Party Portraits, and other Verses. By C. L. Graves. (Smith,
Elder, and Co. is. net.)—As the first two poems in this ingenious and amusing little volume appeared in the Spectator, we cannot of course criticise them. We may, however, state that the book is full of bright, pointed, and witty things, and that they are given expression by one who happily combines the spirit of the scholar with the faculty for light and easy verse,—a combination not commonly found, but which when found is peculiarly delightful. These qualities come out very strongly in the pieces of political satire, and no less strongly in the "Frivola " which form the second part of Mr. Graves's book. Particularly amusing is the poem entitled "Mother Shipton on the Crisis." Throughout Mr. Graves shows his mastery over complicated and difficult metres. His rhymes exhibit a dexterity that is often positively diabolic.