The Revenue-tables have been the subject of congratulatory comment, because
both the year and the quarter have been largely productive, in the face of increased demands upon the people. The increase for the year is 7,741,5881., the increase for the quarter is 1,005,575/. In order to establish a more favourable construction than appears on the face of the tables, we are re- minded that during the year there has been no corn revenue, the large importations of 185.4 toil-living been repeated ; and that the inoreased taxe.tiOff aid not take effect till the last quarter. On the---fitt'ili–Tand, the revenue for the quarter was somewhat ----disturbed by what occurred with respect to the Sugar-duties. Some of the large dealers cleared large quantities in anticipation of the enhanced duty ; thus evading the increase of taxation, which was so far frustrated for a time. These qualifications are to a certain extent true, and yet they do not positively establish the case intended. Taking the results broadly, it is evident that the increase for the quarter ought to have been at least propor- tionate to that for the year, since the defalcation in the sugar chargeable for May was made good in the excess chargeable in April. Now the increase for the year was nearly 7,740,0001., so that the increase for the quarter ought to have been about 1,900,0001.; whereas it barely exceeds 1,000,000/. The difference is virtually a decrease of revenue, notwithstanding the increase of taxation.