[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—We desire to appeal through your columns to the many thousands of men possessed of a military training who are resident in the City and County of London. We ask them to come forward and register their names and addresses in the Veteran Reserve so that the country by the military authorities may be able to count on them in case of great national peril.
The "trained men" who are eligible for the Veteran Reserve are shown in the following categories :— (a) Officers who have served for at least one year in any of the military forces of the Crown, provided they are not on the Active List of the Regular Army or the Territorial Force, and that they do not belong to the General Reserve of Officers, Special Reserve, or Territorial Force Reserve. Officers who have served in any of the military forces of the Crown, in the Colonies or India, but who are no longer liable for any service therein, are eligible.
(b) Ex-soldiers of the Regular Forces who have completed their original engagement with the colours and the Reserve, or have been discharged by purchase after not less than one year's service.
(c) Ex-soldiers of the Special Reserve, after not less than one year's service.
(d) Ex-Militiamen who have completed one period of engagement.
(e) Ex-Imperial Yeomen, and ex-Volunteers not serving in the Territorial Force, and ex-members of Colonial forces after four years' service.
(f) N.C.O.'s and men of the Territorial Force on discharge therefrom.
(g) Individuals in possession of a war medal duly granted to them.
Officers must be under sixty, N.0.0.'s under fifty-five, and other ranks un.aer fifty years of age.
We believe that the trained men who have already been in the King's Service will embrace this opportunity of rendering valuable service, and of regaining touch with the Army and their old comrades. It is hoped that many thousands will register, and that it will be possible to have in the spring a parade worthy of the Empire, which his Majesty the King might be requested graciously to inspect. No obligations are imposed in peacetime on those registering their names, and no service will be required from the Veteran Reserve unless in the case of a national emergency.
Application to register names for the City and County of London should be made by postcard to the Secretary, Veterans, Friars House, New Broad Street, B.C., with the following information :—(l) Name (surname first); (2) address, borough ; (3) corps in which applicant served; (4) length of service ; (5) active service (if any) and medals ; (6) rank on leaving service ; (7) present age. In view of the parade which it is hoped to hold in the late spring or early summer, it is essential that no time should be lost in the sending in of the postcards. Trained men who read this will greatly help lw bringing it to the notice of their friends and comrades who are eligible. Any further information required may be obtained from the secretary of the Joint Committee, as above.
We should, Sir, be greatly obliged if you would lend us your influential aid by supporting this appeal in your editorial columns. London, in this as in all things connected with the Territorial Force, should set an example to the counties.
That a Veteran Reserve containing masses of trained and experienced soldiers will mean a valuable addition to the available forces of the kingdom no one can doubt. We venture, therefore, to ask with confidence for the co-operation of all old soldiers who care for their King and country. —We are, Sir, &c.,
T. YE= STRONG, FIFE, Lord Mayor, President of the Lord-Lieutenant of the County, City of London Territorial and President of the County of
Association. London Territorial Association.
Emits, Chairman of the Association.
EVELYN WOOD, Field-Marshal, Chairman of the Association.
[We refer to this letter in our leading column.s.—ED. Spectator.]