Country Life
AN almost springlike welcome is being extended to the New Y . At the corner of the bed the invincible lungwort shows a nuns of pink flowers. Half-way up the bed, on a slope cut......
The Epic Story Of Stalingrad. (hutchinson. 2s. 6d.)
THE story of the siege and battle of Stalingrad is here told by a number of Russian war correspondents and officers of the Red Army. It is too early yet for anything like a......
The Tree Of Life. By H. J. Massingham. (chapman And
Hall. 8s. 6d.) MR. MASSINGHAM here departs somewhat from his usual line of country, and pursues a subject first suggested to him in a letter he received from a naval lieutenant:......
No Rain In Those Clouds. By David Smith. (dent.. Los.
6d.) THE best part of this pleasant book concerns arable farming during the last quarter of the 19th century in a part of East Anglia famous for its strict attention to the......