7 JANUARY 1911, Page 2


July 15, 1911.



ACT of Union, the, Admiralty Organization Advertisement by.Violence Advertising and Doctora

"Adult Review, the Great" ••• Albanian Rising, the... ...

All-British Shopping ... Amateurs, Great Anglo-German "Entente," the Pr:ce of an Animal Taming in a Garden Arbitration with the United States ... -- Treaty, the, and War ...

Arm of the Law. the Asquith, Hr. his Reticence ... Authorized Version of the New Testament j3ALFOUR, Lord: his Bill for a Poll of the Barter, Richard 47

Bears at the Zoo ... 682 Beauty, the Destruction of ... 434

Bee-Keeper, Blunders of a... ... „. ... 958 Belgium and Proportional Representation ... 913 Betting Tips (An Organized Ilyrocrisy) ... 431 — an Act to put an end to National Hypocrisy 585 $52 878 641 394 513 309 642 266 757 240 CIALENDARS, Naturalists' ... V Cambridge and Oxford .

Cambridge Election, the _ . ... - --Canadian Commerce and British Politics Cant of Social Sincerity, the ...

• Canton Revolutionaries, the ...

• - Champagne Riots, the _. Charing Cross, from the Mall to... ... Cheating the Dislike of Being " Dons " Children's King, the... ... China and Russia ...

Christ's Descent into Hell Churchill, Hr., and the Judges ...

Class Hatred Coincidence, a Literary

- Commons, House of, the Quality of the — — The Poll of the People in the ... -.Compromise, a Suggestion for ••• — the Possibilities of ...

• Coronation Service, the — Meeting for Men, the ...

— the, and the King _. -Crime and Tender-heartedness ••• 'Crisis, the Constitutional -- the, and its Solution ...

— the Political “. Cromer, Lord, and the R.S.P.C.A.

DECLARATION of London, the Destruction of Beauty, the Detention, Preventive ... Devastation by Reservoir ...

Dickens, the Debt to ... Pilke, Sir Charles ... .Doctors and Advertising ... the Revolt of the ... -"Done," on Being ...

• -VGYPT, the State of ... ... ... 12 Emigrant, Almost an ... ...

Emotion, Fashions in ... ... ...

Empire, the, and the Navy ... ...

English Ratans, the ... ... ... ...

Essay, on Beginning an ... ... Estates, Big, the Break-up of .... ... European Situation, the ... ._ ... :Expenditure, National, the Growth of _ -- Local, the Burden of ... ... ...

Family Book, the Poor Man's •••

:Fashions in Emotion ... -Fehr:m.1T Pike 4' Fever, ' Spring ... ;Figure-Skating, Modern ... -Financial Outlook, the ... ••• Fishing in a Blizzard

Fleet, the : When It Did Not Exist Foreign Affairs, the Outlook in ... — — An Irish Parliament and ... Free Trader. "Lloyd Georgia:la " French Government, the Troubles of the Furnished, To Let ...

GERMANY and ROSEria German Diplomacy ... German Emperor, the

Gilbert, Sir W. S. ....

Gipsies and the 'Plague Gladstone League, the 1" Virtue and Cost ") Goodness, Reckless ... • _ Gorst, Sir Eldon, his Annual Report "Great Adult Review," the ... Great Amateurs ... 236 390 892 876 875 549 471 393 173 139 45-383 ... 503 in the Hatter of ...

Bible, the Authorized Version of — Natural History _ Bitterness, Light-hearted Blizzard, Fishing in a ... ...- Boat Race, the..._ • Briand, M., the Fall of _Bridges, London . British Politics and Canadian Commerce Budget, the -. ... • .Burden of Local Expenditure, the ...

• so

640 137 206 956 679 586 83 721 842 274 838 588 314 510 636 272 796 630 760 952 208 4 716 953 802 837 ... 136-349429 434 277 278 313 175 876 955 721 ... 719 ... 49 ... 912 ... 875 ... 957 . 677 i32-393 240 433 276 877 177 722 86 511 394 10 205 872 7 586 240 ... 758


.314 its

... 874 ... 916


... 719 ... 875 393

Grey, Sir Edward : his Endorsement of the 797 Guarantee, a National, for War Risks of Ship- 429


HAMILTON, Sir Ian his Memorandum 391 588 8 472

SO 838 590 273 756 431

1-2/PENETRABILITY — 353 1 Imperial Conference, India and the ... 310

Imperial Conference, the Success of the ... 915 — — and the Appointment of a Royal Coin-

mmnon Income Tax, the, and the Land 552

India and the Imperial Conference ... 310 Indian Police Methods _ 430

Insurance Scheme, the National... ... 639-676-717

— National, Rocks Ahead in ... • .. 798 — Bill, Mr. Lloyd George's Speech at Bir- mingham on his — — Doctors and the ...

Invasion, the Risk of Irish Parliament, an, and Foreign Affairs ... Irishwomen, the United ...

Italian Unity and the Triple Affiance...... — — Celebrations : Appeal for the British

JUDGES, the, and Hr. Churchill „.. 838

ICINIELEgEltreARIiiidlffreeimorial Scheme, the ... g87412 King, the, ilnd the Coronation •••••• 952 T AND, the, and the Income Tax 552

Land at Last ... -• 954 Lansdowne, Lord: his Bill for the Reform of

the Lords Law, the Arm of the •.. .•• ..• ... 554 Libels, Political 133 Liberal Party, Political Patronage in the ... 678

Light-hearted Bitterness ... ...641 Lloyd George, Mr., on his Scheme of Insur- " Lloyd Georg-ism" v. Free Trade ... ... 7 Lseal Expenditure, the Burden of ... 240 London Bridges ... 642 Lords, the Reform of the ... ... 273 — the Duty of the ... _ 756

McKENNA, Mr., his Speech at Pontypool 912 Mall, from the, to Charing Cross ... 83 Man with the Uncongenial Task, the ... 176 Man of the World, the, and the Pietist : a Fable Marie-Claire aria : a iiterary Coin-


Materialism and 553

Men, the Coronation Meeting for ... 760 Mexico and the United States -.-.348-584 Money Bills, the Second Chamber and (Lord Cromer's Warning) ... 837 Monroe Doctrine, Sir Edward Grey's Endorse- ment of the ... 797 Morocco, the Situation in 637

1\1-ATIONAL Expenditure : the Growth of ._ 138 11 National Insurance Scheme, the ... 639-676-717 -798-914-955 National Service in the Past

Natural History in the Bible Naturalists' Calendars ... Navy Debate, the ...

— the, and the Empire ...

OIL Trust, the Condemnation of the ._ 759

On Being" Done" ... 721 " Opinionettes " ---------------761 Organization, Adair' alty ._ 390 Osborne Judgment, the (Trade Unions and 311 Outlook, the unionisi82 — the, in Foreign Affairs ... 205

Owning Up 512

Oxford an Cambridge ... 640

pARLIAMENT, an Irish, and Foreign


Parliament, the Nev;,-andiVomi.ii Suffrage ... 238 ------------------548

— — the Possibilities of Compromise.- ... 796 — — the Second Reading of the 836 "Passing Remarks 589 Paternal Government, the Troubles of a 536 Patronage, Political, in the Liberal Party ... 678 Payment of Members... .... 207

Personality Pets in Zoo Cag:es762

Pietist, the, and the Han oi_the World ... 433 Pike, February — ... 177 Plague, Gipsies and the ... 314 Poaching in Warwickshire .., 177 Policemen and Soldiers _10-46

Police (Indian) Methods 430

ratical Libels 138 Hell, Christ's Descent into ...

Heroes, Other People's ... Home Rule, the Case Against ..

Home Science, Queen Mary and „. Horses, Half a Century with House of Lords' Reform ...

— — the Duty of the ... Hypocrisy, an Organized ... 914 955

so 872 831 469 Political Crisis, the ... ... ... — ... VA — Situation, the ------------172-423 Poll of the People, Hr. Balfour's Statement in Regard to the ... ... ...

— — Lord Balfour's Bill for a ... 703-468

— — the, in House of Commons ... 636

"Poor Man's Family Book," the 276 Praed, Mrs. (Almost an Emigrant) 49 Prejudices, the Three Great ... 473 Presbyterianism in Scotland ... 840 Preventive Detention ... ... ... 277 Proportional Representation, Belgium and 913

QUEEN MARY and Home Science ... 838 -13 AT Problem, some Beginnings with the ... 11i, Realm, the Safety of the ... Reckless Goodness

Reciprocity and the Empire Red Shirt, the ..

Referendum, the ...

Remarks, Passing ...

Reserve, the Veteran, for London — — Hr. Haldane's Speech on ... Reservoir, Devastation by ... Right to Work Bill, the ... Risk of Invasion, the Rome, on. the Downfall of ...

Rosebery, Lord : his Speech in the House of Royal Commission, a, and the Imperial Con.


R.S.P.C.A., the, and Lord Cromer Ruinlip Manor Russia and Germany ...

SAFE TY of the Realm, the ... Salmon, Some Problems of ... Scissors-Grinder, the

Scotland, Presbyterianism in ... Sheep Station, Things Felt and Seen on a ... — and Shepherds Shipping, War Risks of, a National Guarantee Shopping, All-British ... 471

Sidney Street Affair, the ... . 10-46•"Simmons ro.Liberal Opinion"(Political Lihels) 138

Sincerity, Social, the Cant of ... ... 956 Situation, the Political 172-428 Skating, Modern Figure Snobbishness in Schools 241

Soldiers and Policemen 46

Spoils to the Victors Spring " Fever " 722 Standard Oil Trust, the Condemnation of the 759 468 Surrey Veteran Reserve, the Lesson of the ... 799 frIAMING Animals in a Garden ... 139 1 Tariff Theories and Trade Facts ...

Task, Uncongenial, the Han with the... _ 178 Telephone Authority, the proposed ... 275-587 Tender-hearteclness and Crime ... ... 208

Testament, New, Authorized Version of the... 352 Thirlmere Scenery, the Imrovement of ... 209 To Let Furnished --------------240

Trade Facts and Tariff Theories .. ... 45 Trade Unions and the Law ... 311 873 Triple Alliance, the, and Italian Unit ... 469

Trouble, the Attraction of ---------681

Turkey, the Situation in ... 718

TTNCONGENIAL Tas-k, the Man with the... 176 Unemployment, Insurance aainst ... 639 Union, the Act of ----------------236

Unionist Outlook, the ...

United Irishwomen, the _ _ 80/ United States, the, and Mexico 348-584 — — Arbitration with the ... 45-388

ATETERAIT Reserve for London, the ...

V Veteran Reserve, Hr. Haldime's Speech

on Veteran Reserve, the Surrey, the Lesson of ... Victors, Spoils to the

Violence, Advertisement by ... Virtue and its Cost ...

WARDLE, Walks by the .... ....513 War Risks of Shipping, a National 429

War, the Arbitration Treaty and ... 509 Warwickshire: Poaching 177

Waste ...140

Whitechapel, the Affray in ... 10-46 Woman Suffrage and the New Parliament 434

Y" Working Man: What he Wants... ... 550 ORKSHIRE Post," the, and the Star (An Organized Hypocrisy) ... 431 682




Burning Off (Dorothea Mackellarl Butcher, Samuel Henry (Ernest Myera) Constantinople Coronation Hymn (E. D. Stone)... ... — — (Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch) 210 508 916 174

. ... 720 26.1-308-463-636 589 6 351 278 237 £0 84

756 954 802 85 44 274 508 15/ 917 840 141 918 8 351 799 678 392 874

ZW.Bears at the ... Zoo Cages, Pets in

481 17 442 649 732 Courage (Ella Fuller Maitland) ... Flannau Isle (W. W. Gibson) ... Galleon, the Great (John Aston)... Ghost, the Little (Katharine Tynan) ... Grace before Sleep ... Hawthorn (Lady Glenconner) Lazarus (Alfred Cochrane) Manchester v. Thirlmere (T. Thornely) Phil the Fiddler (Hay Byron) ... Pioneer, the Richter, Hans Romany Sway, the (Anna Bunaton) SitaB, the Doom of (Stephen Phillips) ... Shepherd's Song (Marna Pease) Spring, the Travelling Man (W. M. Letts) Storm (W. M. Letts) ... Throne, the (B. Paul Neuman) ... To a London Statue. (W. J. Cameron) ... Westminster Abbey (John Barcroft) ART.

