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Tbe iitietat distribution of prizes to the students at the London Uni- versityFoliege took place on Saturday ; Lord Monteagle presiding. In giving an account of the satisfactory progress of the College, Professor De Morgan made an especial reference to the opening of the Indian civil service to all competitors and stated that measures have been taken to give the students increased facilities for the acquisition of Oriental knowledge, in 'order that they may place themselves in a position to compete for the appointments. Lord Monteagle expressed a hope that some provision would be made for the reception and residence of young Hindoos who may come to England, law Dr. Chuckerbutty, to lit themselves for the civil service.
On Sunday there was a second insurrection in Hyde Park against Lord Robert Othavenor's Bill. The insurgents bad been informed by advertise- ment that Rare would be another meeting ; and Sir .Richard Mayne issued contiter-platiSrds announcing that there could be no meeting. Sir Richard also took the precaution to-march some hundreds of the Police force into the Park, and .posed them in the Humane Society's House and the Powder Maga- zine. At three o'clock, an immense crowd—" a mile long and a quarter of a mile deep-"--had asaembled from all quarters, and had occupied both sides of the carriage-drive from Aptiley House to Kensington Gardens. Here and there men were speaking against the Sunday Trading Bill—"a measure they would not have forced down their throats." One man told a crowd that he had been invited toaccompany Lord Robert Grosvenor to church, but that instead of going to church, Lord Robert had gone out of town, in a hired carriage, lest his Own should be recognized. When the Police appeared the orators disappeared. The mob hooted, cried "Down with the crushers ! " and threw atones; and the Police, charging them and using their truncheons, knocked down and captured considerable numbers. At four o'clock seven cabs filled with prisoners drove to the Vine Street Station. Still the riot continued. some soldiers mingled with the crowd, and took the part of the multitude. One man, pursued by the constables, jumped into the Serpen- tine; but, showing signs of weakness, the Humane Society's men rescued him from the water, and the Police claimed him as a prisoner. Compara- tively, few horsemen and carriages had entered the drive; but those who did ran great risk, for the mob frightened all the horses with a horrible up- roar ; then the Police made an onslaught, striking and capturing right and left. But the crowd increased, and about six o'clock fresh 'divisions of Police were ordered'np. Numbers assembled in front of Lord Robert Groavenor's house, which was guarded by a strong force. It was not till late in the even- ing __that the Park was cleared.
The prisoners, it NU expected, would be brought before the Marlborough Street Magistrate on Monday, and a mob had assembled around the Police- Office, and flung stones as Mr. Hardwick went in. For three hours the Ma- gistrate sat waiting for the prisoners. At one o'clock, Mr. Ballantine, as counsel for one or more of the prisoners, inquired why the charges were delayed? but he received no satisfactory answer. Meanwhile, the riotous mob with- out had contributed an additional number of prisoners. At three o'clock, Hr. Herring, for one of the prisoners, complained of the hardship they en- dured by being kept in custody ; and Mr. Ballantine said that never had he 'witnessed anything so scandalous as the conduct of the Government. During this period it is supposed that attempts were in progress to take the cases be- fore the Bow Street Magistrate. At length, two prisoners were brought for- ward, and fined forty shillings each for throwing stones at the Police in front of the court. Then another pause; more protests; more rioting outside. It was not until five o'clock that the first ease, that of Edward Copes, a youth, was brought on. Superintendent Hughes described the scene in the Park ; and Constable Potter gave direct evidence that Copes had thrown at the Po- lice. Mr. Hardwick adjourned his decision. A second charge was preferred, against Mr. Francis Henry Mair. A constable said that Mr. Mair refused, when ordered, to "move on" ; that he put up his stick, and that then the constable took him into custody. Some evidence of the harsh conduct of the Police was given. Mr. Mair denied that he had committed an assault. He was admitted to bail on his own recognizance. The rioting in Marlborough Street was continued on Monday night, and several of the Police were severely handled. On Tuesday morning the pri- soners were brought up in batches, the first consisted of ten young men, charged with "riotously assembling in Hyde Park." Mr. Clarkson, on the part of the Government, stated that they did not desire to press the charge against this class ofi persons. Mr. Ballantine, commenting on the conduct
of the Government, insisted that these young men had not violated the law ; but the Magistrate, Mr. Hardwick, distinctly and emphatically dissented from this doctrine, and told the prisoners that they had committed a breach of the law in forming part of a tumultuous assemblage. They were then dis- charged.
