fortign an (donna.
Fusticr.—The Emperor of the French opened the Legislative Cham- bers on Monday, with the following speech, delivered to them at the Tuileries.
"Messieurs lea Senateurs, Messieurs lea Deputes—The diplomatic nego- tiations commenced during the course of our last session already made you foresee that I should be obliged to call you together when they came to a termination. Unhappily, the Conferences of Vienna have failed in procuring peace, and I come again to appeal to the patriotism of the country and to your own. Were we wanting in moderation in settling the conditions ? I do not fear to examine the question before you. " One year already has passed since the commencement of the war ; and already France and England had saved Turkey, gained two battles, forced Russia to evacuate the Principalities, and to exhaust her forces in the de- fence of the Crimea. We had, moreover, in our favour the adhesion of Austria and the moral approbation of the rest of Europe. "In that situation the Cabinet of Vienna asked us if we would consent to treat upon bases vaguely formulated. Before our successes a refusal on our part seemed natural. Was it not to be supposed, forsooth, that the demands of France and England would increase in proportion to the greatness of the struggle and of the sacrifices already made? "Well, France and England did not turn their advantages to account, or even make the most of the rights given to them by previous treaties, so much had they at heart to facilitate peace and to give an unohallengeable proof of their moderation. We restricted ourselves to ask, in the interests of Germany, the free navigation of the Danube, and a breakwater against the Russian flood which continually obstructed the mouths of that great river. We de- manded, in the interests of Austria and of Germany, a better constitution for the Danubian Principalities, that they might serve as a barrieragainst these re- peated invasions of the North. We demanded, in the interest of humanity and of justice, the same guarantees for the Christians of every confession under the exclusive protection of the Sultan. In the interests of the Porte, as well as in those of Europe, we demanded that Russia should limit to a reasonable degree, sufficient to shield her against any attack, the number of her sails
in the Black Sea, a number which she could only maintain with an aggressive object.
Well, all these propositions, which I may call magnanimous from their disinterestedness, and which were approved in principle by Austria, by Prussia, and bytRussia herself, have evaporated in the Conferences. " Russia, who had consented, in theory, toput an end to her preponderance in the Black Sea, has refused every limitation of her naval forces ; and we have still to wait for Austria to fulfil her engagements, which consisted in rendering our treaty of alliance offensive and defensive if the negotiations failed.
" Austria, it is true, proposed to us to guarantee with her by treaty the independence of Turkey, and to consider for the future as a oasis belli an increase of the number of Russian ships of war exceeding that before the commencement of hostilities. To accept such a proposition was im-possible, for it in no manner bound Russia ; and, on the contrary, we should ap- parently have sanctioned her preponderance in the Black Sea by treaty.
" The war had to follow its course. The admirable devotion of the army and navy will, I trust, soon lead to a happy result. It is for you toprosidc me with the means to continue the struggle. "The country has already shown what resources it has at its oommand, and i the confidence it places n me. Some months since, it offered me 1,700,000,000 francs more than I demanded. A portion of that sum will suffice to maintain its military honour and its rights as a great nation. " I had resolved to go and place myself in the midst of that valiant army, where the presence of the sovereign could not have failed to produce a happy influence • and, a witness of the heroic efforts of our soldiers, I should have been proud to lead them ; but serious questions agitated abroad, which have always remained pending, and the nature of circumstances demanded at home new and important measurea. It is therefore with regret that I aban- doned the idea.
"My government will propose to you to vote the annual Recruitment Bill: there will be no extraordinary levy, and the bill will take the usual course necessary for the regularity of the administration of a recruitment bill. "In conclusion, gentlemen, let us pay here, solemnly, a just tribute of praise to these who fight for the country ; let us mingle our regrets for those whose loss we have to deplore. So great an example of unselfishness and constancy will not have been given in vain to the world. Let us not be discouraged by the sacrifices which are necessary ; for, as you are aware, a nation must either abdicate every political character, or, if it possesses the instinct and the will to act conformably to its generous nature, to its his- torical traditions, to its providential mission, it must learn how to support at times the trials which alone can retemper it, and restore it to the rank which is its due. Faith in the Almighty, perseverance in our efforts, and we shall obtain a peace worthy of the alliance of two great nations."