Academy, the Winter Exhibition at the ... 17 Academy, the Summer Exhibition at the, Gonpil Gallery, the ... 811 International Society, the, at the Grafton Max Beerbohm's Caricatures ...

National Gallery, the New Rooms at the ... New English Art Club. the Old Water Colour Society, the .. Shepherd, Messrs.: English Paintings at their MUSIC.

Brahma and his Admirers '' Elgar, Sir Edward : his Second Symphony ... £118 Halle, Lady .................. 6:0 Musical England ... 282 Novell°, Clara _ 148 THE THEATRE.

"Sumuretn" at the Coliseum ... 247 BOOKS—Authors.

A FLALO, G. F.—Regilding the Crescent ... 690 -a_ Anderson, Sir Robert.—The Lighter Side

111 of Hy Official Life ... ... 250 Anson, Lord—A Voyage Round the World in the years 1740-4 ... ... 736 Archer, William—The Life, Trial, and Death of Francisco Ferrer ... ... 811 Yacoub Pasha—England in the Sudan 483 Atkins, J. B.—Sir William Howard Russell ... 249 ALL, F. E., Ed. by—The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift 402 Beddoe, John—Memories of Eighty Years 23 Bell, Gertrude—Amurath to Amurath... 483 Balks, El.—The Party System 248 Bergson, Henri—Creative Evolution ... 689 — — Matter and Memory 689 booth, Charles—Poor Law Reform ... 264 Boulting, W.—Woman in Italy ... 121 Briggs, M. S.—In the Heel of Italy ... 119 Broadley, A. H.—The War in Wexford 691 Bruce, Sir Charles—The Broad Stone of Empire _ 852 Bryce, James—The 4i'merican Commonwealth 323 Russell, F. W.—The Roman Empire ._ ... 61 Butler, A. J.—The Forerunners of Dante ... 119 — Sir W. F.—Sir William Butler .--

CATLING, Thomas—Hy Life's Pilgrimage 289 Chamberlain H. S.—The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century286 Champneys, A. C.—Irish Ecclesiatical Archi- tecture

Chapman, Cecil—Marriage and Divorce ... Chesterton, C.—The Party System ... Choate, J. H.—Abraham Lincoln ... Collier, Price—The West in the East ... Collins, J. Chnrton—Greek Influence on Eng-

lish Poetry ... ' _ Cornish, F. W.—A Iistsry of the English Church in the Nineteenth Century ... _ Curie James—A Roman Frontier Post and its

DAVIS, W. S.—The Influence of Wealth in

Imperial Ditchfield, P. IL—Vanishing England Dodd, W. F.—Modern Constitutions . . Drage, G.—The Imperial Organization of Trade

Dunsany, Lord—A er's Tales ...

-EILLIOT, Arthur D.—The Life of George _LI Joachim Goschen -ElISHER, H. A. L.—The Republican Tra-

_1.) dition in Europe ... . • — Flitch, J. E. Crawford—Mediteranean Hoods Forwood, Sir William—Recollections of aBusy

Fox-Davies, G. Id., trans. by—Memoirs

Countess Golovine... _ _ Fraser, Sir Andrew H. L.—Among Indian Rajahs and Ryots

GARNETT, Lucy H.—Turkey of the Otto- mans Graham, 11.—'ihe Mother of Parliaments Grenfell, W. T.—Down to the Sea _ Grubb, W. B.—An Unknown People in an Un-

known Yves—Economic Prejudices ... — — Socialistic Fallacies ...

HAGGARD, H. Rider—Rural Denmark and its Lessons Hannay, David—Ships and ken Harper, J. W.—The &cial Ideal ..

Hodgson, F. C.—Venice in the Thirteenth and TERROLD, Laurence—The Real France ... eJ Jerusalem, W.—Introduction to Philo. 181 926 93 57 843 810 247 292 768 519 212 401 562 146 360 688 320 965 597 884 162 689 401 810 563 443 937 444 248 213 956 602 181 600 619 125 769 481 288 593 849 448 407 930 522 690 334 280 523 120 120 929 567 18 885 147 639

-AY-SHUTTLE WORTH, Nina L. — Sir _LS_ Woodbine Parish, K.C.H....

Beery, C. F.—The Pursuit of Reason Kelly, Edmond—Twentieth Century Socialism Knight, W., ed. by—The Glamour of Oxford T AMPSON, G. Locker—On Freedom ... _1_4 Lang, Andrew—The World of Homer ... Lee, Sidney—The French Renaissance in 249 19 623 148 699 449 446 Loane, M. E.—The Common Growth ... 320 Loakyer, Sir Norman—Tennyson as a Student and. Poet of Nature ... ... 94 Longe, Julia G.—Ed. by Martha, Lady Giffard 886 Lucas, R.—George IL and his Ministers ... 037 — St. John—The Oxford Book of Italian Verse 119 McCkRTHY, M. F. J.—Irish Laud and Mcllwain, C. 14.—The High Court of Parlia- Mahan, A. T.—The Interest of America in International Conditions ... Malham-Dembleby, J.—the Key to the Brontil Marriott, J. A. R., Intro. by—English Political Matthews, Brander—MoliCre Mattingley, IL—The Imperial Civil Service of Maxwell, Sir Herbert—A Century of Empire Moberly, C. A. E.—George Moberly Montague, C. E.—Dramatic Values ... Moore, A. W.—Pragmatism and its Critics ... — F. Frankfort--The Life of Oliver Goldsmith Hoorhonse, E. Hallam—Letters of English

Murray,Seamen Gilbert—f.Edipus, King of Thebes ... — J. T.—English Dramatic Companies, 1158- — R. H.—Revolutionary Ireland and its 0 'BM"' R. Barry—John Bright ... pALNER, W. Scott—the Diary of a Modernist 734

Patterson, A.—Across the Bridges ... 733 Paul, H., selected, ac., by—Famous Speeches 96 Pelham, H. F.—Essays ... ... 883 Pollard, A. W., Ed. by—Records of the English Bible 651 — — Intro. by—The Holy Bible... ... ... 651 Pott, J. A., trans. by—Greek Love Songs and Epigrams from the Anthology... 968 Putnam, Emily James—The Lady ... ... 621 AMSA.Y, Sir W.—Pictures of the

IV Apostolic Church ... ... 968 Ravenhill, Alice, Ed. by—Household Adminis- tration

565 Redmond-Howard, L. a—John Redmond ... 58 Redmount, M. I., trans. by—Modern Socialism in its Historic Development ... ... 623 Reid, Whitelaw—Abraham Lincoln ... 213 Ridgeway, W.—The Origin of Tragedy ... 214

Robb, George, trans. by—England in the Sudan 483

Roberts, Earl—Fallacies and Facts ... 563 Robinson, H. Perry—Of Distinguished Animals 692 Rase, J. Holland—William Pitt and National Revival 564 Ross, R.—The Prevention of Malaria 215 Russell, Harold A.—Constructive Socialism _ 623 ECCOMME, T.—In Praise of Oxford ... 148 Sedlak, F.—A Holiday with a Hegelian 689 Seton-Watson, R. W.—Corruption and Reform

in 405 Shaw, Bernard—The Doctor's Dilemma, /cc._ 360 Shorter, C. K.—Napoleon in his Own Defence 21

— — The Complete Works of Emily Bront5... 654 Sichel, W., ed., Lie., by—The Glenbervie Smalley, G. W.—Anglo-American Memories.. Smart, W.—Economic Annals of the Nine- teenth Century ... 149 Steeves, G. W.—Francis Bacon ... 813 Stopes, Mrs. C. C.—William Hnnnis 150

rp.REVOR, Roy—Hy Balkan Tour ... 690

.1_ Turner, J. K.—Barbarous Mexico 5D

VERRALL, A. W. — The Bacchants of Euripides 362 Villard, a G.—John Brown, 1800-1859 ... 90

Villari, Pasquale—Hediteval Italy ... 757

WARDE-FOWLER,W.—The Religious Ex- perience of the Roman People _ ... Waring, LutherHess—The Political Theories of Martin Luther ... ... _. _ _ Warwick, C. F.—Napoleon and the End of the

French Revolution — ._ ... ... Wheeler, H. F.—The War in Wexford ... ... Wbibley, C.—Studies in Frankness ... ... Wigram, W. A.—The Assyrian Church .. _ Wood, Sir H. T.—Industrial England in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century ... ... 149 Woods, H. C.—The Danger Zone of Europe... 690

YOUNG, N.—The Growth of Napoleon ... Younghnsband, Sir F.—India and Tibet ZANGWILL, Israel—Italian Fantasies ...


A DVENTI7RE, an—Macmillan (pub.) ... _a_ America, Central—F. Palmer America, the Interest of, in International Con- ditions—A. T. Mahan — through English Eyes—Mrs. D. Humphreys American Commonwealth, the—James Bryce Amurath to Amnrath—Gertrude Bell Anglo-American Memories—G. W. Smalley ... Animals, of Distinguished—U. Perry Robinson A stolie Church, Pictures of the—Sir W.

ammy Architecture, Irish Ecclesiastical—A. C. 521 59


654 814 969 619 603 771 321 689 447 620 732 566 897 403 182 284 927 929 812 691 252 20 812 445 772 363 853 60 252 323 483 294 692 968 967 Assyrian Church, the, 100-640 Ai).—W. A. 20 363

Bacon, Francis—G. W. Steeves 813

Balkan Tour, My—Roy Trevor ... 690

Ballads, the Oxford Book of—Sir A. -Quiller-

Couch _ _ 773 Baxter's Self-Review—Bishop of Chester ... 47 Belief, the Domain of—H. J. Coke ... 98 Bible, English, Records of the—Ed., sko., by A. W. Pollard ... 651 Bil le, the Holy—Intro. by A. W. Pollard ... 614 Bible Society, British and Foreign, a History of the—W. Canton ... — Biography in the " Eccyclopiedia Britannica " —Cambridge Press (pub.) 722 Brahms—J. A. Fuller Maitland 4t3 Bride, the Mystic—Mrs. Richardson ... 913 Bridges, Across the—A Patterson ... Bright, John—R. Barry O'Brien ._ 401 Brittany, a Chiteau in—Mary J. Atkinson . 483 Brant.% Emily, the Complete Works of— Clement Shorter ---------------634 — Works, the Key to the—J. Mallnun-Dem.

Burns, John—Joseph Burgess Butler, Sir William—Sir W. F. Butler... ...

CARHEN SILVA, Reminiscences of— Sampson Low (pub.) ... ... 487 Cathedral Churches of England, the—Helen

M. Pratt 97 Chalmers, Dr. : his ContriT;ution Christian Economics—J. W. Harper ---------19

Christians, the Early, -. -. 569'

in Rome—H. D. Spence-Jones .' Church, the English, in the Cen- tury, a History of—F. W. Cornish ... 181 Common Growth, the—M. E. Lonna ._ 020 Commonwealth, the American—James Bryce 323 Congo, a Voice from the—Herbert Ward ... Constitutions, Modern—W. F. Dodd 761 Crescent, Regilding the—F. G. Afklo 690 Cricket, the Book of—P. F. Warner ... 8131v

Crown Colony Administration, Problems of—

Sir Charles Bruce ... 812 Customs of Old England, the—F. S. Such ... 325 — the King's—H. Atton and H. Holland ... 655

DENMARK, Rural, and its Lessons—H. Rider Haggard _. 923 Diaz : Master of Mexico—James Creelman 853 Doctor's Dilemma, the, &e.—Bernard Shaw ... 360 Dogs (Toy) and their Ancestors—Hon. Mrs. Neville Lytton

Dolon, the Lay of—Alexander Shewan... _. 62.3 Dramatic Companies, English, 1558-1642—J. T.

