MADE TO MEASURE.* MRS. HENRY HIIDENEY has long been known as a writer of extraordinarily incisive novels. She spares no foible, condones no vice, but is perhaps generally a......
Omer Novele.—elinor Calwuse. By Stephen Hudson.- (martin...
study of a penniless American beauty of doubtful antecedents, who captures in her toils a young Englishman of good family. The characterization is vigorous, if crude, but there......
Poets And Poetry.
OXFORD POETRY, 1921.* IT is, perhaps, a pity that there are not a larger number of con- tributors to this year's Oxford Poetry, for one of the advantages of such anthologies......
Poems Worthy Of Considebatiox.-poems Of Home And...
Charles Williams and V. H. Collins, (H. Milford. 3s. net.)---An enterprising and attractive anthology. Considerable space is given to modern poetry. Five poems by Edward Thomas,......