Two measures have been adopted by the Legislative Body ; one authorizing a loan of 750,000,000 francs, the other ordering a levy of 140,000 men. It is also in contemplation to raise the duty on spirits, to raise the tax on the passenger-receipts of railways from one-third to the whole amount, and to add a decline to the indirect taxes subject to the old war decime.
THE CRIHFA.—A considerable portion though not the whole of our impression last Saturday announced the death of Lord Raglan, which followed so shortly the report of his improved health. Until four in the afternoon of the 28th June, says the telegraphic despatch, published by Lord Panmure on Saturday afternoon, Lord- Raglan " had been progressing to the satisfaction of his medical attendants, when alarming symptoms developed themselves, attended with difficulty of breathing which gradually increased. From five p. m. he was unconscious; and from this period he gradually sank, until twenty-five minutes before nine' at which hour he died. The event has plunged the whole army
to inthe most profound grief." • The Moniteur published a telegraphic despatch from General Pelissier conveying the sad information ; adding that France would share the re- grets of General Pelissier— - "It is with deep regret I have to announce to you that the venerable chief of the English army expired this evening at nine o'clock. We are the more affected by his death, as during the preceding twenty-four hours his health seemed to have considerably improved."
On Thursday the Hon iteur contained another despatch from the French General, stating that on Tuesday the last rites were performed over the remains of Lord Raglan by the two armies, with every solemnity of which circumstances would admit.
. General Simpson is appointed to succeed to the command of the Bri- tish forces.
We are now in possession of a great mass of information respecting the unsuccessful assault of the 18th June, including the despatches of Lord Raglan and General Pelissier ; and are now for the first time in a position to give a connected account of that unfortunate affair.
The main attack fell to the lot of the French, as opposite to their ad- vanced trenches on the extreme right lay the strongest positions of the enemy—the Malakoff tower and the works on its proper left. It was ar- ranged also that the British should attack the Redan at the moment which Lord Raglan should deem most fitting. At first the Generals, suspecting, what proved to be the case, that the enemy would repair in the night the damage done by the crushing fire of the 17th, resolved that a two-hours cannonade should precede the assault : late in the evening, however, General Pelissier informed Lord Raglan that he should not wait for the cannon to clear the way, but assault at three o'clock in the morning. The reason alleged in the unofficial correspondence for this change of plan was, that the French General felt that he would be unable to conceal the large -accumulation of troops from the knowledge of the enemy after the day dawned. Three French divisions, numbering about 25,000 men, were to engage in the direct assault ; one posted on the ex- treme right, under General Mayran, was to carry the extreme left of the Russians ; the second in the centre, under General Brunet, was directed to turn the Malakoff on its proper left; while the third, under General d'Autemarre, was to manceuvre on its proper right, so as to carry the work. In reserve stood the Imperial Guard. Two batteries of artillery were ready in the Mamelon to occupy the enemy's positions if they were carried. The signal for the assault was to be three rockets fired from the Lancaster battery by General Pelissier. But an accident frustrated the whole plan. General Pelissier supplies an animated narrative of the combat.
"I was still more than 1000 metres from the spot where I was to give the signal, when a brisk fusillade, mingled with grape-shot, told me that the action had been seriously commenced towards the right. In fact, shortly be- fcre three o'clock, General Mayran thought he saw my signal in a bomb with its flaming fuse that had been fired off from the Brancion redoubt. He was Informed, but to no purpose, of his mistake. "This brave and unfortunate General gave the order to commence the at- tack. The columns of Gamin and Be Failly dashed forwards at once. The first rush was magnificent ; but hardly had these heads of columns advanced when they were assailed by a shower of balls and grape. This overwhelm- ing grape came not merely from the works we wanted to carry, but from the enemy's steamers also, which arrived with full steam on, and manceuvered with equal good fortune and skill. We, however, must have inflicted some damage on them. This prodigious fire arrested the effort of our troops. It became impossible for our aoldiers to march forwards, but not one made a single step in retreat. It was then that General Mayran, twice hit already, was struck down by grape-shot, and compelled to give up the command of his division.
