Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. By Richard F. Burton, Lieutenant Bombay Army. In three volumes. Volumes L and II.
Switzerland in 1854-'5: a Book of Travel, Men, and Things. By the Reverend W. G. Heathman 13.A., Rector of St. Lawrence, Exeter, late British Chaplain at Ineerlaken.
The Theory and Practice of Banking; with the Elementary Principles of Currency, Prices, Credit, and Exchanges. By Henry Dunning Macleod, Boo., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law, Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Volume I.
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte. By John S. C. Abbott. With Maps and Illustrations. In two vo:nmee.
Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. By Dr. Doran, Author of" Table Traits," &e. In two volumes.
The Crimea, its Ancient and Modern History : the Khans, the Sultans, and the Czars. With Notices of its Scenery and Population. By the Reverend Thomas Milner, M.A., F.R.A.S.
Compendium of Chronology : containing the most important Dates of General History, Political, Eceleeiastical, and Literary, from the Creation of the World to the End of the Year 1854. By F. H. Ja- quemet. Edited by the Reverend John Alcorn, M.A. [A very useful book, which the reader of history, or indeed any one likely to require a reference to dates, should keep at hand. The order of events is not classified but continuous, from the creation to the great storm of last year in the Black Sea and the fire at Newcastle; and this upon the whole is the best arrangement. Division into particular states may a little facilitate particu- lar reference, when the examiner is sure of his class ; but many events are so interconnected with two or more countries that a proper classification is impossible. The fact must be presented in duplicate or triplicate, or more trouble will be given than saved. An index to this volume, however, refers to every name or event in the body of the work, and a synchronical
sordid dulness. coins of whwh fac-similes are given in this volume are all Lyman, and the
" Hazlitt, out of resentment against the aristocracy for giving their pa- chronology of Sir Charles is correct, Lycia must have early reached eminence nonage to this kind of art at the expense of higher' of which he thought hi numismatic art, and minted a great number of coins., if net a very large them jealous, (and perhaps, also, in order to vex Wilkie himself, who was amount of money.] very deferential to rank,) called it the 'pauper style.' The appellation, we suspect, produced the vexation intended, and was one of the causes of Sir David's efforts to rise into a manner altogether different ; in which he was not successful. His notion that the persons in the Old and New Testament should all have the native, that is to say, the Syrian or Judaieal look, showed the restricted and literal turn of his mind. He fancied that this teenth is concerned, these lectures are not of much account. They are kind of truth would the more recommend them to the lovers of truth in chiefly notices of the lives of the authors, with readings or quotations from general : not seeing that the local peculiarity might hurt the universality their works—in the case of poets not very poetically rendered into English. of the impression ; for though all the world feel more or less in the same The remarks on the relation of the writers to the age of the monarch under manner, they are not fond of seeing the manner qualified by that of any ono whom they flourished possess more breadth and depth ; M. Astie having ap- particular nation, especially, too, when the nation has not been associated parently a greater turn for political and religious philosophy than for literary in their minds with anything very acceptable, or even with acquiescence in criticism. The translator, an American clergyman, goes out of his way in the impression to be made. The next step in this direction might be to re- his introduction to indulge in depreciatory remarks on English management present St. Paul as a man of an insignificant presence, because the apostle in the Crimea in comparison with French. The book is from America, with- so describes himself, or to get a stammering man to sit for the portrait of out any English publisher's name.] Moses, because the great lawgiver had an impediment in his speech." Primitive Piety Reviewed; or the Aggressive Power of the Christian Camoens did not live or die at Kensington; no more did any of Church. A Premium Essay. By Reverend Henry C. Fish, Newark, poet with a manuscript note of some interest, on which Mr. Hunt [An American prize essay, written to show that Christian piety is diminish-
list of European sovereigns exhibits a simultaneous ooup d'Leil of mediseral and modern regnal chronology.
The particular accuracy of a book of this kind can only be tested by use. This compendium appears to be sufficiently full in its facts ; the nature or bearing of persona or events is discriminated by different typography ; the differences between chronologists is marked in the case of leading events.] Coins of Ancient Lyeia before the Reign of Alexander. With an Essay on the relative Dates of the Lyeian Monuments in the British Museum, By Sir Charles Fellows. [A valuable contribution to numismatic lore, and to the archaeology of an- cient Lycia. The book consists of nineteen plates of coins which Sir Charles Fellows considers to have been ancient Lycian, though previously known as "uncertain Cilician." In some eases Sir Charles is himself doubtful ; in others the proof is inferential. The classification to a great extent is in- ferential too : a certain district of Lycia abounded in wild hoses; therefore Aoins with a boar's head probably emanated from that district ; lions are said to be found in another locality, and a coin with a lion's scalp conies thence. As yet the question of these Lyoian coins is only raised for discussion. If the Louis Fourteenth, and the Writers of his Age; being a course of Lec- tures delivered (in French) to a select audience in New York, by the Reverend J. F. Astie. Introduction and Translation by the Reverend E. N. Kirk.
