[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—i Would Venture To
suggest what strikes me as being an improvement on your very attractive suggestion of last week, as regards a scheme of old-age pensions, which is, that the Government should......
The Problem Of Old-age Pensions.
LTO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' have read your article under this heading in the Spectator of December 31st with interest, and believe that your solution of this perplexing......
The Alleged Want Of Pity In Children. [to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —If Mr. Tollemache has no better evidence to give con- cerning the alleged "inconsiderate pitilessness of children" than that contained in his letter......
Irish University Education.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.,"] SIR,—At a meeting of the General Assembly's Committee on the Higher Education held on December 27th, 1898, in the Assembly's Offices, May......
Old Age In The Village.
[To THE EDITOR OE THE "Spzerwros."] SIR,—My attention has just been caught by what seems to me to be a curious mistake in your otherwise strikingly truthful article in the......
Road-making Animals.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPEOTATOR."] SIR, I was surprised to see that the writer of the very interesting article in the Spectator of December 31st made no allusion to the paths......
Compulsory Arbitration.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin.,—Before accepting as an argument for compulsory arbitration the assumption that it works well in New Zealand (Spectator, December......