"All this was the work of a moment ; and General Mayran had been already carried off the field of battle, when I gave the signal from the spot I had reached of the Lancaster battery. The other troops then engaged in order to support the premature movement of the division on the right. This valiant division, disunited for an instant by the loss of ate general, rallied promptly to the voice of General de Failly. The troops engaiged, supported by the second battalion of the Ninety-fifth Regiment of the Line, and one battalion of the Voltigeurs of the Guard, under the orders of the brave Colonel loud- ville, kept firm near a ridge, where the General placed them, and maintained their ground with intrepidity. In the mean time, being informed of this situation, which might become critical, I gave orders to General Regnault de Saint-Jean d'Angely to send four battalions of the Voltigeurs of the Guard, taken from the general reserve, to the succour of this division. Generals Mellinet and Uhrich marched with this fine troop, rallied what was scattered in the Careening ravine, and came up with their solid support to General de Willy, by occupying the bottom of the ravine. General Mellinet repaired in person to General de Failly's right with a battalion of grenadiers, which had been attached the evening before to the guard at the ravine, and was very useful to him by securing his right. "The central attack had no better success. General Brunet had not yet
been able to complete all his arrangements, when the cluster of rockets that were to serve as the signal burst in the air. For twenty or five-and-twenty minutes all the right had already been prematurely engaged. Nevertheless, his troops marched with resolution ; but their valour failed under the steady fire of the Ruasians, and against unforeseen obstacles. At the outset, Gene- ral Brunet was mortally wounded by a musket-ball in the centre of his chest. The flag of the Ninety-first was broken by a ball : but it is needless to add that these glorious fragments were brought back by this brave regi- ment.
"General Lafont de Villiers took the command of the division, and con- fided that of the troops engaged to Colonel Lorencez. These kept steady while the rest of the division occupied the trenches, to be prepared against the eventualities of the combat.
"On the left, General D'Autemarre had not been able to engage before
Brunet's division : besides, he could not account for the hurried fire of mus- ketry he heard in the direction of the Careening Bay. But at the signal ap- pointed for the assault, he let loose with impetuosity the Fifth Foot Chas- sears and the first battalion of the Nineteenth Regiment of the Line; who by keeping along the crest of the Karabelnaia ravine; reached the intrench- ment that connects it with the Malakoff tower, scaled this intrenehment, and thus entered the enceinte itself. Already the Sappers of the En- gineers were planting the ladders for the remainder of the Nineteenth and Twenty-sixth Regiments, whose General, D'Autemarre, was hurrying on the movement behind his valiant head of the column. One instant we could believe in success. Our eagles had been planted on the Russian works. Un- fortunately, this hope was speedily dissipated. Our Allies had encountered such obstacles in their attack of the great Redan, and they had met such a fire of grape, that, in spite of their well-known tenacity, they had been al- ready compelled to make a movement of retreat. Such was the spirit of our troops, that despite this circumstance, they would have pushed on and con- tinued to charge home the enemy; but the want of simultaneous action in the attack of our divisions left the Russians free to overwhelm us with the reserves and the artillery of the great Redan; and the enemy lost not a mo- ment to direct against our brave Foot Chasseurs all the other reserves of Karabelnaia.
