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Tan intelligence of Lord Raglan's death was conveyed as soon as it ar- rived on Saturday to the Queen at Buckingham Palace; and her Ma- jesty instantly intrusted Prince Albert with an autograph letter of con- dolence addressed to Lady Raglan, The Prince Consort carried it to the house of the bereaved widow in Great Stanhope Street ; and in the course of the day her Majesty evinced her great sympathy by sending twice to make inquiries. The Duchess of Kent, the Duchess, the Duke, mid the Princess Mary of Cambridge, the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz, and the Duchess of Gloucester, all manifested their sym- pathy and respect. Beyond these, a great number of distinguished per- sonages paid the same attention to Lady Raglan. The King of the Belgians arrived at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, accompanied by the Count de Flandres and the Princess Charlotte of Belgium. Queen Victoria received her illustrious relatives at the grand entrance. In the course of the afternoon, the Duke of Cambridge called ; and the Queen and Prince Albert drove out with King Leopold in an open carriage. On Wednesday, King Leopold received visits from the Countess de Neuilly, the Duke and Duchess de Nemours, the Prince and Princess de Joinville, the Duke and Duchess d'Aumak, and the Princess de Salerno. After this the King visited the Duchess of Gloucester, the Duchess of Kent, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On Thursday he went 'with Prince Albert to the Crystal Palace at Sydenham ; and in the evening her Majesty and her guests went to the Italian Opera. Yes- terday Prince Albert and the Count de Flandres visited Aldershot camp. Lord Harclinge and the Earl of Clarendon had audience of the Queen on Monday. The Earl of Derby had audience on Thursday, to present an address from the University of Oxford. The list of the Queen's guests, besides King Leopold and his family, includes the Duke of Wellington, the Belgian .Minister, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Cambridge, Lord and Lady Palmerston, Sir Charles and Lady Mary Wood, the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, the Earl and Countess of Derby.