£31,306,070 £.31,3e3,070 TARAWA IMPARTMEAT.. - Proprietors' Capital
£14,333,000 3,l40,'67 t 3,l40,'67 ding Dead weight amenity). 212,896,068
Government Shear es (dads-.
ding Dead weight amenity). 212,896,068
Public Deposita* 6,146,901
Public Deposita* 6,146,901 . Other Securities ' 13,497,443 _
Other Securities ' . 13,497,443 _ Other beposits 13,434,749
Other beposits 13,434,749 Notes 11,139,325-
Notes 11,139,325- Seven Day and other Bills....
Seven Day and other Bills.... 971,726 Gold and Sliver Coln 713,6011
971,726 Gold and Sliver Coln 713,6011
£38,246,641 • £30,246,511
• £30,246,511 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners Of National Debt, &Dividend Mete.
BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard.. La 17 9 ForeignGoldinColn,Portugal Fes 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 0 0 Sliver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 METALS.
Copper, Brit. Cakes.£126 Iron, Welsh Bars ... . 6 Lead,Briblsh Pig. ... 22 Steel, Swedish E... 18 Per ton.
0 0 ..
11 6 ..
10 0 ..
0.0 ..
0 6 23 19 0 0 111 0 0 41 0 0 PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Fresh, 120.0d. per doz. Carlow, 01. Os. to Of. Os. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per CWL 70s. to 73s.
Cheese, Cheshire 0 s-,-. lir Derby, Plain ' o - ,0
Hams, York 0 - 0 Eggs, French, per 120, Os. (Id. to Si,. ad.
NIWOLTZ AIM LEADZSEALL.. tharts-xtaxxv.• HAAT OT CilITTII AT vies Cerr. *suer.
s. d. I. d. s. st
3 2 to 3 10 to 4 4 ....
s. d. a. d. a. d.
4 0 to 4 8103 0
)6oIay. Friday.
Mutton 3 4 - 4 4 - 4 10 .... 4 2 - 4 10 - 2 Beasts . 3,740 1,497 Veal .. 3 8 - 4 0 - 4 8 .... 4 4 - 4 10 - 2 Sheep .29,510 13,630 Pork .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 .... 4 0 - 4 4 - 4 6 Calves.. $49 609
Lamb.. 5 0 - 5 - 5 10 ....
5, 2 - 6 0 - 6 4 Pigs.. 530 390 ' To sink the offal. per 8 lb.
Kent Pockets 270s. to 300s.
Choice ditto 280 370 Sussex ditto 240 - 270 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Per Load of 34Truasec) Surrarsetts. Wnrrzcoseet.
Hay, Good left to 1215s. 1G3s. to 105s 95r. to 110s. Inferior SO - 110 60 - 75 ....... .... 60 - 92 New 78 -105 0 - 0 0 - 0 Clover ISO - 135 126 - 130 120 - 130
Wheat Straw SO - 84 24 28 23 - le
Linseed 011 Cake 1000 13 0 0 Rape Oil ,.percwt.L2 17 0 Linseed 011 2 11 0 Petersburg Y. C 63.. Od. to Os. Od.
Coals, Hetton Refined 219 0
Tees Os. (14.
Town Tallow 54s. 34 to Os. 011. OILS, GREASE, COALS.
West India Molasses les. thi. 40 IT& et.: Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. 31s. 74. C,ffce, One (In bond) cwt. 66s.. Od. to eae.a,g, Tea, Sonehoug, fine, per lb. le. 3d. to 54. 14,
Good Ordinary 48s. 041. -380.114. Congon, fine 1 0 -3 4
Pekoe, don cry 1 S - 3 ft
In Bond-Duty Ir. 64. per lb. GROCERIES. Notes issued £11,016,100 2,984,900 17,3011,070 BRITISH FUND - --- &listed. S.
(ClosingPrices.) Tuesday.
Wedues. Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent Consols shut
411 end.
