storm,1152 ;Boni Bile Tmvellera,
4::leow- 11;gmyllyile, ri.,113; Ana ,r1`25'.
-C9ristmas-Pieces:8, - Drury.Ione-Jlegging Letter, 9; Paula Ian- 1 "surf!, •3tri'Obtlficarl l/Inh hers,' 242; Leonie,
d98ithindiejigglars; 353: • '
„RooeNnitves.,.fiu..! . ,„ •
Ilaymarkee-Miss Cush:mac 85,, 1.53, 389; ' Iterielagh;* 1137 ;..D9these Eleanoury295 " Xntghts'dt Rotind Table, 352 As 1.13* air Two Peas, 726; Spanish. dancetheri771): GI • picmEirst ,Night, 35 ;,Lose-Ine.,114.0187; TO An Henson, 272; The Wrung 1, 318; itthliiik11111e, 611 ; Ifeacl; ang,Tbils, 628-4 erQcsuColilidence; 751.; AA'datch in the • --o1Dttilc; .1080 4, A Blighted,Iseimr,"1102 ; The Tratteo;1126 Iteukth Spa; 1201.;'My Wife's .-Firilli9AATileiltrleals. 83,242, 272,31..9, 353,407, .54,434t sso, so, 611, 6:19,064, OE, 735, 775, 831; 28,"e50, 933, 11,`2, 1125, 1171, 1201,1269, 1319; 1378; Le-Tultde 'Yenise-Louise de -Hanteuil,19 ; L'Etoile du Nord, 220; 'Rosa- 1230.1254. Pastiou Week and Easter Shows, 406. Princess'S thkateei-Binkard [Trilled, 916; Away .13t1s; pit:Vat-101y, 296. IStprto in a Tert-enp,•1113 ;The Afarried Un arried, From Village to Court, 613; Courier of . Lions, 697 A 51,-actor Gold, 1075 ; Living 7.f.:110m9'aa0:1089-; ScSmmyt,1t74, .,- Sadler's 33'e'li-Peric1es, 1101. James'S-Frenelf plays, 479 ; "La Grand- ate re-,Sullivita, 2118 14c Joie fait Pour. 539, close of Freneh pthys,684 ; Opening Elm11,•11113,4 Miss Thompson, 1101; Honour before Titles, 1149. , Sraith.i(Athert) Sliest Pane: 1285. • • Warner, Urn-, Deatkof, 1021. Weitmiuster Play,. 1349.
Bari; .§ocir•iY, 1251. Buzzi's Opera, 9,
I:Leap-Musical Publications, 818. Calogfie Choral Union, 506,560.
:Concerts, 122, 187, 661; Bennett's, 153; Madri- gal Society, 107; Musical Winter EvcningS, - 814 0 Mies Itireh'S, 335; illogical Union, 61.8 AtadeulYgidWi Quartet. ASSOCia. tion, 639, 698, 731; Glee and Madrigal IS nion , Drany,Lane Operp-i-Not-ma,-429; Per Fieig- 'chitin; 451) rtapi,...; 838; Fra • -.Giovanni, 959; The Seraglici, 639; dosing, 0520 inillen's concerto. 1119. Edinin4rgtrOPero,-89,
Foreign-News. 132,164, Guides'Band, 1149.
" harmonic tinioa=litijah, 89; 353; Ada .irittlitns4titfiot•rt'•Woreli, 1218. , Judo* Maecabarus, 1930.• . Leslie's 1Mmanuel.„342, 535. London Orabestra, 59. .- :Music of the Cry staiPaians,585.... New Phill.rinonic Society,,319„ 303, 479,506, aitntierz4ictskie4i:,272 319,381,- pi. 305s Royal Italian Opan-Prospectus, 210; open- , ing, 302.i.Matilda di Shulman, 424o:10319, - 404; fidelio, '470; Barbierc dr Don Giovanni, 906. Puritan!, 634 ;1' grand cnnibined entertainment," 530; Grist's fkre- wellobrformances,584, 664-.802, 859; Viardot, 644; Dun facilitate, 698; close, 855. • Sacred Harmonic Society, 272; Elijah, 193; 295t9ie14725.1 Deborah, 1283.. - St. Jaines'o-e,Prench comic opera, 614, 639,664, biania:s Creation, '50; Judea -hiaceitlieus, 216; Elijah, 296 ; Ads and Ga- lotea,i1.29a, §ticiety pf British Musician", 9. 1102,t3g, Death of, 751. ITIE414•TES hAbN. 1).,E13X31HIN. JAM Is Torstralia, 714_ Set Union, 863, 13118. 'Arundel Society, 241, 1274. -Biographical Catalogue of Painter', 1380. British Institution, 158; Old Masters, 623, Burford's Panorama, 1367. Caraegie's (Sir James)" Giorgione," 647. ' Character in Ornainent, 1367. Clarke's Great Novelists, 506. Clauderg Photographic Gallery, 623. Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 10; The NeW Crystal Palace, 430; Sydenham Crystal Pa- lace, 614; The Crystal Palace Opened, 642 ; ExypCan Court, 668; Greek and Roman Art, 724; Colouring of the Greek Court, 806; As- syrian Court, 887; Alhambra- Court, 912; Byeantine Court, 925; Medieval Court, 9i9; ltenaissanee and Italian Courts, 983. Department of Science and Art, 242, 541, 711, 1386, Deverell, Mr. W. H., 159. Diorama of Constantinople, 93; Canada, 430; Seat of War, 806; Events of War, 1313. Educational Exhibition, 726, Engravings: Sebastopol, &e,602. French Art and German Art, 522, Harding's Lessons on Art, 153. Japanese Exhibition, 95. Jones's (Mr. Owen) Books, 1294. Leech's (John) Punch Pictures, 1238, Marlborough House Models by the Italian Masters, 370. Martin,John, 216. Model of the Seat of War, 1313. Museum of Ornamental Art, 647. National Gallery, 682, 863 ; Blue Book, 122. National Institution, 302, 370. New Water-Colour Society, 522. Oriental and Turkish Museum, 863. Panieticon, 303. Pantheon Gallery, 303. Photographic Illustrations of Scripture, 1387. Photographic Pletures.20; Society, 202. Polytechnic Institution,977, 1102. Prize Plate, 806. nab and her Chickens, 321. Hatuiter Sa- tire and Satirists, 799... ;Hannibal Vffiessafte(4298 FIt Ced.thi• "IL Harry c.renia°;11-541."11,:!Be Lyccumel.olIng„.187;•A charming Widow, tiugsts Consumptiun, 818: Hill!** sti• , 272 Knoitier Onb Hound the Corner, 29A; murttm, 278. Ilerodottis, 462. -Heroine Wanted a She-Wolf, 9181-Stinshinethiougls lidays at Lynmere, 1238. Home Grammars, Gentleman Opposite 726 • A conalcalthtunk- 1239. hope Camp •ell, 1158. ,rfortocks'3, a 1254 ; Aggravating ;Sam, 1183' ,fTWP cads are Better than One, 1313. . Hotel Guide, 86. Routh Boy.a-Adven- Marylehone-As you Like 1000 ; l'idents edt's Cyclorama, 971. Royal Academy Exhibition, 462, 521, 513, 556, 661,682. Royal Gallery of Art, 1375,1388. Ruskin'e (Mr.) Lectures, 1219,1273, 1331. Society of British At slats, 370. Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 462. Sweaborg and HelsIngthrs, 806. Universal Exhibition at Paris, 535, 713, War Prinns.1367, - _- Webster (Daniel), Bust of, 647: - Winter Exhibitionof Cabinef-Pletnres;1366. - - LETTERS 'TO TFIE EDITOR. Army, Coteardly Attacks, on the,- bt Very Old Hand, 10.Z ; 31llitary Morals, y John Davy,111,11.,1984, 1102. Army in Turkey, by a Captain of a Company In the Es peditipoury Force, .878 ;. Military Grumbling, by 0Meer,1052. Army Medicel Department; by john Davy, 1290; by T., 1333. - • Baltic Ilfar.Cen31414.1llereator, 357, Aral. Promotion in, by 13. 0...953; Australia Exploration of Nortbers, by F. R. G. 157, 190. - • • Bishop of Lendan's Charge, by D., 1174, 1201. Burying Al iv.e in Railway Tunnels; by an En- gineer, 1025. . . - Cambridge Pellowiltipe, by EIK4, _ Census of Sthoolo by,Jelinger-Symmit, 670. 'Church-of Miipland, Lim. ts of the,by Z., 190. Civil Service, Proposed Ile/brae o( the, by an Officer of Custonis--A CanthridgeGraduate, Cobden (Mr.) and the Leave, hr./0mm Ac- 'Colonial anclImperial Relatiors, by. j. R. G., 7541 Colonial Consultation versus Separa- tion, by C. B. A., 878; Colonial Policy, by F. brimea (the), the Abuse and Use of, by W. 13. Adams, 1584; Our Soldiers In the.; by•Johu :Davy, 1332,, • Crymd Pelee": a Hint to the Broad Church, , Pay 538: • . Decimal Coinage, by II., 436,457,910; by RD. Stetter, 1153. Education, Objetts of, by M., 237.' English Capital and English Itnergy,-14 W, B. Adams, 94. . Eviction of the Barbarians from Europe, by W.11. Adams, 590. Fast Day, the, by Oliver Bradshaw, 436. Galileo's' Imprisonment, by E. T., 1174. Gladstone's War Budgen b 1.56., 610. " Greeks, What are the ? " by E. A, F.., 1259, - 1333: HighlandRegjments, by a North 13 riton,1233. Hints for the Medical Ward of Stealth, by JUV9919"; 978 Hospitala, our Public, by Senex, 701 ; by Sex- "agenaritis, 730. Imperlalliepresentation of Colonien by J. R. (1., 702. Iota (MS; the, by 0.