Murray 566.

— Values—C. E. Montague ... 321 Dreamer's Tales, a—Lord Dunsany 299 Duke Domum—C. A. E. Moberly . . Durham, Seven Sages of—G. W. Kitchin TICONOMIC Annals of the Nineteenth _124 Century—W. Smart ------------149 •

Economic Prejudices—Yves Guyot 120 Education, the Journal of, No. NO Rice (Pub.) 343 Embroidery, English Secular, the History of

—M. Jourdain 167 Empire, a Century of—Sir Herbert Haswell ... 093

— the Broad Stone of—Sir Charles Bruce 8:2 — the British, and its History—E. G. Hawke 73 Encyclopiedia Britannica, the—Cambridge Press (pub.) .- _CS

— — Biblical History and Criticism in the — Cambridge Press (pub.) ... 599 — — Biography in the—Cambridge Press (pub.) _' 323

- — History in the--Cambridge Press (Pub.) 2€5 England Vanishing—P. H. Ditchfleld and F. Roe English elaurci. in the Nineteenth Century, a

History of the—F. W. Cornish... ... 181 Essays—H. F. Pelham ... 398 Euripides, the Bacchants of—A. W. Verrall 362 Europe, the Danger Zone of—H. C. Woods _. C9:3 — The Republican Tradition in—H. A. L. Fisher Evolution, Creative—Henri Bergson ... 689 — of Mind, the—Joseph McCabe 652 '

— the Coining of—J. W. Judd ... 652 ' -E1ALLACLES and Facts—Earl Roberts ... 563 12 Fantasies, Italian—Israel Zaugwill 773 Ferrer, Francisco, the Life, Trial, and Death

of—William Archer . . 811 Finland To-day—George Renwick 525 Florence Past and Present—J. W. Brown _. 854 Forestry, British, the Development .of—A. C.

ForbesFrance, the Real—La;wrence Jerrold 147 — Unfrequented—Miss Betham-Edwards ... 21 Frankness, Studies in, &c.—C. Whibley 252


French Renaissance in England—Sidney Lee... 443

Freedom, on—G. Locker Lampson 6834

GENOA and the Rivieras, Heroines cf—E.

George the First's Army, 1714-1727—Charles

Dalton 970 George II. and his Ministers—R. Lucas ... 297 Giffard, Martha, Lady—Ed. by Julia G. Longo 886 Glenbervie Journals, the—Ed., ecc., by W.

Sichel God, Ashes of a—Trans. by F. W. Bain ... 52 Goldsmith, Oliver, the Life of—F. Frankfort Golovine, Countess, Memoirs of—Trans. by G. Id. Fox-Davies Goschen„ George Joachim, the Life of—Arthur B. Elliot Greece and Rome, Ancient, the International Law and Custom of—C. Phillipson Greek Influence on English Poetry—J. Char- - Love Songs and Epigrams from the Antho. logy—Trans. by J. A. Pott Growth, the Common—M. E. Loane

BACCHANTS of Euripides, the—A. W.

623 614

Brown, Y0i111, ilomaie—o. ... 95

814 362 970 771


733 182 447 930, 593 803 602 968 1.0

HADDEN, Robert Henry-E. H. Pearce ... 151 Haines, Field-Marshal Sir Frederick Paul-R. S. Bait _ _ ... 932 Health Age, the Dawn of the-B. Moore ... 852

Hegelian, a Holiday with a-F. ... 689 Hereditary Characters and their Modes of Transmission-C. E. Walker .-. 652 Heredity in the Light of Recent Research-L. Doncaster - the First Principles of-S. Herbert ......652 Heroines of Genoa, &c.-E. Staley ... ... 736 Holland of To-day-G. W. Edwards _ 450 Homer, the World of-Andrew Lang ._ ... 449 Household Administration-Ed. by A. Raven- hill and C. J. Schiff ... 565 Hull House, Twenty Years at-Jane Addams 365 Hungary, Corruption and Reform in-R. W.

Seton-Watson _ ... 405 Hunnis, William, and the levels. the Chapel

Royal-Mrs. C. C. Stopes ... 150

TN DIA and Tibet-Sir F. Younghusband .. 445 Indian Rajahs and Ryots, sanong-Sir

Andrew H. L. Fraser 522 Indian Taxation. Elements of-L. Alston ... 449 Industrial England in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century-Sir H. T. Wood ... 149 Inherent Law of Life, the-F. Kleinschrod ... 652 Insurance, Unemployment-I. G. Gibbon ... 735 International Conditions, the Interest of America in-A. T. Mahan . 60 Ireland, Revolutionary, and its Settlement-

B. H. Murray Irish Land and Irish Liberty-M. F. J. McCarthy ... 521 Irishwomen, the United-Sir Horace Plunkett,

Italy, in the Heel of-M. S. Briggs - Medimval-Pasquale Villari - the Magic Land-Lilian Whiting - Woman in-W. Boultiug Italian Fantasies-Israel Zangwill "I Wonder "-Macmillan (pub.) TOAN OF ARC-Grace James .. - 737 U Journal of Education, the, No. 1,1141-Rice

TTEW, Chiswick, and Kensington, Old-

IA_ Lloyd Sanders ... ... 150

T ADY, the-Emily James Putnam ... 621

1.4 L'Ame des Anglais-B. Grasset (pub.) ... 215 !Law and Custom, the International, of Ancient Greece and Rome-C. Phillipson ... 693

Leaders of the People-Joseph Clayton _ 62 Life, the Inherent Law of-F. Kleinschrod ... 652 "Lighter Side of My Official Life-Sir Robert

Anderson Lincoln, Abraham-J. If. Choate ... ... 213 Liturgical Reform, Some Principles of-W. H.

Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe -G. Sautayana 496 'Luther, Martin, the Political Theories of- Luther S. Waring ... 929 ITADAME Royale-Joseph Turquan MAGAZINES, the ... 24-216-365-525-694-890 Maine, Ducbe ise du.-J. L. May 737 Malaria, the Prevention of-R. Ross 215 Manchuria, Korea, and Beaman Turkestan, the Face of-E. G. Kemp ... ... 63 Marriage and Divorce-Cecil Chapman... ... 414 Mating, Marriage, and the Status of Woman- 62 Matter and Memory-Henri Bergson ... 689 Medical Education, Some Considerations of- 852 - Etiquette-G. Surbled ... 852 - Examination of Schools and Scholars-Ed.

by T. N. Kelynack 62 Mediterranean Moods-J. E. Crawford Flitch 418 Memoirs and Memories-Mrs. Earle ... ... 877 Memories of Eighty Years-John Beddoe ... 23 Memory's Shrine, From-Sampson Low (pub.) 487

Mexico, Barbarous -J. K. Turner .. ... 519 Mind, the Evolution of-Joseph McCabe ... 652 Moberly. George : his Family and Friends- 771 Modernist, the Diary of a-W. Scott Palmer... 734 Mellen-Brander Matthews ... 969 Morals, Lay-R. L. Stevenson ... 761 _Mother and Child-L. M. Marriott ... 62 7%TAPOLEON and the End of the French

_LI Revolution-C. F. Warwick _. _. 812 _Napoleon in his own Defence-C. K. Shorter 21

- the Growth of-N. Young ... ... 812

Natural History Books, .tc.

Animal Kingdom (Mammals), the Book of

the-W. P. Westell _ _622 - Beasts, Nimble, a Boo]. of-Douglas English 622 -- Bird Book, the British-Ed. by F. B. Kirkman183 - Country Life, Sketches of-Edward Step... 622

Dog-Lover's Book, the-E. Noble ... 407 - Dry-Fly, the Modern Development of the- 694 773 622 407 486 654 622 652 622 183 622 407 622 Naval Annual, the-Ed, by T. A. Erassey 800 770 - Encyclopedia of Sport and Games-Ed. by Earl of Suffolk - " Fairy Plants-Francis George Heath ... - Foxhound, the Life of a-John Mills - Hunting Camps in Wood and Wilderness- H. H. Prichard... _ 3Limmals, British, a History of-G. E. HI Barrett-Hamilton

- Nature, a Child's Year with-M. H. Briggs - Nature's Nursery, In-S. N. Sedgwick

- Nature Study, Teachers' Notes on-Blackie

- Petrels, Monograph of "the-i'. Ett Cane Godurin

- Spoonbill, the Home Life of 'the--B.

Baothana _ - Sport, Good-Cuthbert 13radler - Woodlands, English, and their Story-H. Nerves and Commonsenne-Annie P. Call ... 62 Nineteenth Century, the Foundations of the- Noncomformity, Records of Early-Ed. by Northern Window, from a-Nisbet (pub.) ... 525 Novell°, Clara: her Reminiscences-Compiled by Contemn. Valeria Gigliucci -146 409 656 152 27 656 98 604 C04 451 152 409 934 252 655 826 971 893 893 656 263 61 152 934 450 528 970 697 774 604 - Large Room, a-Mrs. Henry Dudeney ... 64 - Little Cloud of Dust, a-Hugh Naybard ... 186 - Lone Heights, the-B. Paul Neuman ... 289 - Lost Endiavour-John Nasefield 185 - Love in Pernicketty Town-S. R. Crockett 817 - Major's Niece, the-G. A. Birmingham ... 774 - Mark of his Calling, the-A. A. Brooking- 451 369 697 99 816 569 185 408 854 737 99 569 290 971 487 855 698 26 892 63 933 325 569 326 451 - Thorpe's Way-Morley Roberts ... 368 - Under Man, the-Joseph Clayton ... 971 - Unknown Lady, the-J. hi. Forman 738 - Unseen Barrier, the-Morice Gerard 408 - Valley of Regret, the-Adelaide Holt 738 - Vision of Balmaine, the-G. B. Burgin 529 - Wild Olive, the-Methuen (pub.) ... 99

- Wilson's-Desmond Coke ... ... 218 - Witch Ladder, the--E. S. Tylee ......487 READABLE Novera-27-61-99-152-186-219-252-290-326-

369-409-451-488-5W-569-604-656-698-738-775-817-855- 803-931-971.

(EDIPUS, King of Thebes - Gilbert

Murray Official Life, the Lighter Side of My-Sir

Robert Anderson ... 250

pAINT'ER'S Craft, the Materials of the- Papt, an Outpost in-A. %. Chign

ut on Paraguayan Chaco (An Unknown People in an Unknown Land)-W. B Grubb Parish, Sir Woodbine, K.C.H.-Nina L. Kay- Shuttleworth Parliament, In and Out of-lobert Farqu-

- the High Court of-C. mcliwain Parliaments, the Mother of-H. Graham ... Party System, the-H. Belloc and C. Chester-

ton Peking, Behind the Scenes in-Mary Hooker Personality, the Nature of-W. Temple ... Philosophy, Introduction to-W. Jerusalem ... Pilgrimage, My Life's-Thomas Catling Pitt, William, and National Revival-J. Hol-

Poetry, Books of:-

- Accuser, the-Sidgssick (pub.) ...

- Ballades and Rhymes-Andrew Lang ... - Baring, Maurice, the Collected Poems of- Lane (pub.) ... ••• ••• - Clyde Songs and other Verses-J. J. Bell... - Dante, the Forerunners of-A. J. Butler ...

- Door, the-BLIckwell (pub.) .........

- Eyes of Youth-Herbert and Daniel (pub.)

Novels, Stories, Tales, Av. :--

- Account Rendered-E. F. Denson

- Allan Paige-R. W. Chambers ... - Anne Kempburn, Truthseeker-Marguerite - Baubee Jock-Amy McLaren - Belmont Book, the-Smith & Elder (pub.) - Broad Highway, the-J. Farnol - Brother Copes-Sir A. Quiller-Couch - Captain Sentimental-Edgar Jepson ... - Card, the-Arnold Bennett ...

- Children of the Cloven Hoof-Albert Dorrington - Coil of Carne, the-John Oxenbam - Crooked Answers-P. Bottoms and H. De Lisle Brock ...

