It has come to our knowledge that some who have not yet had the pleasure of reading Mr. Russell's new work, My DIARY IN INDIA, er- roneously suppose that it is, for the most part, a reprint of his letters to the Times. It is no such thing, but almost an exact reproduction of everything fit for the public eye in the pages of a Diary, wherein many subjects were entered and alluded to which were not mentioned at all in the letters to the ntnes. The manuscript was assiduously written up as long as the writer's health permitted him to do so and abounds—how could it be otherwise ?—with incidents of Indian life personal adven- tures which cannot fail to prove highly attractive.
MT. SeCTStall'S MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OP ROBERT NELSON is the first attempt at an extended biography of that pious layman since death in 1714.
My Diary in India, in the year 1858-9. By William Howard Russell, LL.D., Special Correspondent of the limes. With Illustrations. In two volumes. Memoirs of the Life and limes of the pious Robert Nelson, Author of the "Companion to the Festivals and Fasts of the Church." By the Rev. C. F. Secretan, M.A. With Portrait.
Pre-Adamite Man ; or the Story of our old Planet and its Inhabitants, told by Scripture and Science.
Lyrical Poems. By John Stuart Blackie, Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh.
lruth Answers Rest; or Jean and Nicolette. By the Author of "Moravian Life in the Black Forest."
The Vicar of Lyssel. A Clergyman's Diary of 1729-82.
The Dublin University Calendar for the year 1860. Corrected to December 10, 1859.
Dublin Examination Papers : being a Supplement to the University Calendar for the year 1860.
iforphes Games of Chess : being the best games played by the distinguished champion of Europe and America. 'With Analytical and Critical Notes by J. Lowenthal.
Crochforers Clerical Directory for 1860: being a Biographical and Statistical Book of Reference for Facts relating to the Clergy and the Church. Pub- lished Annually.
La Rome des Popes; son Origine, sea Phases successives, ses Maurs intimes, son Gouverziement, son System Administratif. Par 1111 Ancien Membre de la Constituante Romaine. Traduction de l'onorage nailer& inedit. Premier volume. Etudes sue rHistoire de r Einnoniti ; La Papaut6 et l'Empire. Par F. Lau- rent, Professeur a l'Univet site de Gund.
Conciliation Bationnelle du Droit et do Dcooir. Par Henri Dim:lie: Avocet. Seconde edition. Tome premier. Tome second.
Lionel Lincoln ; or the Leaguer of Boston. By J. Fenimore Cooper. Illtrs- tinted from Drawings by 3.0. C. Darby.
Echoes from the Hare of Prance. Originally published by Monsieur G. 8. Trebutien, at Caen, in Normandy. By Harriet H. Carey, of Bowl. ALMANACK.
Butler's Theatrical Directory and Dramatic Altuanack for 1860.