The next batch were more numerous. They were charged with throwing stones and assaulting the Police. Mr. Clarkson said the Government had no desire to press these cases with severity, but were determined to leave them to be dealt with in the ordinary way. The result was, that several young men were fined various sums from 2s. 64 to 208., and some few were dis- charged without fines. Other charges for assaulting the Police were heard before Mr. Hardwick on Wednesday. Among the prisoners were two Frenchmen, who beat Police- Sergeant Lawes on Monday in Marlborough Street, and headed a mob crying "Bravo, Englishmen ! A republic ! a republic !" They were remanded until the injured constable could be brought up.
The Court of Queen's Bench, sitting in hence, decided an important ques- tion on Saturday. Mr. Dorling of Epsom declined to pay a rate levied by the Local Board of Health, on the ground that his premises received no im- mediate benefit from the works to defray which the rate was levied ; and he appealed against the rate to the Court. Mr. Justice Coleridge held, that al- though no immediate benefit was derived from works in respect of which a property is assessed, yet as the owner or occupier may receive an indirect benefit, even in a pecuniary sense, he is liable.
An action of some interest on a Bank-of-England note was tried before the Court of Common Pleas on Tuesday. The action was brought by Ra- phael and Co. against the Bank of England for the recovery of the value of a note for 5001. The note was one of many stolen at Liverpool in 1852. On the 26th June 1854, one Howard presented the note at the money-changing house of St. Paul and Co., Paris. Seeing the value of the note, Mr. Vincent St. Paul asked to see Howard's passport ; which was found regular, and he changed the note, remitting it the same day to Raphael and Co. in London. When Raphael and Co. presented the note to the Bank, payment was re- fused. The questions for the Jury were—whether the money was paid ; whether the notices of the robbery were served on St. Paul ; and if so, whether St. Paul had the means of knowing of the robbery at the time they changed the note ? The Jury held that the full value of the note was given; that the notices were served ; that St. Paul, had he taken care of the no- tices, might have known, but that he did not know of the robbery ; and that Raphael and Co. took the note bona fide. Verdict for the plaintiff, 5341.
In the Second Court, sitting at Guildhall, a curious action for breach of an agreement was tried. Miss Thomas, the daughter of an attorney at Wigan, _was engaged by Miss O'Beirne, the proprietress of a ladies' school at Grove House, Hammersmith, for as she alleged, six months, as an assist- ant. She remained three month; at the school ; but on returning after the Easter vacation, Miss O'Beirne refused to receive her. She alleged that Miss Thomas had only gone to her on trial, on the understanding that if she suited she should be engaged for six months ; that Miss Thomas did not suit, because she was incompetent, and "deficient in example " ; and that even had there been an engagement, it was void in consequence of the im- proper conduct of the young lady. The improper conduct was this. One of the girls, Miss Traill, received a flattering valentine, and showed it to all her schoolfellows and the teachers. It was signed "An Officer," and to keep up the joke, Miss Thomas caused a love-letter, concocted by the school- girls, and again signed "An Officer," to be copied by one of her father's clerks, and posted to Miss Train. This letter, the schoolmistress alleged, unsettled the mind of her pupil. With the permission of Miss O'Beirne, Miss Thomas had also acted in charades, on St. Patrick's Day, in the cha- racter of a Highland gentleman. Moreover, Miss O'Beirne alleged that the young lady played practical jokes, such as sticking a ball of cotton under the coat-collar of the writing-master. The Jury, however, were satisfied from the evidence that the plaintiff was in the right; and gave her 201. damages.
