Shorter Notices The Resources and Influence of English Literature. By
the Most Rev. William Temple. (National Book Council. 2S.) THIS little book, whose value is out of all proportion to its size, contains a lecture delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury for the National Book Council at Caxton Hall last May. Nothing is more difficult than to talk in a lively and pregnant way to a mixed audience about literaturi, but Dr. Temple has done it most success- fully. It is a lecture that the Director of Army Education might well recommend to be read not troops, for it is simple, straight- forward and amusing, but not superficial. Dr. Temple does not disdain limericks, and his taste in them is better than Bishop Gore's ; he awakens sympathy by not being afraid to admit when he is bored by an author whom he recognises to be great, and indeed the success of his lecture—which well deserves its printed form—is due to its natural sincerity.