"Before such imposing forces, the Commandant Gamier, of the fifth
battalion, already wounded five times with gun-shot, endeavoured, but in vain, to hold the ground that had been won. Obliged to retire before num- bers, he recrossed the intrenchment. General Niol rallied his brigade, rein- forced by the Thirty-ninth of the Line : they wished to attempt a fresh of- fensive movement, in order tct insure the success of this new effort ; and on word being sent by General d'Autemarre that his reserve was reduced to the Seventy-fourth of the line, I sent him the regiment of the Zouaves of the Guard : but on the arrival of these veterans of our African wars, the move- ment no longer having the unity so desirable for a coup of this vigour, with one single division unsupported either on the right or on the left, and cut up by the artillery of the Redan, against which our Allies were suspending their attack, I did not fail soon to perceive that every favourable chance was ex- hausted. A fresh effect would merely have occasioned a useless effusion of blood. It was half-past eight. I gave orders in all directions to return to the trenches. This operation was effected with dignity, much order and coolness, and without pursuit of the enemy on any one point. A part of the Russian trenches still continued even to be held by our men, who got away in succession; nor did the enemy venture to profit by his advantages and at- tack them.
"Our loss has been great. We took care from the very commencement of the action to remove most of the men hit by the enemy; but a certain num- ber of these glorious dead remained stretched upon the glade or in the moats of the place. The last honours were paid them on the following day."
General Pelissier says that the Russians were evidently informed of
the plan of the Allies, and were on their guard. He admits, however, that he may have been mistaken in thinking that the Russians had suffered so severely as was anticipated from the Allied artillery, and that it is probable the enemy wished to spare his guns and reserve his fire ; but he also thinks, although the Russians were on their guard,
"that if the attack could have been general and instantaneous along the whole extent of the line—if there had been suddenness and unity of action in the efforta of our brave troops—the object would have been attained."
The English share in the assault is described by Lord Raglan in the following despatch, published as a Supplement to the Gazette of Friday.
Lord Raglan to Lord Panmure.
"Before Sebastopol, June 19.
"My Lord—I informed your Lordship, on the 16th, that new batteries had been completed, and that in consequence the Allies would be enabled to resume the offensive against Sebastopol with the utmost vigour. "Accordingly, on the 17th, at daylight, a very heavy fire was opened from all the batteries in the English and French trenches, and maintained through- out the day ; and the effect produced appeared so satisfactory that it was de- termined that the French should attack the Malakoff works the next morn- Lut and: that the English should assail the Redan as soon after as I might consider it desirable. " It was at first proposed that the artillery fire should be resumed on the Morning of the 18th, and should be kept up for about two hours, for the pur- pose of destroying any works the enemy might have thrown up in the night, and of opening passages through the abattis that covered the Redan : but on the evening of the 17th it was intimated to me by General Pelissier, that he had determined, upon further consideration, that the attack by his troops should take place at three the following morning.
" The French therefore commenced their operations as day broke; and as their several columns came within range of the enemy's fire they encoun- tered the most serious opposition both from musketry and the guns in the works which had been silenced the previous evening : and, observing this, I was induced at once to order our columns to move out of the trenches upon the Roden.
" It had been arranged that detachments from the Light, Seoond, and Fourth Divisions, which I placed for the occasion under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir George Brown, should be formed into three columns ; that the right one should attack the left face of the Redan between the flanking batteries ; that the centre should advance upon the salient snipe ; and that the left should move upon the reentering angle formed by the right face and flank of the work, the first and last preceding the centre column.
" The flank columns at once obeyed the signal to advance ; preceded by covering parties of the Rifle Brigade, and by Bailors carrying ladders and soldiers carrying wool-bags: but they had no sooner shown themselves be- yond the trenches than they were assailed by a most murderous fire of grape and musketry. Those in advance were either killed or wounded, and the remainder found it impossible to proceed. I never before witnessed such a continued and heavy fire of grape combined with musketry from the enemy's works, which appeared to be fully manned ; and the long list of killed and wounded in the Light and Fourth Divisions, and the seamen of the Naval Brigade, under Captain Peel, who was unfortunately wounded, though not severely, will show that a very large proportion of those that went forward fell Major-General Sir John Campbell, who led the left attack, and Colonel Shadfortb, of the 67th, who commanded the storming party under his direction, were both killed; as was also Colonel Yea, of the Royal Fusiliers, who led the right column. "I cannot say too much in praise of these officers. Major-General Sir John Campbell had commanded the Fourth Division from the period of the battle of Inkerman till the arrival, very recently, of lieutenant-General Bentinck. He had devoted himself to his duty without spy intermission, and had acquired the confidence and respect of all. I most deeply lainent his lose.
