Tuesday's Times Contained A Long Account Of The Last Days
of Tolstoy, written by his friend Mr. P. A. Boulanger, who was present when be died. The article makes it olear that Tolstoy had for some years contemplated a withdrawal from......
It Will Be Remembered That Last Autumn The Executive Of
the Labour Party decided that the time had arrived for abolish- ing the pledge by which their Parliamentary representatives had hitherto been obliged to bind themselves. The......
Mr. John Redmond Publishes In Reynolds's Newspaper A...
on the situation created by the elections., After claiming the result as an unprecedented triumph for the progressive and democratic forces of Great Britain and Ireland, Mr.......
The New Year Honours List, In Spite Of Some Rumours
to the contrary, contained no new peerages. It contained the names of five Privy Councillors, nine Baronets, and twenty-five Knights, in addition to a number of Colonial and......
We Regret To Have To Record The Death Of Lord
Collins, who resigned his Lordship of Appeal in October. Lord Coffins, who graduated with high classical honours at both Dublin and Cambridge, was called to the Bar in 1867, and......
Last Sunday Morning The Mutilated Body Of A Man Was
discovered by a constable on Clapham Common. He was identified as Leon Beron, a Russian who had lived for three years in Jubilee Street, which is the turning out of Commercial......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury In The Course Of A Sermon
preached in his Cathedral last Sunday impressed on his hearers the danger of tampering with the sacredness of history. He described how in his school-days at Harrow he and some......
The Bronze Memorial Statue Of Wolfe, Executed By Mr. Derwent
Wood, A..R.A., and erected by public subscrip- tion in Wolfe's native village of Westerham, was unveiled on Monday, the anniversary of his birth, by Lord Roberts. At the close......
Wednesday's Papers Contained An Outline Of The Draft...
the Government's scheme for insurance against sickness and invalidity. The insurance is to be compulsory upon the whole working population whose incomes are below &60 a year,......
Bank Rate, 4i Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
Dec. 1st. Consols (2i) were on Friday 79I—Friday week 791.......