- Defender of the Faith-Marjone Bowen ... - Dividing Waters-I. A. R. Wylie ...

- Down our Street-J. E. Bnckrose - Downsman, the-Maud Goldring - Double Lives-Francis Gribble - Dweller on the Threshold, the-Robert - Eldest Son, the-Archibald Marshall ...

- Eliza Getting on-Barry Pain... ... - Faithful Failure, the-Rosamund Rapier... - Fiddler, the-Mrs. J. 0. Arnold ...

- Geoffrey Sanclair-Horace Camden - Griffith Colgrove's Wife-Gerald FitzSte- - Ingrain-R. H. Gretton... - Job Secretary, the-Mrs. Wilfrid Ward ...

- John Verney-H. A. Vachell - Just Folks-Clare E. Laughlin - Knight Checks Queen - Mrs. Lockhart 855 - Mothers and Fathers-Mrs. Maxwell - Next Crusade, the-Hutchinson (pub.) ... - Nina-Rosaline Masson... ...

- None Other Gods-R. H. Benson - Nonsense Novels-Stephen Leacock - Once upon a Time-R. H. Davis - Passionate Elopement, the-C. Mackenzie - Patrician, the-John Galsworthy - Pawns of Fate, the-M. A. Ross ...

- People of Popham-Mrs. George Wemyss... - Phillida-Thonaas Cobb ...

- Poor Emma-Evelyn Tempest ... - Profitable Imbroglio, a-Adrian Muter - Real Mrs. Holyer, the-E. M. Channon - Red Symbol, the-John Ironside - Itobinetta-Kate D. Wiggin, &c. - Sampson Hideout, Quaker - Una L.

- Scout's Son, a-Charles Turley - Ship of Coral, the-H. de Vere Stacpoole... - Simpkins Plot, the-G. A. Birmingham ... - Sir Edward-S. Swift (pub.) ...

- Soundless Tide, the-F. E. Crichton ... - Stragglers, the-Elizabeth Rebbeck - Straits of Poverty, the-Ella Macmthon - Testament of John Hastings-A. C. Fox- 184 932 523 248


59 324 243 23 E00 689 289 564 850 888 850 850 119 850 850 - Green Helmet, the, and other Poems- - Irish Poetry, Selections of Ancient-Trans.

by K. Meyer ... ..• - Juana of Castile-May Earle Lyra Nigeriae--Unwin (pub.) ... Manhood-D. S. Moncrieff - Nefrekepta, the Story of-Gilbert Murray - Oxford Book of Italian Verse, the-St. John Lucas - Oxford, in Praise of-Compiled by T. Seccombe and H. S. Scott ...

- Oxford, the Glamour of-Ed. by W. Knight - Pardon, the Tragedy of-Sidgwiek (pub.) ... - Piper, the-Josephine P. Peabody - Rowton House Rhymes-W. A. Mackenzie - Songs of the Road-A. Conan Doyle ... - Traherne's Poems of Felicity-Ed. by 11.1.

- Trobador Poets-Trans. by Barbara Smythe - Veldsingers' Verse-Dent (pub.) ...

- Week-Day Poems-H. 0. Meredith... ... Poets, Three Philosophical-G. Santayana Political Institutions, English-Intro. by J.

A. B. Marriott Ponies and all About Them-F. T. Barton ... Poor Law Administration, County Councils Association's Proposals for-P. S. King, - - Reform-Charles Booth Pragmatism audits Critics-A. W. Moore ... Presbyterianism in Scotland-Lord Balfour 840 Psalter, the Ilexa.pLar-Ed. by W. A. Wright 486

RACES, Dependent, the Government of- Sir Charles Bruce ... 852 RaAaha and myots, Among Indian-Sir Andrew Reason, the Pursuit of-C. F. Kean, ... 19

Recollections of a Busy Life-Sir W. Forwood 467 Redmond John-L. G. Redmond-Howard ... 58 Regeneration-H. Rider Haggard 450 Renaissance (the French) in England-Sidney Republican Tradition in Europe, the H. A. L. Riverside, South London, Life by the-A.

Patterson Roastem, Lord : his Campaign in North- Eastern France-Lieut.-Col, A. W. A.

Roman Empire, the-F. W. Bussell 61 - Frontier Post, a, and its People-James CurIe - People, the Religious Experience of the-

W. Warde-Fowler ... 927 Rome, Imperial, the Influence of Wealth in-

- Sistine-i. A. F. Orbaan 216 - the Imperial Civil Service of-H. Mattingley 613 Royal Cruising Club Journal, the-C. F.

Roworth (pub.) 404 Royale, Madame-Joseph Turquan 22 Russell, Sir William Howard-J. B. Atkins ... 249 Russo-Japanese War, German Official History of the-Trans. by Karl von Donat ... 23 - - Official History of the (Naval and Mill- tary)-Wyman (pub.) ... 252

SAGES, Seven, of Durham-G. W. Kitchin 825 St. Paul, a Study of the Conversion of-R. J. Fletcher ... _ 968 Salvation Army, the-H. Rider laggard ... 450

Scilly, the Isles of-Jessie Mothersole 98 Sea, Down to the-W. T. Grenfell"

. .231)

Seamen, English, Letters of-Ed. by E. Hallam " Moorhouse . . 620 Shakespeare, Mr. William :his Comedies, &c.- Methuen (pub.) ... 364

Shepherds of Britain-Adelaide'llosset ... 918 Shia World, the Glory of the-Major Stiles ... 524

Ships and Men-David Hannay ... ... 567

Sicily, Medissval-Cecilia waern E*4

Sistine Rome-J. A. F. Orbaan ... 216 Social Ideal, the-J. W. Harper .* . 13 Socialism, Constructive-Harold A. Russell ._ 623 - Modern, in its Historic Development- Trans. by M. L Redmount ." . 623

- Twentieth Century-Edmond Kelly ... 623

Socialistic Fallacies-Yves Guyot ... 120 Speeches, Famous-Selected, &c., by H. Paul 96 Sport and Games, Encyclopsedia of-Ed. by Earl of Suffolk . . 773 Standard Books-Nelson (pub.) ... 151 Strategy, a Princess of-J. L. May 737 Sudan, England in the-Yacoub Pasha Artin 483 Swift, Jonathan, the Correspondence of-Ed. by F. E. Ball... - _ 403 Synge, John M., the works of-Maurseil (pub.) ... _ - ... 483 Synoptic Problem, Grford Studies in th3- TION, Indian, Elements of-L.

I Alston Telegraphic Communication, IMperial-

Charles Bright ... ... 815 Telephone in Europe, Development of the- Laws Webb . . -• ••• ... 273 Tennyson as a 'Student and Poet of Nature- Sir Norman Lockyer Territorial Forces, Handbook for the-Har-

rison & Sons (pub.) ... _..• 97 Trade, the Imperial Organisation of-el. Drags 484

Tragedy, the Origin of-W, Ridgeway ... 214

Travel, Books of

- Africa in the Heart of-Duke of Mecklen- - Africa, South. Storm and Sunshine Southey _ . . ... - Argentine Republic, the-A. S. Pennington 122 - Desert Gateway, the-S. H. Leeder... ... 122 - Eskimos, Hunting with the-H. Whitney 122

- Fiji of To-day, tho-.1. W. Burton 122 - Hellas, Home Life in-Z. D. Ferriman -. 122

- Himalaya, Twenty Years in the-Major C. 850 850 850 850 850 850 119 148 143 850 850 603


185 850 850 850 406 814 932 624 624 683 — Papua, Acrose—Colonel K. Mackay... 122

— Rhone Country, In the—Bose Kingsley ... 122 — South Sea Savages, Wanderings among--

12] "s— Spain, a Corner in—William Wood ... 122 — Sudan, Five Years in the—E. Fothergill ... 122

U'urkey of the Ottomans—Lucy M. Garnett ... 690 NEMPLOYMENT Insurance—I. G. Gib- bon Unknown People in an Unknown land—W. B. 17ENICE in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth V Centuries—F. C. Hodgson ... 895 Verse, English, Five Centuries of—W. Stebbing 184 Voyage Round the World in the Years 17404-- WARD, Mrs. E. M. : her Reminiscences-- Ed. by E. O'Donnell ._ ... — Webster's New International Dictionary—Ed.

by W. H. Harris West in the East, the—Price Collier Window, from a Northern—Nisbet (pub.) . . Wexford, the War in—H. F. B. Wheeler and A. N. Broadley Woman and Labour—Olive Schreiner ... — and Marriage—Margaret Stephens ...


FGHANISTAN, the Kingdom of—G. P. 11_ Tate _.. ... 570 Agriculture, Prosperous—F. W. Wateridge ... 739 A-Kamba and other East African Tribes, Ethnology of—C. W. Hobley — _. 130 America, What She is Doing—Annette M. B. Meakin 326 Annual Register, the—Longmana (pub.) ... 935 Argyllshire Highlanders (91st), the History of the—R. P. Dunn-Pattison _ _. 100 Array, British, Battle Honours of the—C. B.

Norman 290 — the Nation and the—Major Roper-Caldbeck 129


Art Prices Current, Vol. III. * 186 Athens, Papers of the British School at— Macmillan (pub.) .- . 1/3 Atlas, Stanford's Indexed, of the County of London—Pref. by Sir L. Gomme 856 Australia, Physlographic and Economic— Griffith Taylor BACON, Francs, the Essays of—Chapman & 410 Banking, the Dictionary of—W. Thomson ... 739

Barton, John : a Memoir—C. E. Barton ... LS Bible, the Great Texts of the—Ed. by J. 128 — the Great Texts of the—S. F. Pella 303 Book of Books, the—Lonsdale nogg 655

Books, English Catalogue of, 1910—S. Low -BOOKS RECEIVED ... 28-291-170-605-61.8-698-935 Bookbinding, Library, Manual of—H. T. Coutts

and G. A. Stephen ... ... 186 Book-Lover, Recreations of a—F. W. Mac- 'British Dominions : General Reviews—Ed. by

— Isles, the—H. T. Snape... 370 Britishers in Britain—Tunes Book Club (pub.) 657 C2ESAR'S Gallic War—Trans. by F. P. Long 253

California, Romantic—Ernest Peixotto 626 Cambridge and Ely. Highways and Byways in—E. Conybeare — Men, Celebrated—C. G. Griffinhoofe Canada and the Empire—W. R. Lawson — Commercial Handbook of—Ed. byE.Heaton and J. B. Robinson — of To-day—W. — the New Garden of—F. A. Talbot ...

— the Revolt in, against the New Feudalism —Edward Porritt _ Canadian Naval Question, the—Clive Pkillipps-

Wolley .•. • . 64 'Canals (British) Problems and Possibilities—

J. E. Palmer ._

Carlyle, Alexander, the Autobiography of— Fouls (pub.) ... ... 219 'Castle and Court House, in—Ramsay Collies ... 409 Castles and Walled Towns of England, the—

Alfred Harvey_ _ ... 971 Cats' Cradles from Many Lands—Kathleen

Iladdon * 370 Centurions of aCentury—a. H. Gardiner ... 452 Chadwick, W. H. (Pages from s. Life of.Strif.e). 219

—T. P. Newbould

Childhood, the Garland of—Percy Withers — 186 Christ, the Imitation of—Chapman & Hall -Church of England, a Shoji: History (.4 the— J. F. Kendall

Unity—Nisbet (pd.) _ ..

