It is with real pleasure that we, as Unionists, note
the official visit of the Lord Mayor of London—who is a Roman Catholic and a Unionist—to Dublin, to assist at the inaugura- tion of a Protestant Lord Mayor, which took place on Monday. The late Lord Mayor of Dublin set an excellent example by not making his office political, and it is said that it will be followed in this by his successor. The Lord Mayor of London —who brought his State carriage with him—was presented with the freedom of the City. It is to be noted that for the first time for eleven years, bodies of soldiers appeared in the procession, the Dublin civic authorities having abandoned. their foolish refusal to invite their attendance. This is a. great deal better than Mr. Healy's "No Crown money for me, Mr. Morley." Unfortunately, however, the irreconcilables and extremists are as active as ever,—witness the placard now being circulated in Dublin and printed in Tuesday's Times. It is directed against Mr. Shanks, the new Lord Mayor, because, as it states, he was "one of the packed jurymen" who returned a verdict of " guilty " against Michael Walsh for participating in the murder of Constable Kavanagh in 1882 :—" Mr. James Shanks," says the placard, " may claim that he had a right to join in a verdict in accordance with the evidence, but he must have known that no packed jury ever gave fair consideration to the ;charaoter of the evidence brought before it, anu he would not have joined in the conviction if he were a true Nationalist."