"Colonel Shadforth had maintained the efficiency of his regiment by con- stant attention to all the details of his command ; and Colonel Yea was not only distinguished for his gallantry, but had exercised his control of the Royal Fusiliers in such a manner as to win the affections of the soldiers under his orders, and to secure to them every oomfort and accommodation which his personal exertions could procure for them. "I shall not be able to send your Lordship correct lists of the killed, and wounded by this opportunity, but I will forward them by telegraph as soon as they are made out. "I have not any definite information upon the movements of the French columns ; and the atmosphere became so obscured by the smoke from the guns and musketry that it was not possible by personal observation to ascer- tain their progress, though I was particularly well situated for the purpose: but I understand that their left column, under General D'Autemarre, passed the advanced works of the. enemy and threatened the gorge of the Malakoff tower • and that the two other columns, under Generals Mayran and Bra-. net, who both, I regret to say, were killed, met with obstacles equal to those we encountered, and were obliged in consequence to abandon the attack.
"The superiority of our fire on the day we opened led both General Peliasier and myself, and the officers of the Artillery and Engineers of the two services, and the armies in general, to conclude that the Russian ar- tillery fire was in a great measure subdued, and that the operation we pro- jected could be undertaken with every prospect of success. The result has shown that the resources of the enemy were not exhausted, and that they had still the power, either from their ships or from their batteries, to bring an overwhelming fire upon their assailants.
"While the direct attack upon the Redan was proceeding, Lieutenant. General Sir Richard England was directed to send one of the brigades of the Third Division., under the command of Msjor-General Barnard, down the Woronzoff ravine, with a view to give support to the attacking columns on his right, and the other brigade, under Major-General Eyre, still further to the left, to threaten the works at the head of the Dockyard creek. "I have not yet received their reports, and shall not be able to send them to your Lordship today but General Eyre wag very seriously engaged, and he himself wounded, though I am happy to say not severely ; and he pos- sessed himself of a churchyard which the enemy had hitherto carefully watched, and some houses within the place; butt as the town front was not attacked, it became necessary to withdraw his brigade at night.
"I shall make a special report upon this by the next mail, and I shall avail myself of the same opportunity to name to you the officers who have been particularly mentioned to me. "I am concerned to have to inform you, that Lieutenant-Colonel Tylden, of the Royal Engineers, whose services I have had the greatest pleasure in bringing so frequently to your Lordship's notice, is very severely wounded. The account I received of him this morning is upon the whole satisfactory, and I entertain strong hopes that his valuable life will be preserved.
"I feel greatly indebted to Sir George Brown for the manner in which be conducted the duties I intrusted to him ; and my warmest acknowledgments are due to Major-General Harry Jones not only for his valuable assuitanoe on the present occasion, but for the able, zealous, and energetic manner irs which he has conducted the siege operations since he assumed the command of the Royal Engineers. He received a wound from a grape-shot in the forehead yesterday, which I trust will not prove serious.
" I brought up the First Division from the vicinity of Bahklava as a re- serve, and I shall retain them on these heights.
"The Sardinian troops under General La Marmora and the Turkish troops under Omar Pasha crossed the Teheniaya on the 17th instant, and occupy positions in front of Tchorgoun. They have not come in contact with any large body of the enemy.
"I have, &a. RAGLAN." " P.S. I enclose lists of casualties in the Naval Brigade to the 18th instant inclusive. I regret to say these are heavy."