— Year and Kalendar, the—John Dowden Churchgoinfi Non- : its Reasons and Remedies Churchman's Guide, the—Ed. by Arthur

Reynolds Cicero's Correspondence, an Easy Selection from—Ed. by J. D. Duff ... 488 CLASSICS, SERIES of ... 65-452-488-530 Classical Studies, the Year's Work in—Ed. by

. W. H. D. Rouse — ... 629 Clive's (Lord) Right-hand Man—Col. Lionel Fords'Clubs, Lcindon: *their *Histories and Treasures

—Ralph Nevill 'Coal, the Natural History of—E. A. Newell Arber Collector, the Commonsense—E kCinkfoii Colonies. 13ritieK, Handbooks on—W. Paton 619 735 523 736 773 185 956 525 691 815 62 121 127 100 738 530 893 817 369 613 65 99 605 855 657 971 Confirmation a Manual for Candidates and Teachers —L. N. Bagge. . . 972 Cornish Riviera, the—E. W. Haslehust and S. Heath CORONATION, Books connected with the 452-739-217-894-935 Cyzicus—F. W. Ilasluck 28

T)EAL, Widmer and Sandwich, Sketches of— Intro. by S. R. Beget _. 530 Devon Churches, Some Old, Vol. IL—John

Stabb _ 971 Diary, an Ethical—W. Garrett Horder ... $27 — of a Refugee—Ed. by Francis Fearn -. 605 Dickens-Land—J. A. Nicklin and E. W.

DICTIONARIES 100-130-327-452-570.605-629-739 Domesday-Rook : Cambridgeshire—C. H. and H. G. Evelyn-White Drew, Harry—G. W. E. Russell .* Dread, Edwin, About—Camb. Univ. Press Durham, old, ifemoXials of—Ed. by .H. B.

1IDINBITEGH,1910—W. IL T. Gairdner

.12-4 Education, the Journal of —W. Rice (pub.) Educational Aims and Efforts—Sir Philip


Egypt as We Knew IV—E. L. Butcher Electricity in the Service of Man, Vol. 1.—r. N. Walmsey

England and Scotland, Commerical Relations of, 1603-1707—Theodora Keith ...

Essays in Imitation—Algernon Cecil ......

— on Duty and Discipline—Cassell (pub.) ... Eton—An Old Etonian _.

Everyman : a Morality Play--Ed. by J. War- scbauer Exposition, the .Art 'Jeffs 128 Expositor's Dictionary of Texts, the, Vol. 1.— Ed. by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll and Jane T.

'EVISHERMAN'S Diary, Fly-leaves from a- l! Capt. G. E. Sharp ... Flowers, Popular Garden—W. P. Wright ... 488 French, Works in :— — Les Francais d'Aujourd'hui — Jetta S.

Poetes Lyriques Fanneais, Petite Antlaologie des—Nelson (pub.) ... 629 — Short Readers—J. M. Dent (pub.) ... ... 972

GARDENING, the Beginner's Book on— Harry Getting On: the Confessions of a Publisher—

John Adams Thayer ._ 290

God and the Sinner—J. D. Thompson .' _ 441)

— Practice of the Presence of — Robert

Leighton ... _ 219 Golfing Curios and the Like—HOir it...Wood 100 Good Fight, a—Charles Reads----------186 — Old Times, the—Frederick W. Ilackwood... 005 Gospels, Four, the Origins and Aims of the— J. N. Wilson — the Golden Latin—Ed. by H. C*. Healer ._ Gravesande, Storm van 'a—C. A. liarrili and

J. A. J. de Villiers... ... 451 Greenwich Hospital and Royal United Service Museums—Edward Fraser ... 100 Grocery Business Organization and Manage- ment—C. L. T. Beeching ... 629 GUIDES, HANDBOOKS, &c.

256-935 HARROW—Archibald Fox Heine, in the Footprints of—H. J. Forman . .

Hobbes, John Oliver, the Life of—J. Murray Hohenzollern, the House of—C. A. Brayley- Hodgetta Houses and Cottages, Romford Garden Suburb, the Book of the Exhibition of Hymnal, a Proposed New—Arthur W. Hutton TMPOSTORS, Famous—Dram Stoker ... 153 J. Income Tax Accounts—I. Pitman (pub.)... 658 India—A. Wyatt Tilby 775-817 Indian Journal, Jottings from an—Jarrold Infant School, a Year in the—Idabel gloomer Inns, Old Country—H. P. Elaakell and E. W. Gregory Ireland, an Englishman Scott-James — Reminiscences of Thirty Years in—Ramsay Collca

Irish Rule. Political Priests and—F. Hugh 0 Donnell ...

Isaiah, the Composition of the Book of—R. H. Kennett Israel and Egypt—W. M. Flinders Petrie RROLD, Douglas, and Punch—Walter

efi Jerrold Jesus, the Love of—Sir Henry Lunn ...... Justice in Criminal Matters, the Administra-

tion of—G. G. Alexander 775 ... 126

Knight of the Red &loss, Palmer... 972 -r ANCASHIRE, the Place-Names of—H. C.

Wyld and T. 0. Hirst... ...

Latin, Work in :— — Cornelii Taciti Historiarum Liber—Recog- novit C. IL Fisher ... 186 Leicestershire, Old, Memorials of—Ed.. by Alice Dryden _ ... 626 Library (Public) Reform—William W care ... 658

Life and Death—Col. T. H. Lewin _. ... 127 Life that is Life Indeed, the—Edna V. Jackson 630 Lincolnshire, Old, Memorials of—Ed. by E. M.

369 935 630 626 100 160 27 410 488 64 570 253 570 129 253 570 129 629 488 925 153 605 698 127 409 409 628 570 64 128 300

KElkpTaSIveNr?TtIN irairoce, nOld, and other

— 626 London, Old, gooks and Corners of--:Charles and Marie Hemstreet 100 London Society, the Green Book of—Ed. by D. Sladen and W. Wigmore Lyrics, Elizabethan, a Treasury of—Ed. by 253 Nationalities and Subject Races, Report of the Conference on—King (pub.) ... 934 Natural History, the British Museum of (South Kensington)—W, P. Pycraft 100 Navy, British, the Story of the—E. Kell° 855 Near East, an Idler in the—F. G. Altai° ... 570

NEW EDITIONS 65-l54-186-29l-370.452-489-530-

605-698-739-775-817-935 Nigeria and its Tin Fields—Albert F. Calvert Night-Skies of a Year, the—J. H. Elgie Nurses, Counsels to—Bishop King ...

ORCHIDS for Everyone—C. II. Curtis ... 463 Oxford Museum, a History of the—II. M. and R. Dorothea Vernon ... 570 PACIFIC Coast, Lights and Shadows on

the—S. D. Woods ... 627 Pacific (Eastern) Lands—F. W. Christian ... 972 Pages from a Life of Strife—T. P. Newbould .. 219 Party Portraits, and other Verses—C. L.

Paton, John 0.: Later Years—A. K. Lang- ridge and F. II. L. Paton...

Peak District, the—E. W. Ilaslehust and R.

N. 935 Pedigree Register, the—Sherwood (pub.) 530 Philology, Classical, Harvard Studies in, Vol. 1.11.—Longmans (pub.) ... 27 PLAYS, SOME MODERN ... 327 Plutarch on the Face in the Moon—Trans. by A. 0. Prickard

Political History, a General.- Sketch Of., front

" the Earliest Times—A. D. Lanes .. 775 Popes, the Lives of the, in the Middle Ages, Vols. V.I.-VIZ.—H. K. Mann ... 28 Porcelain, Old Chinese—A. W. Bahr ... 894

Portuguese Monarchy, Eght Centinics of—

V. de Braganca Cunha f34 775

QProverbs, Early English—Collected by W. W. ITARTERLIES, the ... 152-cz7 Queen Mary, the History of Our Gracious —Jeanie Rose Brewer ... 935

"'DEADY for Either—Sinapkin (pub.) .. 605

11,, Religion : the Quest of the Ideal—J. M. Hodgson 698 Rochester, the Records of—C. H. Fielding ... 127 Rome, Imperial, Romance of—Elizabeth W. Chsinpney 127 Roof of the World, Across the—P. T. Etherton t:.6

Roses, the Book of—Louis Durand ... 894 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Minor Educational Writings—Selected by W. Boyd ... 698 Rugs in their Native Land—Elia Dunn 530

ST. ANDREWS, the Archbishops of, Vol. III.

—J. Herkless and R. K. Haunay ... 8:7 St. John, the Apocalypse of--G. T. Jou ett 4i10

St. Paul in the Light of Modern Research—

J. R. Cohn ... ... 098 SCHOOL-BOOKS ... 327-370-412:627-972 Scotland, the Medieval Church in—Bishop Dowden Scots Dialect Dictionary, a—Alexander Warrack

Scott all Houstholder's *Guide,

Kerr Sea, a Hero oftbe—i. E. fatterson Sermons to Young Boys—F. de W. Lush ington Servant of the Lord, the—R. H. Kennett ...

SHAKESPEARE, EDITIONS OF ... 128-230 Slums at Home—Hrs. Leslie Milne ... Shelley's Poems of 1820—Ed. by A. M. D. Hughes ... — Sinai in. the Spring—M. J. Bendel! Somersetshire, Quarter Sessions Records of — Ed. by C. H. B. Harbin ... - Speakers, Public, Cycloptedia of Illustrations for—Compiled by It. Scott and W. C. Stiles Spenser's Minor Poems—Ed. by E. de Selincourt _

Stanley, William Ford : his Life and Work—

Ed. by R. Inwards... . _ Statistics, the New Dictionary of—A. D. Webb Stevenson in Samoa, with—H. J. Moors ...

Stock Exchange, the—Francis Hirst ... _ — — Ten-Year Record of Prices and Dividends — F. C. Mhthieson and Sons .. Strathspey, the Rulers of—Earl of Cassino ... Student's Library, a—Ed. by H. Bisseker Sweet Peas, the Modern Culture of—T.

rpArr, Peter Guthrie, Life and Scientific

.1_ Work of—C. G. Knott ...

Tatting, the Art of—Katharine L. Hoare . Teacher's Bncyclopaxlia, the, VoL L—Ed. by

A. P. Laurie................... Teaching, the Dramatic Method of—Harriet

Finlay-Johnson— Telephones, Public Ownership of, on the Con- tinent of Europe—A. N. Holcombe . Tenth Foot, the History of the—AlbertLee Textual Criticism, an Atlas of—E. A. Hutton Thackeray's Works, Centenary Biographical

Edition of—Smith & Elder (pub.) . Tibetan Steppes, Adventure, Sport, and Travel on the—W. N. Fergusson Town Study—M. N. Penstone MANAGER. Memories of a — Daniel Frohman Hark Twain—Archibald Henderson ... Mediterranean Cruise, the—Bruce Millard... Moabite Stone, the—W. H. Bennett ...

NAPOLEON, the Story of—H. F. N. Wheeler

739 233 894 529 219 653 101 100 488 27 129 412 1.30 627 409 972 27 113 657 488 693 186 605 73.) 1.97 972 775 935 733 219 605


856 698 -972


894 186 739

Toynbee, Joseph and Arnold-Gertrude Torn. tee

Travel and Exploration, IV.-Ed. by E.

Trinity College, Cambridge, Admissions to, 1801-1850-Ed. by W. W. Rouse Ball and T.

IINITEBSITLES, Great American-Edwin ATEERR, Sacred, a Book of-William Angus Knight Verseleta and Versions-G. J. Cowley-Brown 100 Versification, English, a Short History of-

EATHER, the, What will it be ?-H. G. 629

Wellington's Battlefields Illustrated : Bussaco -Lieut.-Col. (1. L. Chambers ... 130 Wesley and Kingawood and its Free Churches 972 Westminster-W. Teignmouth Shore . 570

- Abbey, Three Books on... ... .. 934 Where Ghosts Walk-Marion Harland 128 Wilderness Trail, the-Charles A. Hanna ... 570 Williams, Lieut. John A. ("A Hero of the Sea ")-J. E. Patterson ... 627 V EAR-BOOKS, &c. 65-1-327-452-530-605-628-698-739-775 CORRESPONDENCE.

ADVENTURE, an, 399. Advertisement by Violence, 561. All-British Shopping, 518.

Alpines and National Service, 926.

Animal Training, NO.

Arbitration Treaty, the, with America, 212-317- 397-883. Army, the Need for an, 880. "A Touch of the Sun for Pardon," 16-57,

Augurs Meeting and Laughing, 360.

Australian Labour Party Rule, 319-357. Australian View of British Politics, an, 4116. Austria and Italy, 477. Automatic theory, the, 477.

lEeurr, the Destruction of, 518-559. " Bellows' French Dictionary, 688. Bench, an Overcrowded, 728.