-1,, 318. Ieislpspa 101 *merles,. by an Irish-Render. 31137.7o5iu hitcliffir and American Silvery, by,lt ichard.D. Webb, 411. ' Iron Ships of War, by T. Hodgkingozi,577 ; and Artillery, by IV. B. Adams; 1002. LibbInsureace,gbligations, by impartia1;510. Loita,..Coming, by Ricardettc, 1286; ublic Loan 131.1e -,4-0-'42. R. E. Hooppell, 1333. Malt-tax, ha e'll'airand Square," 539,, 3 MalthbaldriPhifirtdphy„b"..K. IL, 1261.1 Maltrine'ssI3c.Olres : Education-foe tiniglem- ployed irrDaily Labour, by a Lonlihli ler- IdedicaiDepartinent of the Armg,Iiiarr Old Med teal 6184.14a-1'Lyillei5ll,•669 ; by Veritas,.701 ; by 56. 91;, 729.. • . • Medical Staff or -the- Turkith Army, lig John 'Dary,31.D., 7311. Military Enutipments,- b7 as Indian Officer, 879. . • MilitarY Itulgantun, bY Oliver Bradshaw', 591; Miiiiatry and Foreign Enlistment, by. "W. B. .itekims, 1353.. Laths, by &Dublin M.11.,31. linns-The first "Order" 'after Baster, by Philip H. 'toward, . - Open-air Preaelsing,10 R. E. Iloopiell, 1103. OveriverEof the/3 rain, by .1.3tarshaU, 618, 701. 1Parliamentary Reform, a Hough Glance at, by . ltD. Stetter, 33.- •. - • Partnerenip Liability; by W.-S., 751, 879; by W. H. Murray,1106, 007. • 'Plagues (the) of our InternationalCitbby'W. • B. Adams, 977. ,' • Proper Taxation of British Subjects Abroad, ' by a Btitith Subject Residing Abroad; Public Seth:tots, Discipline of; by an-Old De- 39- Queen (the), the Wife, and the -Nation, by , Cosines, 64. • Railway Concussion a Pallititive, by J. Ito 951. - ' • _._ Reform Bill, Defects of the 'New, by M. T.- W. 8., 258. Revolt in Baines; by E. A. P.. 336; Greeks and Turks, by Oliver Bradshaw, 358 Russian War - Hoproteeted, British Com- merce, by R. G., 91; Ittissian Prisoners, by G., 457; The Eviction of the Barbarians from Europe, by W. Bridges Adams, 538. Russo-Dutch Loan, by Oliver Bradshaw, 739. Sabbath Observance: Glasgow Drunkenness by W. Mill, 190; intemperance and Jcsfish Babbitt rianistn, by W.B. Adams. 410. :Sabbath Worship at the Cjosral Palace, by' 89. B. Adams, 511. Saving, on, by Robert E. hooppell, 1103. Soldier's Cap,-by an Old Shako.Weiwor, 1153; by Common Sense, 1258. Soldiers' Food, by John Davy, 1234; and Cloththg,1258. Soldier's Greateaat, by W. B. Cooke, 1332, Somerset House stops the Way, by Cerberus, 951. Spain and her Revelation, by W. B. Adams, 1052.. . . "Stack, the "_by an Old Hand, 618. Supplies within the Year; Loans, by 4 • 435. Tickets-of-Leave, by John Adams, 1102. University Reform: the Dissenters, by a Dis- senter. 64; by a Resident Fellow,91 ; by W. S., 137 ; Last Disgrace of Oxford, by 0.26'. 257; The University and the Colleges in re- lation to Dissenters, by a Resident -Fellow, 410,431 ; Oxford Colleges and theiugasT meats, by a Student of Christ Ch11:1-111 Christ Church, Oxford, 480. 'liege Urquhart'. (Mr.) Views, by Oliver 'meats 338, 670. mpan War-New•Year's Gift for our dotidents bastopol, by Arthur Einnaird, 121rree War Administration, the, by an (larag rialist, 1259. A.9110 War and the Instruments of Wenn* Adams, 1332. 8th War Minister, by J. H. W., 689. amp War Taxes, by Berthh Botfield,48C4rar Windsor Courts-martial, by W. ROW Woburn Abbey Pictures, byJobll