Ditto for Account
914 ea d
001 911
91i 3 per Cents Reduced 92 911 92
92 921 New 3 per Cents. 911 Si 921 921 92
Long Annuities 4
4 4 4
Annuities 1885
lej 161 161 161 Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 3111
21I 311 2121 213 India Stock, 101 per Ceat Exchequer Bills.11d. per diem shut 23 pm. 22 22 12 230 cad, 22
Exchequer Bonds 1839
1401 101
1001 India Bonds, 4 per Cent 31pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday EvenIng.1 Austrian 5 p.Ct. .--• • French 40,0.
Belgian 41 - 931
Mexican 3 -
311 Ditto 21 — Peruvian 41 - 70 Betutilian 5 - 1051 Portuguehe 3 -
Buenos Ayres 8 ■ —
Russian 3 - 100 Chilliest 6 -
Sardinian II - -
Danish 5 -- --- Spetdth 3 - 361ex d.
Ditto s -
Dutch (Ex. 12 Ousiders) 21 - 63 ex 41.
Dittollew Deferred ••
Ditto (Pauly& 18 end.
Ditto 4 -
Turkish 4 .-
83 French 3 - Cf.
Venezuela 41 -.-.
Mast Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bert-woes- •
Bonze-- Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow 92 63 Australasian 84/
Britfith North American ' est aq 39.
Eastern —
CobAliel 20 Great Northern 931 Commercial of London 32 Great South. and West. Ireland • • 101 London 321 Great Western 671
London Chartd. Bnk. of Australis 191 end.
Hull and Selby 108/ London Joint Stock.
I 291
Lancashire and Yorkshire 811 London and Westminster 4 Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & Smith Coast 1011 National of Ireland ' National Provincial 73 cud.
London and Blackwell 71 Oriental
London and North-Western 1001 Provincial of Ireland
al cad.
London and South-Western 83/ Union of Australia 741 Midland 721 Union of London 30
Midland Great Western (Ireland) Biers-
North British North-Eastern-Berwlek
741 Avis Fria Brazilian Imperial -'"•• North-Eastern-York... 301 Ditto (St. John del Rey) 28 .
Oxford, War. & Wolverhampton.. 28 Cobre Copper 611 • Scottish Central
Misczthan cons--
Staith.Tostern and Dover 611 Anstrklian Agricultural
East India Guaranteed 26 Canada 120 ex d.
' Great Western of Canada
215 ex d. Crystal Palace General Steam
Bash d West India
Peel River Land and Mineral ...
Peninsular and Oriental Steam..
63 St- K.
Royal MalkSielm ' 74 'Victoria.
South Austra lLAD
s GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 6.
Wheat, R. 0. 0 to 0
Rye 41 to43 Maple.... 81 to 40 Otstafieed.. 211to 2T- Fine 0- 0 Barley 31 -33 White ... 43-45 ' Fine .. 38-29
White Old. 0- 0
Malting 36-37 Blue 49-39 Poland .. • 29 -r 30 Fine 0- 0 Malt, Ord... Ss- 72 Beans, Ticks 40 -41 -Flea.. 31-33 New 73-81 Fine 0 0
Harrow 41,-03
Potato 30- 31 Fine 88-86 P5as, Hog.. 30-35 Indian Corn 47-60 Fine.. 32-34 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
For the Week ending June 30.
Wheat.... 70.. 11d. Rye 45s. id.
6..11d. (Aye 45s.
Barley .... 33 9 Beans 46 3 I Barley 34 3 1 Beans • 46 6 Oats 28 7 Peas 43 6 Oats 38 8 1 Peas 43 8 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack Cl.. to 73s.
Seconds 60 00 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 0 - 0
Norfolk and Stockton 53 - Se American ... ...per barrel 38 - 44
Canadian 38 - 44 Bread, 71d. to 101d. the lib. loaf. Down Tegs Wethers Leicester Fleeces Combing WOOL.
per lb. Hi. to 13d.
11 -12 101 - IS 10 -184 HAY AND STRAW. CONTRAWD.