Betting Tips and Odds, 479. Bible, the Authorized Version of the, 397-441; the Tercentenary of the, 397-479; and the Dedication to James I., 441. Bright, Mr.: and other Speakers, 356; Dr. Farquharson and, 925. British Columbia, Fruit Farming in, 730-962. Brit Weekly, the, and Home Rule, 396-592. Britsli Women's Emigration Association, the, 356. Burns, Mr. John, and Lord George Hamilton, 683.

CCALIFORNIA,a Voicefrom, 356. Cambridge University, Representation of, in Parliament, 144. Canada and the United Str.tes-the Beal Danger, 243; American Immigration into, 924.

Canadian-American Reciprocity, 212,317-397-881 Caribou, Hornless, 561. Carteret and Others, 561. Cats, Wild, in Britain, 730. Caucus, the Birth of the, 439. Chalmers, Dr., as an Economiat, 145. Child Story, a, 441. Children, Blind, Deaf, and Crippled, After-Care and. Employment of, 518. Christian Church, Caste in the, 558.

Church-Going, Non-, 729. Chnrchmanship, English, the Confirmation Test

for, 359-399440-479-517-558. Class Hatred, 647. Coal Industry, in Defence of the. 592. Cockney Accent, the Spread of the, 247-281.

Coinage, a Self-Denying, 28L Cold Courage, 16. Cold Storage, the Earliest Example of, 442-481. Colonial Intelligence League for Educated

Women, 559. Conservative Party, the Need for a, 764. Constitutional Crisis, the, 11-52-88-245. Coombe Hill, Bucks, 648. Copts, Sir Eldon Gorst and the, 881.

Coptic Appeal, the, and British Policy in Egypt,

594. Coronation Bonfires, 398. Coronation Exhibition, the, 355.

Coronation Festival, Children's, a Song for the,

441-481. Corrections, 145-180-247-359. Courtney, Lord: an Ill-Grounded Desertion, 142, Cromer, Lord, the R.S.P.C.A. and, 847.

Cromwell: Not a Scotsman, 16; an Englishman,

56. Cuckoo, the, 768.

Dany Nrws." the, the House of Lords, and the Law Lords, 925. Dennis, the Late Mr. John, 281.

Desertion, Lord Courtney's Ill-Grounded, 142. Devlin, Mr., M.P.,439. Dickens Stamp, the, 16-56.

Disraeli'e Borrowings, 400. Doctors and Advertising, 960. Drugs, the Question of Restricting the Sale of,

595-730-764-883. Dutch, the, and the Germans, 245.

ECCLESIASTICISM, Narrow, 479. Education, Secular, 687. " Educational Aims and Efforts," 93-145, Eels, 481. Egypt, British Policy in, and the Coptic Appeal,

594. Emigration and the S.P.C.K., 686-729. Encyclical " Pascendi," the, 199.

the e Comic History of, 56; the Terri- torial Hap of, 398; the Blood Bed Flag of, 685-729- English Speech, a League of, 143-359. English Review, the Spectator and the, 923-963. Estates, Big, the Break-up of, 398-440. Expenditure, the Growth of, 560.

VEATHERED Friend, a, 442.

Fiction and Morals, 481.

Flag of England, the Blood-Red, 695-729-706-809.

Fogs, London, 16. Forster's "Life of Strafford," 92. French Books, Some Modern, 723.

French,- Sir John, the Alleged Medisevalism of,

880-922. Fresh Air Fund, the, 846.

aaltrasso, the Laws against, 616. NJ' 'Game Preservation and the Sleeping-Sickness, 87-593. Garden Pleasure, a Neglected, 181.

Genius and Stature, 648.

Germany: the Political Situation in, 596; and Morocco, 723; and the Status Quo, 879. German Fleet, a Song of the, 922.

German Social Insurance: its Dark Side, 920. Germans, the, and the Dutch, 245.

Gibbon on the Invasion of England, 13. Gipsies and the Plague, 393

Girl, Modern, the Nation and the, 399. Gladstone, Hr., and Tasmania, 516-593-646. Gladstonian Home Rule, 516-593-646. Gorst, Sir Eldon, and the Copts, 881. Gum Trees, 559.

Gwynn, Mr. Stephen, and Toleration, 279-315.

airosvs, Lord George, and Mr. John Burns, J-1 683.

Harriet Revelations, the, 212.

Hawes Junction Disaster, a Signalman on the, 55. Hereford, the Bishop of, and Nonconformists, 726-763-807-843. Home Rule: the Case against, 179; the Bishop of Durham on, 211; Irish Protestants and, 244; Miss Richardson and, 245; Mr. Leeky and, 317-357-196; and Sectarianism, 358; the British Weekly and, 596-592; the Lord Chancellor and, 478; Gladatoniim, 516-593-646.

Home Science, a National Scheme for the Endow- went of, 807. Houndsditch Affray, the, 51.

" Hudibras," a Topical Quotation from, 819. Hungary, Political Persecution in, 90. Hypocrisy, an Organized, 645-684-728-923.

JCED Drinks, 560. Iced Wines in Scotland, 596. "If the Worst comes to the Worst," 56.

Imperialism, True, in Church and State, Imperial Conference with a View to, 963. Imperial Conference, Sea Power in the Pacific and the, 553. Imperial Responsibility, a Question of, 881-925.

Income Tax, the: and the Land, C45; the Muddle

of the, 645. Indian Police, Methods of the, 595.

Insurance Bill, the, 725-804-920; Employers and

the, 919-961. Insurance, German Social: its Dark Side, 920.

Insurance, National: Doctors and, 804; and

Thrift, 816. Invasion, the Risk of, 179.

Ireland: Religions Intolerance in, and the Molly Kaguires, 305-439-478-335-556; Nationalist Utter- ances in, 764-809; and the Coronation of the King of England, 921.

Irish Finance, the Bed-Rock of, 13-54-88. Irish Problem, the Solution of the, 14-55. Irish Protestants and Home Ride, 244. Irish Question: Some Modest Proposals, 90. Islam in India, 726. Italy and Austria, 477.

TOAN or Ann, Englishmen and, 246. u Judges, the Alleged Bias of, 884.

" Err/xi:mum," 688-768-847.

11- King George's Irish Descent, 921-903. King of England, Ireland and the Coronation of the, 921.

"1 AND of Our Birth, Our Faith, Our Pride 1"500. -1-1 Land, the, and the Income Tax, 645. Laymen, the House of, 647-726-765-805-843.

Lea, the Late Mr. Henry Charles, 688.

League of Honour, 810.

Lecky, Mr., and Home Rule, 317-357-396. Legislation in the Dark, 358. Lincoln's Call for Volunteers and the New York Riots of July, 1863, 55.

Liquor Traffic, the, in South Nigeria, 881-925; Local Expenditure, the Burden of, 358.

London, the Declaration of, 12-53-246-437474-515- 556. London County Council, the, and theNew Bailey, 399.

Long, Mr. Walter, at Bristol, 143.

Lord Chancellor, the, and Home Rule, 478.

Lords, House of: the Moderate Voter and the, 92; Disraeli on the, 121; and the Parliament Bill, 808.

1k1 'CANN Case, the, 280. "Marie-Claire," 93.

Members, Payment of, 246-358-396-439-808. Mexico and the United States, 646.

Migration within the Empire, 686. Mirabeau's Opinion of Single-Chamber Govern-

ment, 143.

"Money," Lord Lytton's, 765.

Morality, the New, 729.

X.-A.1101'UL Service League Poster and Coronation -"I Celebrations, 846. Nationalist Utterances in Ireland, 764-801 Natural Beauty, the Preservation of, 480. Nesting Boxes, All-British, 400-768. Nigeria: a Bird of, 56-90; a. Question of Imperial Responsibility, 881; the Liquor Traffic in, 925.

nrricEns, Sandhurst Expenses and the Supply of, NJ 397-440. pectric, the Problem of the, 613. Panem et Circen.ses, 831 Parallel, an Historic, 281-320,

Parliament Bill, the, 646-846; Preamble to the,

725; the Lords and the, 808. Paton, the Late Dr. J. B., 320.

Peers: the Five Hundred, 15-53; the Oppor- tunity of the, 317; Liberal, a Literal Plea for the

Creation of, 845.

Penelope and the Widgeon, 442. Phantasm of the Living, a, 560-64.S-687-731-767-809-


Pigeons (House) of London, from the, WO. Plague: Rats and the, 212-282; Gipsies and the,.

399. Politics, British, an Australian View of, 436. Political Association, the Independent, 926. Political Situation, 479. Poll-of-the-People Bill, the, 357. Proportional Representation Society, the, 438-5W. Proposals, Some Modest, CO. Public-House Reform, 684. Public School, a Plea for the, 595.

Puritanism, 723-882; a Plea for, 808; and Confes-

sion of Sin, 961.

Questen, "the Passing" of the, 685-808.

n ars and the Plague, 212; in East Anglia, 282.

Lt. Realm, the Safety of the, 727. Reciprocity, Canadian-American, 212-317-397.883.

Referendum, the, 357-439-519; a Municipal, 179;

in Miniature, 291 ; Australia, 357.

Religions Intolerance: and the Molly Maguires,

395-439 ; in Ireland, 439-478-515-556,

Religions Processions, 596449.

Rembrandt, the Lansdowne, 319.

Request, a, 57.

Reservoir, Devastation by, 319-359. Review, the Great Adult, 923-963, Richardson, Miss, and Home Rule, 244.

Right to Loaf Bill, the, 725.

Roberts, Lord, and Eton, 360.

Rooks, Crows, and Choughs, 360.

Rubber Plantations, the, of the Amazon, 833.

Rubric, the Excluding, 476.

Russia, the Projected Visit of Representative

Englishmen to, 765.

Russian Crisis, the, 517.

sT. FRANCIS, 846. St. George, the League of, 57-93-145.

Salmon, Some Problems of, 442-730. Sandhurst Expenses and the Supply of Officers, 397-440, Scholars, Old, Clubs for, 845. Scotland, the Episcopal Church in, 882. " Scout's Son," a, 56. Sea-Gulls, an Appeal from, 246. Sea Power in the Pacific and the Imperial Confer- ence, 558. Second Chamber, Lord Morley on a, 83. Secular Education, 687. Sermons to Boys, 390. Sheep and Shephei ds, 963.

Sherwood, Mrs., 92; and Mrs. Cameron, 114.

Sidney Street Affray, the, 51.

Skating, Modern Figure, 180. Sleeping-Sickness, Game Preservation and the,

87-593. Slovak Art, an Exhibition of, 430.

Snakes Swallowing their Young, 894.

Soares, Sir Ernest (" Who Said 'Job' ? "), 764.

Spectator' the: Unknown Donors of, 320-597; in a Bed Indian's Grave, 359; a Donor of, 401. Spectator Tent, the, at Bisley-Fifth Year, 731. Speeches, Readable, 180.

Spring "Fever," 809. State Interference, 725. Stature and. Genius, 560-596-641 Surrey Commons. 64,8. Suttee, a Case of, 962.

Trier/Taos and Lucretius or Scott? 141-180. Thirhnere, the Improvement of, 246. Trains and Motor 'Buses, 879. Turf Prophets in the Daily Press, 432-517-557-597.

JJLsmt an Appeal to, 14-55-142; the Position of, 178; Unionism in, 212; a Parliament for, 646. Unemployed, the Better Way with the, 555. Union, the Act of, 290. Unionists and Universal Training, 687-705. United States, the, and Canada-the Real Danger, 243, VETERAN Reserve: for London, 15; the Surrey, 91-959 ; Sailors and the, 808; from Within, 808. Veto Bill, the: Should it be Rejected? 433.

Media, Via 142.

Victoria League Newspaper Scheme, the, 688. Virtue and its Cost, 925.

WALKER, F. W., his Grim Humour, 15.

" Wandle River, Walks by the, 441.

Welshmen and Budgets, 90.

