The Hibbert Journal for January devotes its first three articles
to the Modernist Movement in the English Church. Mr. Major, the Principal of Ripon Hall, who is said to be threatened with prosecution for heresy, contributes an article entitled " Modern Churchmen or Unitarians ? " in which he emphasizes the " serious differences of view and of temperament " between his school and the Unitarians, especially in regard to the doctrines of the Incarnation and the Trinity. To quote isolated sentences would be unfair ; Mr. Major's article deserves attentive reading as a whole. Dr. Foakes-Jackson writes on the recent Cambridge conference of the Churchmen's Union, and Mr. P. H. Bagenal relates the history of the Union, which was founded in 1898 and which is " the lineal descendant " of the old Broad Church movement. Mr. Edward Clodd and Mr. E. Wake Cook discuss Occultism from opposing standpoints, and Mr. W. Watkin Davies has a thoughtful and suggestive article on " Education for Internationalism."