Perhaps the most remarkable feat was that performed by General Eyre and five regiments of the Third Div1/31011, mustering 2000 bayonets, on the extreme left. General Eyre was directed to attack certain ambus- cades and make a demonstration against the works at the head of the South Harbour. In the first movement upon the rifle-pita a French party assisted, making several prisoners : but the French had not been instructed to cooperate further. General Eyre pushed on alone. "The enemy occupied a strong position, their right resting on a marnelon, their left on a cemetery ; the intervening ground was intersected and bar- ricaded with rearm walls, which the men were compelled to pull down, under fire, before they could advance." Falling on with impetuosity,
the troops carried, at once, the enemy's position; which they held under a heavy fire from the Redan and Barrack batteries.
"Four companies of the Eighteenth," says the Times correspondent, "at once rushed on out of the Cemetery towards the town, and actually suc- ceeded in getting possession of the suburb. Captain Hayman was gallantly leading on his company when he was shot through the -knee. Captain Es- raonde followed, and the men, once established, prepared to defend the housed they occupied. As they drove the Russians out, they were pelted with large atones by the latter on their way up to the battery, whichquite over- hangs the suburb. The Russians could not depress their gnus sufficiently to fire down on our men but they directed a severe flanking fire on them from an angle of the Redan : works. There was nothing for it but to keep up a vigorous fire from the houses, and to delude the enemy into the belief that the occupiers were more numerous than they were. Meantime the Russians did their utmost to blow down the houses with shell and shot, and fired grape incessantly; but the soldiers kept close, though they lost men occa- sionally, and they were most materially aided by the fire of the regiments in the e.emetery behind them, which was directed at the Russian embra- sures, so that the enemy could not get out to fire down on the houses below. Some of the houses were comfortably furnished. One of them was as well fitted up as most English mansions, the rooms full of fine furniture, a piano in the drawingroom, and articles of luxury and taste not deficient. Our men unfortunately found that the cellars were not empty, and that there was abundance of fine muscat wine from the South coast of the Crimea, and of the stronger wines, perfumed with roses and miied with fruits, which are grown in the interior, in the better sort of houses. Some of the officers, when they went away, carried off articles of clothing and papers as proofs of their entrance into the place ; and some others took away pigeons and Guinea pigs, which were tame in the houses. The troops entered the place about four o'clock in the morning, and could not leave it till nine o'clock in the evening. The Russians blew up many of the houses and set fire to others, and when our men retired the flames were spreading along the street."
General Eyre was wounded early in the day ; but he did not relinquish the command of the brigade until five o'clock, and he resumed it again before morning. The Ninth Regiment also effected a lodgment in some houses, and held their position; and a sergeant and a handful of men took a Russian battery in which there were only twelve or fourteen ar- tillerymen. An officer and a few men of the same regiment entered part of the Flagstaff battery ; but, unsupported, they were compelled to give way. The troops were withdrawn in the evening without molestation ; and, "next day, when the dead were being buried, our engineers, under Major Chapman observed the ground, and at night large working-parties were sent to throw up the necessary cover, and to connect it with the French advanced works on the left and our works on the Greenhill at- tack. This position now remains in our possession."
Two despatches from Admiral Lyons have been officially published; one referring to the part taken by the detachment of the Naval Brigade, under Captain William Peel, in the attack on the Redan; the other describing two night-attacks on Sebastopol from the sea. He states that the Gene- rals, having informed himself and Admiral Bruat of their intention to storm the Malakoff and Redan, and that they had ascertained that the fire of the fleet had produced considerable effect, it was resolved to repeat the operation.