[So far as a critical estimate of the authors of the reign of Louis the Four-
ing, and to chalk out a plan for increasing it. The proofs of decreasing piety are meetly of a general kind, such as readily present themselves, especially to a man who at once strikes off all Remounts and Greeks from the Chris- tian sum total, and further reduces the seventy millions of Protestanta to "about twelve millions who make any intelligent profession of piety." The statistics of the subject, as collected b the author, are not without a curious menta respecting his end. It is a manuscript note in an old Spanish hand, interest, so far as they relate to morals and religion in America; though we stating that the writer 'saw bini die in a hospital, without even a blanket suspect they should be taken with some qualification. Mr. Fish represents to cover him.' 'Ile did this,' says he, 'after having triumphed in the East, "the subjects of 'the Man of Sin ' " as increasing in America, and Pro- (Camoens served in various expeditions,) and traversed five thousand five testanta as decreasing; which is contrary to the general opinion. The book hundred leagues of ocean ; and all for what, but to study day and night to is published by the " Congregational Board of Publication," Boston.]
no better purpose than spiders to catch flies?' Exposition of the Parables : intended chiefly for the uao of Teachers in
"A natural question enough to the first impulse of indignation. And the Elementary Schools. By the Reverend John G. Lonsdale, M.A., blush of Portugal at the fate of Camoens ought to be as great and lasting Reader at the Temple Church, and Secretary of tho National Society
his life ; nor must the struggles of a poet make us forget his enjoyments. [The text of the Parables, from each of the Evangelists when given by more Camoens triumphed with his fellow soldiers; was long the admiration of the than one, accompanied by a statement of the occasion on which the parable circles in which he moved; knew the glory which awaited his name; and was delivered, with an explanation of the lesson which it conveys. The re- above all, must have so loved and enjoyed his gift of poetry, that in all pro- marks are too short for a discourse; but they are of the nature of the sermon, bability, during the far greater part of his life, he would not have changed expositional and hortative.] in the manner of Beppo, with plenty of digression satirizing Boston city and The History of England, by Hume and Bmollett. With the Continua- tion, by the Reverend T. S. Hughes, B.D., late Canon of Peterborough. A new edition. Volume XVI.
The Cartons : a Family Picture. By Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, Bart., M.P.
Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by Robert Bell. Volume V. (The Annotated Edition of the English Poets.) A Selection from the lesser Poems of William Henry Leathern, Author of "A Traveller's Thoughts" and other Poems. The War and its Issues in its Religious Aspect. By the Reverend John Cumming, D.D., 8ro. New and enlarged edition. The Life and System of Pestalozzi. By Karl Von Itaumer. Translated from the German by I. Tilleard.
A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Professor of Political Economy. To Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill. which are added, some Remarks on By the Honourable Mrs. Norton. Mr. Newmarch's recent publication " On the Loans raised by Mr. Fitt during the First Freueli War."
Letter to Viscount Palmerston, de., on the Address voted by Convocation, aft 29th June 1855. By Gilbert Elliot,
1853. By George K. Rickards, 31.A., 0.9, Dean of Bristol.
The Financial Policy of War. Two Lec- tures, on the Funding System. and on the different modes of liaising Supplies In time of War, delivered before the University of Oxford, in Trinity Term Sinope; and there are several on Wellington or Nelson.] My Brother's Wife ; a Life-History. By Amelia B. Edwards. [One of Mr. Routledge's Original Novels. The scene is laid on the Conti- nent as well as in America and England ; and we are introduced to more of foreign manners than some persona might approve—an actress entangling a married man. It would not surprise us, however, if the work were Ameri- can.] The Chronicles of Camber Castle; a Tale of the Reformation. [A story of Popish persecution during the reigns of Henry the Eighth and Mary, varied by love and romance of a common kind.It is well written; but the author displays few of the qualities of the novelist, and no conception of the age in which the scene is laid.] Caroline Elton, or Vanity and Jealousy ; a Tale. Servants' Influence ; a Tale.
[Sixpenny tales, forming part of a series published with a religio-didactic object.] Thoughts on the New Dogma of the Church of Rome. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Dioceses of Dublin, Glandalagh, and Kildare, at the Viaita- tMn in June 1855, by Richard Whate- ' ly, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin.
A Few Plain Facts respecting the Sioutent Trading Bill. By a London Employer.
Another Letter on Administrative Re- form. By a Trinity-Man.
Speech of the Honourable Joseph Howe on the Union of the North American Provinces, and on the Right of British Colonists to Representation in the pedal Parliament, and to participation in the Public Employinents and Dis- tinctions of the Empire.
Lord Brougham's Speech upon the Mare- 2'rade, House of Lords,-26th June 1855. The Science of Medicine reduced to its Simplest Form. Important Plailanthro- 31: Discovery of M. Louis Deschamps,
Limited Liability. Observations on the existing and the proposed Rules for ascertaining the Debtor in Mercantile Dealings. By 'George Sweet, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law. Decimatism. Part I. Remarks on the proposed Decimalization of the Weights. Measures, and Moneys of Great Britain. _ With Explanatory Hints and Sugges- tions. By a Commercial Traveller.
The Soldier in Peace and /Var. Sugges- tions for Arming and Training Light Infantry, with Observations on Re- cruiting. By Lt.-Col. —.
Compulsory Education. By Frederick Timbrell, late of Si. Stephen's School, Westminster.