Wesleyans and Baptism, 884. "Who Said. ' Job ' ?" (the Appointment of Sir E. Soares), 764.

Woman Suffrage: the New Parliament and, 281;

the University of London and, 766.

Women: Colonial Intelligence League for Edu-

cated, 559; and Labour, 883-9-24, Women's Holiday Fund, the, 9-25.

Woodpigeons and Growing Crops, 481, Woods, the Rating of, 961.

Words, the Instinct for, 398.

Workgirls, Our, 922. Working Class, Saving Power of the, 685. Working Nan, the, What he Wants, 591-633.

"yin if His Majesty, Our Sovereign Lord," 031.

APPEALS.-Typewriting Machines for the Blind, 17.-Education of Turkish Girls, 17.-ELR.H. the Duke of Connaught and the Y.W.C.A., 57.-A South African Native College, 93.-An Appeal for the Blind, 481.-The Proportional Representation Society, 438-519.-The Potteries Fund, 810.-The Church Army Fresh-Air Homes, 926.-Naples Society for the Protection of Animals, 965.



A IR Battalion, the Organization of an, by the 'EL War Office, 307.

Anarchists, Alien, in London, 42. Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty the Guild- stall Meeting in Support of the, 635-673; Professor Delbrack on the, 753. Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty, the Signing of the, 505. Arbitration Treaty, the General, between the United States and Great Britain and Prance, 753. Art, Royal College of, the Constitution of the, 467.

Asquith, Mr.: on Payment of Members and of Election Expenses, 203; on Scottish Control over Scottish Affairs, 427; on Arbitration with America, .673; and the Referenda in Australia, 715,

Aviation Record, the, of X. Prier, 517.

12fairotra, Mr.: on the Unionist Party and Im- perial Preference, 42; on Home Rule, 507; on Arbitration with America, 673; at the Primrose League Meeting at the Albert Hall, 714; on Home Nule and the Parliament Bill, 755; at the Inter- national Musical Congress, 835; on the Party System and on the Future of the Empire, 951.

Beim, Sir John : his Appeal against £12,000 Damages Allowed, 427. Bible, Meeting at Albert Hall to Commemorate the Tercentenary of the, 467. Birkbeck Bank, the Suspension of the 871. British Weekly, the Attack by the, on Lord Lore- burn, 794, Browning, Robert, his Letters on Spiritualism, 43. Burns, Mr. John, on the Working of the Housing and Town Plauniug Act, 203. Butcher, the Late Mr. S. H., Professor Gilbert Murray on, 547. Buxton, Dlr. Noel, on the Attitude of Great Britain to the Young Turks, 233.

CAMERON, Lieut. and Mrs., the Trial of, for At- tempting to Defraud Lloyd's, 871.

Canterbury, the Archbishop of, on Tampering -with History, 3. Census, the Figures of the, 795. China and Great Britain, the Opium Agreement between, 713.

Churchill, Mr., and the Old Shepherd of Dart- moor, 43-135.

,Clerks, National Union of, Annual Conference of the, 871. Cocoa Duty, the Feeling against -the, 347. Colley Hill, the National Trust's Appeal for Funds to Acquire, 547.

-Communion, the Bishop of Hereford's Invitation to Nonconformists to Celebrate, 675; the Times and the, 755; the Vicar of Waltlnunstow on the, 835.

Connaught, the Duke of, on his Tour in South Africa, 170. Co-operative Congress, the, at Bradford, 671. Coronation Bonfires, the Scheme for, 427. Coronation, Flying to be Prohibited over London at the, 793. Coronation Honours, the, 949. -Coronation Meeting for Men, the, at Queen's Hall, 950. Cotton, Sir Henry, and Savarkar, 1.

Courtney, Lord his Change of Attitude on Home lb le, 78; on the National Will and Representation, 715.

Cox, Mr.. his Election Address, 79. Crewe, Lora, the Illness of, 346. Cromtr, Lard, on Examinations and National Efficiency, 171. Crooks, Mr., on the Betting Evil, 347.

Curzon, Lord: on the Parliament Bill and the Unionist Scheme, 235; on Lord Lansdowne's Lords Neform Bill, 715; oaths Press and ImperialUnity, 951.

nevoesnree, Late Duke of, Lord Lansdowne on -1-2 the, 235. Divorced Persons, the Bishop of London on the Issue of Licences for the Marriage of, 134.

WDINBURGII, Fatal Theatre Fire at, 715. Election Petitions: at North Louth, 203: at Exeter, 547; at East lgottingham, 795; at Hull, 1835; at West Ham, 950.

FICTION and Morals, 426.

GREEN, Compulsory, at Oxford, 755.

HAGGLED, Mr. Rider, on the Menace of the Rat -2-1- Plague, 271. Haldane, Mr.: on the Veteran Reserve, 347; Created a Peer, 427.

Hampstead Garden Suburb, Housing Co-nartner- *hip at, 425. Hardie, Mr. Keir, on the Independence of the Labour Party, 583. Harriet Revelations, the, 135.

Hereford, the Bishop of, his Invitation to Non- .conformists, 675; the Times and the, 755; the Vicar of Walthamstow on the, 835.

Holmes Education Circular, the, 507. Hopkiusou, Sir Alfred, on Democratic Govern- anent, 135. Houndsditch Murders : the Sidney Street Affray,

I; German Comments on the, 1; the Inquest on the Bodies of Two Men, 42-78; Mr. Churchill on Ilia Part in the, 42; the Trial at the Gnildhall, 73- 135 ; the Trial at the Central Criminal Court, 675. House of Lords ref irm : Lord Xidleton on, 2; Unionists and, 203; Lord Curzon on, 235; Mr. C. F. Adams on, 715.

I MPERIAL Conference : and an Imperial Court of -2 Appeal, 718.911; Mr. Asquith's Address to the, 95; the Press and the, 795; SirJ. Ward's Imperial Earliament Scheme, 795; and the Declaration of London, 870; and an Imperial Labour Bureau, 870; sa. Standing Committee of the, 870; and Naturaliza- tion, 911; Commercial Treaties with the Mother Country, 951; Natives of India and the Dominions, 951.

Imperial Defence, Australian Ministers on, 871. Income Tax Mx. Lloyd George and the Delay in Collecting, from Railway Companies, 755; Analysis of the Payers of, 795. Independent Labour Party, Annual Conference of the, at Birmingham. 583. Inge, Dr. William, Appointed Dean of St. Paul's, 635.

Insurance Bill : the Doctors' Opposition to the, 885; an Austrian Economist on the, 910; the .New Age's Criticisms of the, 910.

1 °wee.; Mr. F. W., on the Constitutional Crisis, • 171.

ITENSINGTON Palace to be Blade into a Museum, " 427.

King Edward Memorial Committee, Report of the, 426-507.

King George : the Libel on, 169; to Entertain 100,000 School Children at the Crystal Palace, 346; Professor Visetti's Proposal, 387; on the Tercen- tenary of the Bible, 425; Receives Polo Players, 467; his Message to the American Tercentenary Celebrations of the Bible, 633; Unveils the Queen Victoria Memorial, 754. King and Queen, the: to Visit Dublin and Edin- burgh, 134; Visit Hampstead Garden Suburb, 425; Open the Festival of Empire at the Crystal Palace, 753; Crowned in the Abbey, 949.

Kitchener, Lord : his Tribute to the Boy Scouts Movement, 583.

j Aimee Party, the, and the Pledge, 3. ▪ Lansdowne, Lord, on the Late Duke of Devon- shire, 235.

Lloyd George, Mr.: the Illness of, 203; at Bir- mingham, on the Insurance Bill, 911.

London, the Bishop of, on the Marriage of Divorced Persons, 134,

London, Declaration of: Prof. T. E. Holland on the, 2; the London Chamber of Commerce and the, 2; Mr. MacKinnon Wood on the, 235; Cie Admirals and the, 950.

Long, Mr. Walter, on the Referendum and the Constitutional Question, 79.


Mr. BRITIS:1y, 011 the Labour Party and the Government, 583.

Meux, Lady, the Will of, 43. Midleton, Lord, on the Reformed House of Lords, 2.

Morals and Fiction, 426; Public, a Manifesto on, 835.

Morel, Mr., the Luncheon and Testimonial to, 834. Morley, Lord, on Language and Literature, 171.

Murder, the, of Leon Berou on Clapham Com- mon, 3; Stinie Morrison Sentenced for the, 387; Commutation of the Death Sentence, 547.

Musical Congiess, the International, 835.

XTEW Year Honours List, the, 3. Nonconformist Unionist Association, the Appeal of the, against the Parliament Bill, 755. PARLIAMENTARY Aerial Defence Committee's Fly-

▪ ing Meeting at Hendon, the, 755.

Polo Team, the, to Visit America, 437; the Re- sult of the, 911. Prince of Wales, the, Invested with the Insignia of the Garter, 911.

p Amway Disaster, the, at Pontypridd, 135. Rat Plague, the Menace of the, 271. Redmond, Mr. John : on the Result of the Elections, 2; • on the Future of Home Rule, 78. Referendum: Sir W. Forwood on Lancashire and the, 43; Professor Neville on the, 43; the Working of the, in Switzerland, 269-387; and in America, 387; the Meaning of the Recent, in Australia, 715.

Richardson, Hiss, on Ulster and Home Rule, 79.

Roberts, Lord : on General Wolfe, 3; Inspects the Surrey Veteran Reserve, 755. Rosebery, Lord : at the Old Edinburgh Club, 171; at the Dinner to the Overseas Representatives, 051; Royal Academy Banquet, the, 675.

SARGENT, Mr., on the Post-Impressionists, 43. Schuiter, Sir Felix, on Ways of Popularizing Consols, 134,

Scottish Control over Scottish Affairs, 427. Seamen's Strike, the, 911. Seely, Colonel, on the Veteran Reserve, e35. Shaw, Mr. Bernard, on Unnecessary Washing, 911. Shepherd, the Old Dartmoor, 43-135.

Sickness and Invalidity Insurance, the Govern-

ment's Scheme for, 3. Snowden, lifr. Philip, on the House of Commons, 235.

TEACHERS, National Union of Annual Meeting 2- of the, at Aberystwyth, 183; and the Holmes Circuler, 583. Tennant, Sir Edward, the Appointment of, 347. Thunderer; the Launch of the, on the Thames, 171.

Tolstoy, the Last Days of, S. Trade Returns, the, 203-307-547. Trade Union Deputations to Mr. Asquith, 203. Trevelyan, Mr. G. M., on British Policy in Persia, 134.

Tuberculosis, a New Treatment of, 795. Trimmer Organization, Working Men and, 79. Ure. Mr., on the Efficiency of the House of Lords, 507.

VETERAN Reserve; Mr. Haldane on the, 347; • Colonel Seely on the, 635; Lord Roberts Inspects the Surrey. 755.

Veto Bill, Mr. Arthur Cohen on the Preamble to the, 2.

IV Arlo siv8;orir Common, the Proposal to Sell Part Warren, Mr., Elected Professor of Poetry at Oxford, 235.

West Indies, Renewal of the Mail Contract to the, 42.

Winchester, the Bishop of, on the Bishop of Hereford's Invitation to Nonconformists, 675. Wolfe, Statue of, Unveiled by Lord Roberts, 3. Woman Suffrage Demonstration, the, 950. Woman Suffrage Bill, Mr. Asquith and Facilities for the, 951.

Woman Suffragists, the Conduct of the Metro- polite= Police towards the, 271.


A Dnicrss ; the Debate on the, 201; the Fiscal " Policy Amendment, 201; the Right to Work Amendment, 234; the Land and House Valuation Amendment, 234; the Anti-Home Rule Amend- ment, 234.

Address to the Crown, Debate on Lord Lans- downe's, 4C6. Aliens (Prevention of Crime) Bill, the, 581. Archer-Shea Case, Mr. McKenna's Apology in the, 507. Armaments Expenditure, Debate on, 385. Army Estimates, the, 386.