A claim for the restitution of the Ackbar, a ship seized in May by the Coast Guard off Exmouth, on suspicion that she was a Russian vessel, was tried before Dr. Lushington in the Admiralty Court, on Tuesday. The Ack- bar was built at Geniis. Carleby in 1852, and sailed under Russian colours up to March 1854. Her master and crew were Swedes, but she hoisted an Oldenburg flag. The muster-roll described the ship as sailing from Knip- hausen to ports in South America ; she had never been at Kniphausen, and the owner did not live there. There was no bill of sale showing how from a Russian she became a neutral vessel. The Court decided that she should be condemned.
At the Central Criminal Court, on Monday, Charles William Winchelsea Bevan, formerly secretary to the Deposit Insurance Company, who was ac- quitted on one charge at the last Sessions, was tried for stealing three orders for the payment of money. These were checks signed by the Directors, and intended to be paid to medical gentlemen who had acted for the Company : Bevan paid them to his own bankers. The defence set up was, that the Directors wore very lax in conducting the business of the Company ; leaving nearly everything to Bevan, who thought he might pay the checks to his own bankers without any criminality. The prosecution, it was alleged, arose from spite : Bevan it was who had made the business of the Company ; when his irregularities were discovered, the Directors entered into a com- promise ; but as Bevan joined another company they prosecuted him. The Jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended bim to mercy, on account of the loose manner in which business was conducted at the office.
When the Recorder passed sentence on Thursday, he severely lectured the prisoner ; pointing out that the defence attempted to be set up was un- warrantable. The prisoner had been treated liberally ; he knew be was acting wrongly ; and his imputations against the Directors were untrue— their conduct had not been disgraceful. The sentence was eighteen months' imprisonment.
The bankers Stmhan, Paul, and Bates, were again brought up at Bow Street on Wednesday. The witnesses against them were Mr. Raymond Pelly and Mr. Bois, of Overend, Gurney, and Co.'., Mr. John Young, solici- tor, Sise Lane' Mr. Hills, stock-broker, and Mr. John Fitzgerald, an assitant in his office. The evidence showed that a loan was negotiated in April last on behalf of the prisoners by Mr. Young; that the amount of the loan, namely 27,0001., was so raised upon the securities deposited by the bankers
—a letter authorizing the negotiation having been written by Sir John D. Paul, at the request of Overend and Co. and as one of the conditions of the loan. The securities consisted of Danish, Dutch, Upper Canada, and Brazil- ian Bonds. Mr. Hill's evidence showed that, at the instance of Strahan and Co., he had purchased Dutch florins, tko. for Dr. Griffith. The prisoners were again remanded. Bail for Mr. Bates was refused.
A good while since certain Chinese astonished the town by feats of knife-
throwing at a living since, : Tih-kwei and his wife, two of the adepts, gain- ed a good deal of money, and with their two children they were recently preparing to carry their wealth to China. The other day, eight of his countrymen visited Tih-kwei, drank, smoked opium, and tried to " borrow " money from him. In the end they set upon him and his wife, and gashed them with large knives or swords; two of the assailants also were wounded— how, is not clear. Tih-kwei and another Chinaman were taken to the hoe- pital ; Tih-kwei had a belt round his body, containing 200 sovereigns. 'fhree Chinese, besides the one in the hospital, are in custody for cutting and wounding ; and Tih-kwei's statement has been taken by the Thames Po- lice Magistrate, lest be should die. Considerable obscurity hangs over the affair.
A dashing female, with the imposing name of "Mary Louisa Sawyer • Beresford St. Vincent," has been committed by the Clerkenwell Magistrate on three charges of swindling, while many others are to be brought against her. She obtained goods, and even borrowed considerable sums of money from tradesmen by representing that she was entitled to property in her own right, had h000r. in the bank, was just about to receive a large sum, and so on ; referring her dupes to her "solicitor." The evidence seems to point to others as knowingly aiding the prisoner in her schemes.