New Year's Eve is, in the Positivist Church, "the day
of Holy Women," and on New Year's Eve Mr. Frederic Harrison spoke on " Womanhood," Positivist religion being very fond of words ending in " hood." But the main line of remark was sensible enough. Mr. Harrison regarded women as superior to men in subtlety and quickness of intellect, but inferior in their power to bear prolonged tension. He thought their education should be not %try different from men's, but that the affections are their natural sphere, and that they should be protected from the wear and tear of public life. When he went on to say that the religion of humanity is revealed to ns "as present daily and hourly in all good women," we do not know why he limited it to good women. If there be any " religion of humanity " at all, it is surely as much revealed in good men as in good women. We do not, however, catch what Positivists mean. by Revelation. To them, surely the word has no sort of distinctive meaning.