Army : the Condition of the, 271; the Strength of the, 426-507. Asquith, Mr.: on Home Rule, 134; on the Parlia- ment Bill, 235; on Imperial Naval Defence, 546; on the Programme of Business of the Goi eminent, 581; on the Appointment of Justices of the Peace, BAGHDAD Railway Sir Edward Grey on the, 34,5- 426; Lord Morley on the, 426. Balfour, Mr., on Arbitration with the United States, 386. Balfour of Burleigh, Lord: his Bill for Taking Polls of the People, 269-305; Second Reading Debate on, 465.

Bedford, the Duke of, on the Condition of the Army, 271.

Budget, the, Opened by Mr. Lloyd George, 754. Burns, Mr. John, on the Right to Work Bill, =4. CANADIAN-AMERICAN Reciprocity Agreement, the, Churchill, Mr. Winston, his Attack on the Judges, 835.

Consols, the Fall in the Price of, 951.

Copyright Amendment Bill, 546.

Crooks, Mr., his Motion for a Minimum Wage of 30s. a Week, 635.

EDUCATION Circular, the Confidential, Of Mr. Holmes, 426-467. Emigration to the Colonies, the G overnment and, ri meat. Policy, the Attack on the Government's, 201.

G INNELL, Mr., the Suspension of, 270.

HOBEOUSE, Mr., 011 Financial Arrangements, 270. IMPERIAL Conference, the, and the International 1- Situation, Md.

Imperial Naval Defence, Mr. Asquith on, 546. Indian Army, the Reports as to the Reduction of the, 833.

Insurance Bill, the, 674-794-834; Proposed Com- mittee to Deal with the, 835.

JIISTICES of the Peace, Mr. Asquith on the Ap- pointment of, 674. IT rust% Sir H., his "One Vote One Value" -11.- 387.

JANSDOWNE, Lord his House of Lords Reform "4 Proposals, 269 ;.his Address to the Crown, 4416; Introduces his Bill for Reconstitution of the House of Lords, 713; the Debate on the, 754-794.

m cCarre (Mixed Marriage) Case, the, 201-307.

-12-1- Minimum Wage of 30s. a Week, Mx. Crooks's Motion for a, 635. Morgan, Colonel, the Appointment of, 834. Morley, Lord, on the Government's Policy in the Middle East, 426.

N'T.i.vr Estimates, the, 347; the Debate on the, 336. -LI Navy, India and the Crown Colonies and the, 546.

Naval Training, the Coat of, 547. Nonconformists and the Communion, Sir Bryn. mor Jones's Bill Dealing with, 835.

rILD-AGE Pensions the Cost of, 270; Mr. Hayes

• Fisher's Bill for Amending the Act, 794, Osborne Judgment, the Government's Bill deal- ing with the, 794-834.

pantiniewr, the King's Speech at the Opening of, 201.

Parliament Bill: the Introduction of the, 270; the Second Reading Debate on the, .306; Referend mu Amendment to the, 387; the Committee Stage of the, 506-546-582-634-674; the Report Stage of the, 714; the Third Reading Debate on the, 754; in the House of Lords, 794-834-950. Poll of the People, Lord Balfour of Burleigh's Bill for Taking a, 269-305; Second Reading Debate on, 465.

p EFEEENDIIIK : Lord Hugh Cecil on the, 307;

▪ Amendment to the Parliament Bill, 387. Revenue Bill : the New Land Taxes. 346. Roberts, Lord, on the Inadequate Defence of the Country, 507.

QT. Prom's Bridge, Bill for Building, 871-911.- " Shops Bill, Second Reading of the, 506.

Small Ownership and National Land Bank Bill, the, 674. Speaker. Mr. Ginnell's Attack on the, 171.

TRLEPIIONRS, the Transfer of the, to the Post Office, 951.

Treaties, the House of Commons and the Con- clusion of, 546.

=swoon, Mr., on his Letter to Mr. Ginnell, " 270.

Women's Enfranchisement Bill: Second Reading of the, 714; the Government and Facilities tor the, 833.

[Etrgrtotts.] BO0TLE.-1fr. Boner Law (U.), 467. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.-Bir Joseph Larrnor

(U.). 235.

Cnutrznitest.-ler. J. T. Agg-Gardner (U.), 675.


AFRICA (SOUTH). Cronje, General Piet, the Death of, 203.


Rererenda on Altering the Federal Constitution : Result of the, 634; Meaning of the, 715.


Reciprocity Agreement with the United States, the, 78-133; Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the, 347.


Bombay, the Riot between Shiabs and Sunnis in, 42.

Financial Statement, the, 306.

German Crown Prince, the Visit of the, 306. Gun-Running in the Persian Gulf, 505. liar Jingo, Lord, and the National Consress, 1. Savarkar Case: the Judgment in the, 78-171; the Hague Court's Decision in the, 306.

Suttee, a Remarkable Instance of, 870.


Ward, Sir Joseph, on an Imperial House of Re- presentatives, 385.



Liberia Settlement of the FrontiS r Dispute with France, 42. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.

Aehrenthal, Count : on an Anglo-German Agree- ment, 170; Dr. Krainarzh's Reply to, 170.

Army and Navy Estimates, the, 202. Austrian Finances, the "Unsatisfactory State of, Emperor, the Reports as to the Health of the, 793-833.

Grand Duke Franz Ferdinand andthe Coronation of Kiag George, 425. Hungarian Four per Cent. Loan, the, 41.


Turkey, the Negotiations with, for a Commercial Treaty, 134.


Li Lien-Ying, Chief Eunuch of tie Imperial Household, Death of, 545.

Manchuria, the Outbreak of Plague in, 202; the Cause of the, 427. Opium Trade with India : the Suppression of the, 581; the Agreement with Great Britain, 713. Russia's Ultimatumconeerning Trade in Mongolia and the New Dominion, 465.


Army Estimates, the, 385. Battleships. the Authorisation of Two New, 806. Berteaux, Id., Killed by an Aeroplane at Issy-les- Noulineaux. 793, Briand, M., Fired at in the Chamber, 77. Chamber, Scene of Disorder in the, 425.

Cruopi, N.: on the Situation in Morocco, 909; MB Reply to N. Jaurea' Attack on the Govern- ment's Policy, 950. Fallieres, M., his Visit to Bizerte. 581. Monis, M.: his Statement of Policy, 315; Ids Discovery of an Honest Man, 425; Seriously In- jured by Aeroplane, 793; Precarious Condition of his Ministry, 909. Morocco, Anxiety about the Policy of the Spanish Government in, 869-909.

011ivier' M., a Piece of Secret History by, 833. Pichon,N. : on Foreign Affairs, 41 ; on the Pro- posed Fortification of Flushing, 77.

Pretenders, the Opportunity of the, 909. Bouvier, K., the Death of, 869. Western Railway, the Reconstruction of the Management of the, 271. Wine District, the Riots in the, 545-869-909.


Army, Qualifications for Posts in the, 306. Baghdad Railway, the Russo-German Negotia- tions and the, 77. Betio:num Hollweg, Herr von : on Prussian Relations with the Vatican, 346; on German Naval Policy, 465. Crown Prince, the Tour of the, 306-54.5. Delbrack, Professor, on the Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty, 753. Field-Marshal von der Goltz, his Lyrical Speech at the Launching of a' Dreadnought,' 909. Kaiser, the : his Speech to the German Agricul- tural Council, 270; Abandonment of his Visit to Rome, 306; on King George and Queen Mary, 870.

Marina Rundschau, the, on Naval Strategy in an Anglo-German War, 1.

New Taxes, the Working of the, 885, Prussian Finances, the Deficit in, 41.

Submarine, the Disaster to a, in Kiel Harbour, 77.

Tirpitz, Admiral von, on the Navy Law, 233.


Constitution, the Revision of the, 633..


Savarkar Case, the Hague Court of Arbitration's Decision in the, 306.


German Crown Prince and Princess, the Visit of the, to Rome, 545. Italian Unity : Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of, 465; the Visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught in Honour of, 833.


Kimura. Count, on Foreign Policy, 134.

United States, the New Commercial Treaty with the, VD. MEXICO.

Diaz, President : Lis Reply to the Demand for his Resignation, 713; the Resignation of, 753-793 (see also p. 345). Mexico City, Severe Earthquake at, 870.


Alfonso, Xing, his Visit to Melilla, 41.

Fez : Critical Situation at, 543-581-6331-673-713-753; the Relief of, by General Idoinier, 796; the Return from, 869.

French Military Officers, the Efficiency of the, 833.

Sultan's Army Defeated by Rebels, 503.


Barclay, Sir George, his Note on the Attitude of Great Britain, 134.

Browne, Professor, on the New Regent, 673. Koweit, the Status of, 170.

Moslem Manifesto, the, on Foreign Pretensions, 77.

Nasr-ul-Mulk, the Regent the Arrival at Teheran, 170.

Persian Gulf, Gun-Running in the, 505.

Regent, the New, and the Mejliss, 233.


Anarchist Element, the Government's Attitude towards the, 346.

Elections, the Results of the, 833.

Franco, Senhor, the Prosecution of, 270.

Pretender (Dom Miguel of .Braganza), the Hopes of the 41.

Railway Strikes, the, 41-78.

Royal Family, the Payments to the, 134.

RUf3SLL Serfs, Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emancipation of the, 346. Stolypin, M.: Tenders his Resignation, 423; his Defence of his Action in the Council of State, 681; and its Effect on Russian Politics, 833.

Tolstoy, the Last Days of, 3.


Alfonso, Ring, his Visit to Melilla, 41.

Judges at the Ferrer Trial, the Government and the, :03.

Morocco, the Government's Policy in, 869-O09. Roman Aqueduct at Seville, Proposal to Destroy the, 910.


Insurance 11111, the, Passed by Both Houses, Pla. TURKEY.

Albania, Serious New Rising in, 465-505-545-6)4- 758-869-909.

Albanian Refugees in Montenegro, the Petition of, for Clemency, 673.

Baghdad Railway, Negotiations over the, 77-345. Bulgaria, the Negotiations with, for a Commercial Treaty, 134.

Committee, the, and the Cabinet, 233. Dja,vid Bey, the Financial Statement of, 270. Macedonia and Albania, the State of, 385. Parliamentary Party, the Split in the Committee of the, 634.

Itifaat Pasha : on the Potsdam Interview, 133; on Great Britain and the Baghdad Railway, 202.

Russo-German Negotiations, the Young Turks and the, 77. Sultan, the Visit of the, to the Plain of Kossovo, 950.

Yemen, the Arab Rising in, 134-169-545.


Animal Protection Congress, the, at Washington, 634.

Arbitration Treaty, the, with Great Britain and France, 753. Army, the Mobilisation of the, 345. Bible, the Celebration of the Tercentenary of the,. in New York, 633. Clark, Mr. Champ : his " Annexation " Speech, 233; Mr. Taft's Reply to, 269.

Japan, the New Commercial Treaty with, 269. • Negro Problem, a New Phase of the, in the Northern Cities, 425.

New Congress: Democratic Majority in the, 506; Mr. Taft's Message to the, 506. Philippines, American Feeling about the, 673. Reciprocity Agreement with Canada, the, 78-183; President Taft on the, 170; Passed by the House of Representatives, 233; the Senate and the, 870. Roosevelt, Mr., to Support Mr. Taft, 870.

• " Skyscraper," the New, in New York, 675.

Taft, President : Censures Commander Sims for his Speech at the Guildhall, 42; on United States Policy in Regard to the Panama Canal, 133; on the Reciprocity Agreement with Canada, 170; on the, Talk of Annexing Canada, 269.


Balfour, Colonel Eustace, =5. Bell, Mr. Moberly, 507. Carlisle, Lord, 583.

Cawd.or, Lord, 202.

Collins, Lord, 3.

Cronje, General Piet, 203. Dennis, Mr. John, 28L Nike, Sir Charles, 175. Elliott, Sir Charles, 871. Galton, Sir Francis, 79. Gilbert, Sir W. S., M. Grey, Mr. George, 203. Lyall, Sir Alfred, 554 Bouvier, M., 869, Wolverhampton, Lord, 507.