On the 25th of December, at Bentham Hall, Gateshead-on-Tyne, Durham, the 'Wife of Edmond Cmwshay, Esq. of a son.
On the 25th, at Brussels, the Countess de Lalaing, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Hollyhrook, Skibbemen, Ireland, the Lady Emily Becher, of a son.
On the 27111, at Eg,gesford, North Devon, the Countess of Portsmouth, of a son.
On the 29th, at St. Andrew's, Fife, N.B., the Wife of Sir Charles H. Ochterlony, of Ochterlony, Bart., of a son and daughter, who survived their birth but a few hours.
On the 31st. at Methley, Yorkshire, the Hon. Mrs. Philip Savile, of a son. On New Year's-day, at 15, New Street, Spring Gardens, the Wife of G. &later- Booth, Esq., M.P., of a son and heir.
On the 6th of December, at the Cathedral, Antigua, by the Yen. Archdeacon Clarke, M.A., the Hon. Bettie Entwisle Jarvis, of Mount Joshua, Member of H.M.'s Council of that island, to Martha Elliott, third daughter of the late Lionel Oliver,' Esq., of Bristol. '- On the 27th at Hampton, the Rev. William G. G. Austin, M.A., eldest son of the Bishop of Guiana, to Mary Emily Gray, daughter of the late William Thomas Smyth, Esq., formerly of H.M.'s Eighty-Seventh Regiment. On the 30th, at Edinburgh, Edward Augustus Prinsep, Esq., of Her Majesty's Indian Civil Service, Punjab, to M argarett: Eleanor, youngest daughter of the rate James Hunter, Esq., of Thurston, N.B. On the 31st, at St. George's, Hanover Square, by the Yen, the Archdeacon of 'Foam, the Hon. Geoffrey Browne, only surviving son of the Lord Oranmore and Browne, to Christina, only surviving child of the late Alexander Guthrie, Esq., of the Mount, Ayrshire. On the 3d of January, the Earl of Hopetoun, to Etheldred Anne, eldest daughter of C. T. S. Birch Reynardson, Esq., of Holywell Hall, Lincolnshire.
• On the 11th of December, off Aden, Major It. R. Glyn, aged twenty-eight, Capt. Second Battalion Rifle Brigade, fourth son of George Carr Glyn,Esq., H.P.
On the 21st, at Boulogne-sur-Mer, Edward Richard Wright, Esq., comedian.
On the 23d, at Harperhy Park, Durham, aged sixty-nine, George Hutton Wil- kinson Esq., many years Recorder of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the first judge of the County Courts of Northumberland. On the 24th, at St. Aubin, France, _Caroline, Wife of . Sir James C. Anderson, Bart.
On the 25th, at his residence, Barnfield House, Southampton, General Richard Blunt, Colonel of the Sixty-sixth Regiment, a retired Lieutenant-General in the Portuguese Army, Knight of the Tower and Sword, &c., aged ninety. On the 26th, at Lichfield, in her eightieth year, Helena. eldest daughter of the late Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart., formerly Governor of Madras. On the 28th, Rosa Heniiette, Wife of Charles Mackay, Esq., LL.D. On the 29th, at Brighton, the Hon. Isabella Caroline Edwardes, fourth daughter of the Lord Kensington, in her eighteenth year. On the 29th, at her residence, Long Ditton, the Lady Elizabeth Clements, aged eighty-seven. On the 30th, at 20, Montague Place, Russell Square, the Rev. William Carus Wilson, aged sixty-eight. On the 3d of January, at his residence, 23, Bloomfield Terrace, Harrow Road, John Grenfell Moyle, Esq., F.R.C.S., formerly President of the Medical Board, Bombay,' aged seventy-three. At Cawston, Rugby, the Lord John Scott, aged fifty.