A remarkable conversation between Prince Bismarck and Herr Lothar Bucher
on the future of Austria has been published this week. The Prince evidently thought that the rise of the Slav population, whom be despised and disliked, would be fatal to Austria, and that the Clericals would use their ascendency over the Catholic Slave to destroy the Triple Alliance. He thought, however, that Germany would in that case secure either Russia or England as an ally, and believed that Germany could be defended against any coalition. As Prince Bismarck knew Austria well, his view is interesting; but it is strongly opposed to his action in preventing the annexation of Bohemia and forming the strict alliance with the Hapsburgs. We fancy that in conversation he permitted his prejudices against Hapsburgs, Catholics, and Slave to run away with him, but never allowed them to influence him either in action or despatches. Nowadays we distin- guish too little between matured opinions and ()biter dicta.