The Epic Story of Stalingrad. (Hutchinson. 2s. 6d.)
THE story of the siege and battle of Stalingrad is here told by a number of Russian war correspondents and officers of the Red Army. It is too early yet for anything like a history of what is certain to be regarded as one of the most decisive battles in the history of the world, although it is good to learn from one of Eugene Krieger's despatches in this volume that representatives of the historical section of the Russian General Staff were on the spot collecting material. These eye-witness accounts are of value because of the insight that they give us into the spirit and discipline of the Russian fighter. The volume also contains a short but lucid appreciation of the campaign as a whole by Colonel Kononenko and a brilliant summary of the lessons on street-fighting which were learned in Stalingrad, written by General Chuykov, the commander of the 6znd Army.