Accordingly, on the 16th instant, the steam-frigates and sloops named in the margin, accompanied by several French steamers, discharged a heavy fire on the town and sea defences, while the Danube, Lieutenant R. P. Ca- ter, and the launches of the Royal Albert, under the command of Lieu- tenants George W. Watson and Edmund Wilmot, poured in a shower of rockets, and happily without any casualty. "During the night of the 17th instant, the Princess Royal and the steam- frigates and sloops named in the second marginal note, and accompanied by a division of French steamers and the launches as before, renewed the firing : and on this occasion, I am sorry to observe, there was some loss; the Princess Royal having had one man killed and two wounded; the Sidon, two men killed and eleven wounded ; and Captain Lyons, of the Miranda, was so severely wounded in the leg by a shell, that I have been obliged to send him to Therapia Hospital.
"Their Lordships will readily believe that a strong desire prevailed throughout the fleet to go under fire ; but, as only one ship of the line could do so with advantage, I thought it right that it should be the Princess Royal, commanded by Lord Clarence Paget, who, having planned the course with infinite zeal and ability, was naturally best acquainted with it." The casualties In these attacks were 2 killed and 16 wounded, two of whom Captain Lyons, and William Sully, a first-clam boy on board the
Sidon, since died.
The loss of the Naval Brigade in the attack on the Redan were 10 killed and 42 wounded ; besides which, 4 were killed and 3 wounded in the batte- ries, and 3 were miming. In addition to the names of the officers killed and wounded, previously published, is that of Lieutenant Cave, of the Dia- mond, wounded.
The following extracts are gleaned from the Times correspondence. Before the Armistice.—" It was agonizing to see the wounded men who were lying there under a broiling sun parched with excruciating thirst, racked with fever, and agonized with pain—to behold them waving their caps faintly or making signals towards our lines, over which they could see the white flag waving, and not to be able to help them. They lay where they fell, or had scrambled into the holes formed by shells; and there they had been for thirty hours—oh, how long and how dreadful in their weari- ness! An officer told me that one soldier who was close to the abattis when he saw a few men come out of an embrasure raised himself on his elbow, and, fearing he should be unnoticed and passed by, raised his cap on a stick and waved it till he fell back exhausted. Again he rose, and managed to tear off his shirt, which he agitated in the air till his strength failed him. His face could be seen through a glass, and my friend said he never could forget the expression of resignation and despair with which the poor fellow at last abandoned his useless efforts, and folded his shirt under his head to await the mercy of Heaven."
Sir John Campbell.—" Captain Hume, his attached aide-de-camp, had the body removed ; and this evening Lthe 19th] it was interred on Cathcarra H1l4 his favourite resort, where every one was sure of a kind word and a cheerful saying from the gallant Brigadier. It was but the very evening be- fore his death that I saw him standing within a few feet of his own grave. He had come to the ground in order to attend the funeral of Captain Vaughan, an officer of his own regiment, (the Thirty-eighth) who died of wounds received two days previously in the trenches ; and he laughingly invited one who was talking to him to come and lunch with him next day at the Clubhouse of Sebastopol."
Colonel Yea.—"I saw in one place two of our men apart from the rest, with melancholy faces. 'What are you waiting here for?' said I. 'To go out for the Colonel, Sir,' was the reply. 'What Colonel ? " Why, Colonel Yea,
to be sure, Sir,' said the good fellow, who was evidently surprised at my thinking there could be any other colonel in the world."
Devoision.—"Lieutenant Kidd came in all safe, and was receiving the con gratulations of a brother officer, when be sew a wounded soldier lying out in the _open field. He at once exclaimed, We must go and save him!' and leaped over the parapet in order to do so. Henna Scarcely:gonna-yard when he was shot through the bread, and died in arbour after.", - • • The Small .hfines.—" A strong ease containing powder is sunk in the grotmd,:and to it is attached a thin tube of tin or lead, eeverelfeetin length; in the tipper end of the tube there is enclosed is thin glass tube _containing sulphuric or nitrie acid. This portion of the tubeisiust laid above the earth, where it can be readily hid by a few blades of gram or a atone.. If a person steps on it he bends the tin tube, and breaks the glass tube; laeide.- The acid immediately escapes, and runs down the tin tube till it. vagives close to
its insertion into the case, and there meets a few grainioteldix of Totes's. y destroy.
