Parisian Thratrical13.
Madame Emile de Girardin, celebrated in her youth for the poems she published under her maiden name of Delphine Gay, and renowned more lately for her dramatic works, to say......
The Death Of Two Admirals Of The Red This Week
will occasion a large amount of promotion. In anticipation of the Gazette announce- ment, we may state that those g allant and estimable officers, Vice-Admi- rals Sykes and......
Ckt 'andra.
There are certain plays that may he said to act themselves, so COM- pletely do they rest on incidents, situations, and surprises altogether in- dependent of individual......
The Paris Exhibition.
A circular has reached us containing a resolution passed by the British Jurors of the Exhibition, on the 2d instant—" That it is desirable an early intimation should be g iven......
The Following Crimean Despatches Have Been Received ; The...
by our own War Department, from General Simpson ; the second by the French War Department, from General Pelissier. "Crimea, July 4, 6.30 p. m.—Nothing of importance has occurred......
Money Market.
&rocs EXCINANOZ, FRIDAY ATM:MOON. The new French Loan of 30,000,0001. has been officially announced, and continues to operate unfavourably on Government Securities, owin g to......