BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
I per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, luf per Cent Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 185.
India Bonds Spec Cent Seurd. Monday. Tuesday, Weelhes. 77nors. Pridat .
shut 954 951 951 shut --- 2261 shut 30 7 -- 9511 94i, Of -- ---- 2283 --- 30 — — — 951 95f 951 — — 228 — 33 — --
-- 951 951 953 — .2-27. — 28 ---- 10
— 951 93/ 96 — --- 2283 -- 29 --- — 01 9 91 95 — — 2.83 --- 29 — FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct. French I in•ct• 26f.
Belgian 43 - 981
Mexican s
224 .
Ditto 21 - — Peruvian 43 - 923 Brazilian 6 - 1031 Portuguese 1833 3 - 441
Buenos Ayres s -
861 Russian 6 - 1693 Chilian 6 - - Sardinian 4 - #49
Danish a -
— Spanish 3 -
Ditto 3 -
Ditto New Deferred a -
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .24 -
fin Ditto Passive lt f Ditto 4 - 102 Turkish.. 6 - 79 French 3 - 69f. Venezuela 21 201 Sit A RE S.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristo land Exeter 101 Australasian 63/ Caledonian 95
British North American
Chesterand Holyhead Si City 654 Eastern Counties 283 Colonial 393 Edinburgh and Glasgow 824 Commercial or London 20 Glasgow and South-Western 1004 Ecgl. Australian Chtd. 171 Great Northern 1074 Louden 511 Great South. and West. Ireland. — London and County 329 Great Western 704 London Chrtd. Lot. of Australia 224 Lancashire and Yorkshire 1029 London Joint Stock 331 Lancaster and Carlisle 2103 London and Westminster 56
London, Brighton Asouth Coast
115 National Bank
London and Black wail 66 National Provincial
London and North-Western.... 991 New South Wales
London and South-Western.... 901 Oriental 403 Manchester, Sheffield,fi Lincoln. 39 Ottoman 164 Midland 1103 Provincial of Ireland
Midland OrectWestenr (Ireland) — South Australia 914 North British 643 Union of Australia Si North-Eastern-Berwick 864 Union of London 291 North-Eastern-York 794 Unity
Oxford, War. & 'Wolverhampton
354 Doves-
Scottish Central - East and West India
Scottish Midland
London 701 South Eastern and Dover 831 St. Katherine 77 Eastern of France — Victoria its East Indian 1041
Geelong and Melbourne 193 Australian Agricultural 333 Grand Trunk of Canada 491 British American Land
Great Indian Peninsular 102 Canada 121 Great Western of Canada 121 Crystal Palace If Paris and Lyons 361 Electric Telegralph - - 106
MIN au-
General Steam
Australian Brazilian Imperial — London Discount National Discount , •
Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper 2:4 4 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam 78
22 South Australian
An Aceount, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victor's., eap.32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 4th day of January 1860.
Kotesissued £30,290,682 Government Debt E11,015,1 CO Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15,815,686 • Silver Bullion £30,290,685 £30,290,685 !enema nz ..... rev.
Proprietors 'Capital 4114,959,o00 Government SecurIties(inclu • Rest 3,209,942 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). /10,323,762 Public Deposits 9,159,556 Other Securities 21,092,909 Other Deposits 13,40,327 Notes 8,465,590 Seven Daysand other Bills . 795,595 Gold and Silver Coin • 645,139 — — 441,127,420 /41,127,420 • Including Exchequer,Saving-Banks,Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Acet.
Newsurn AND Imansomis.26.• CATTLE
d s. it. s. d. a.
Beef-. 3 0 to 3 81.4 4 .... 4 0104 to 5 2 Mends). Thursday.
Mutton 3 2 - 3 10-4 6 .... 4 4 - 5 -8 6 Beasts.. 3,340 1,180 Veal... 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 8 .... 4 4 - 4 -6 2 Sheep -16,00 4,540 Pork .. 3 8-4 4 - 9 0 .... 4 4 - 4 - 4 10
Calves.. 151
185 Lamb. 0 0 ex 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 -0 0 Pigs ... 370 100 • To slink the offal, per 8 lb. BULLION. Perez. I METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. E3 17 9 I Copper, Brit. Cakes £117 0 0
- go
n 0 Mexican Dollars 5 5 _I
Iron, Welsh liars.... 6 Lead, British rig ... 23 15 0 15 0 .. 7 .. 24 5 6 5 0 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 5 2 Steel, Swedish Keg- 19 0 0 - 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Jan. C.
Wheat,R.O. 42to47 I Fine 47 to49 Fine 47-19 , Foreign,R. 30-SO Red, New 38-44 I White F. 53-65 Fine 44-40 I Rye 28-32 White Old 44-49 ' Barley 24-27 Tine New 49- 62 1 Malting .. 33-42 40-46 Malt, Ord... 58-66 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Dec. 31.
Wheat 44x. 2.0. 1 Rye 35s. Id. Barley 31 8 Beans 39 7 Oats 21 6 Peas 37 8 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 43s. to 465.
Seconds 33 - 37 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 32 - 34 Norfolk and Stockton 31 - 33 American Canadian per barrel 27 - 28 27 - 28 Bread. 344. to 73d. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Fresh, 17a. ltd. dos. Carlow, 5/. 18s. to 6l. Os. per eat.
Bacon. Irish per cwt. Pr. - 61s.
Cheese, Cheshire, One 76 -84 Derby, pale 70 - 72 Hams, York 86 - 96 Eggs, French, per 120, 9s. ed. to 13s. 64 SIX-WEEKS AVERAGE, Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.... 44s. Od. I Rye 31s. Id. Barley ... 35 6 I Beans 40 9 Oats 21 8 Peas 38 6 Pine 68 to 73 Peas, Hog 33 - 36 Maple 35-38 White 35 - 37 Blue 0 0 Beans, Ticks 32 - 36 Harrow 38-45
Indian Corn. 14 to 35 Oats, Feed.. 23-13 Fine .... 26-26 Poland ... 23-25 Fine .... 22-27 Potato.... 28-30 Fine.... 31 - 32
HOPS. I Weald of Kent Pockets 43.. to Mk. Down Tegs Mid and East Kent ditto Si - 147 Half-bred Al ethers Sussex ditto 60 - 76 Leleester Fleeces Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Combing Skins 'WOOL.
per lb. 193d. to 200. 163 - 174 17 - 18 13 - 18
MAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trustee.)
Hay, Good 675. to 724 80s. to 84s. 80.10 88s.
Inferior ........
New 50 60
o o
45 63
o — o
45 - 74
o — 0
90 - 100 92 - 105 98 - 106 Wheat Straw
.23 30
22 - 29 30 - 84