7 JANUARY 1860, page 3


A Pro-Papal meeting was held in the Hanover Square Rooms on Tuesday. It was convened by the "Catholic Aid Association." Mr. Richard Keeley occupied the chair; the speakers were......

Forrigt Tulnnial.

PIIIM—The Emperor and Empress returned to Paris from Fon- tainebleau on Saturday. On Sunday they received the " homage " of the Imperial family, the officers of State and the......


It is announced, without any circumlocution, that a Government cir- cular has reached Cork authorizing the formation of a Volunteer corps, to be composed of the civil servants......


Mr. William Vernon Harcourt, the rejected of Kirkcaldy, met his supporters there on Wednesday, and delivered a speech on current politics. He expressed the greatest mistrust of......

At A Meeting Held To Forma Rifle Corps At Worksop,

Lard Robert Clih- ton in the chair, the Duke of Newcastle took a prominent part in the proceedings and made an excellent speech. His advice on the question of organization......