Wintry Waters. T Hose Who Care To Forego The Attractions Of
the dead and frozen surface of the London lakes, will find a strange contrast in the scene presented by the still living and moving surface of the London river. The tidal Thames......
Letters To The Editor.
THE GOTHENBURG LICENSING SYSTEM. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " EVECTATOR,"] SIR,—I see, in the Spectator of December 31st, a letter from Mr. Reginald Lucas directing attention to what......
COMMON THINGS. GIVE me, dear Lord, thy magic common things, Which all can see, which all may share, Sunlight and dewdrops, grass and stars and sea, Nothing unique or new, and......
Youth And Age.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFEOTATOR."] SIR,—Your previous correspondents have been elders ; may a junior speak P It always seems to me that the friction-point is not between youth......