• whiCh it is•
across the Tchernaya on the 18th June. They passed up over the hills towards Aitodor, the Turks on the right and tie bard,lnniiin` on the left. Only a few Russians appeared here and there, and fired some shots fax out.of range; but no great body was visible anywhere. At night the Turks bivouacked at Routska, and the Sardinians in peal.; • tion on their left. Omar Pasha inspected thir- positicitXoil the 'Path, and returned to Tchorgoun. It appears that the Rust:dims . ' ied-the -pais of Aitodor in force. This pass is the key to the 'Eta Tette'. On - the 22d the Turks made a reconnaissance in the directiOirbfBaidar.
THE BALTIC.—The fleet suddenly returned to Crenstad ,on the 20th June, and the larger body went up the North side, to the inqpiise of the enemy. Boats were got out to .fish, for -explosive :machines, many of which were picked tip and destroyed. • Admiral Seymourin the Exmouth and Captain Hall in the Blenheim paid a visit to'Nfix.ya On the 18th June, and with the Snap and Pincher Made good practiee ttgainst the de.. fences of the river and the village at its mouth. The.C.4.ptain of the Marines on board-the Blenheim was wounded. The llnsaians report the customary loss of one" man.. On-Russian authority we also learn that a frigate and a launch have cannonaded Sweaborg , but the enemy boasts that he sank the launeh ; and on the 21st and 2nd he states . that Revel was attacked by gun-boats from Nargen Island. .T4 4elegraph now re- ports that Nystad, a Finnish town on the Gulf of Bothnia, has been bowp barded and destroyed.
RUPEIA.—The correspondence between- Adnairal Dundee and General de Berg respecting the affair at Hango is published an the Journal de,Bli Peters? ourg. The British Admiral makes a represefitation of the case, and the interest of course lies in the reply of tho,41113§ian officer. He treats the flag of truce and the -landing of the-- Ruisian sailors as pretexts to cover a hostile object in the expedition of the boat from the Cossack ; the hostile character of which is proved, he asserts, by the loaded arms, the exploded caps of three muskets, 360 cartridges, and certain incendiary articles which remain in possession of the captors. , The Russians had been taught to suspect these expeditions by the use of the Russian flag. tt$ inveigle coasting-vessels into capture and by the use even of the 'flag of - truce with which an English cutter had approached the village of Twerp:due in order to burn some huts and boats. The crew of Lieutenant Geneate's
boat were caught by their own ruse. • - .
"The Cossack should not have deviated from the rule. Vessels wishing to enter into parley shoOld hoist a white flag of large dimensions, and anchor beyond long range, and await a boat to receive their message in writing. We will never receive any other. The Cossack did nothing of the sort. It seems to me that the honour of your flag ought to exact the most strict and scrupulous observation of the rules established on such ocasaions. The ho- nour of my flag will never permit me to depart from them." To this correspondence the Journal-of M. Petersburg appends a separate article, in which it is remarked that if the English really desire to liberate Russian prisoners, and not to use them as a pretext for approach- ing the shore or to take soundings, they might have been landed away from the coast. The arms and ammunition on board the boat from the Cossack are referred to as convincing proofs that strikingly belie the as- sertion of the Admiral; and the account of the alleged soundings taken by an English boat at Kertch is quoted from the Times of May 29.
SPAIN.—According to a telegraphio despatch from Marseilles, new troubles have arisen in Spain. The statement is, that "arising has taken place in Catalonia. The pretext of the rising is the question of the salaries. Two manufacturers had been assassinated at Barcelona. The National Guard had refused to march. The Captain-General Zapaterto had shut himself up in the citadel with the troops that remained faithful; whence he sent mediators to the insurgents ; who received them with shouts of 'Long live Espartero !' "
AIISTRALIA.—Advices from Melbourne come down to the 10th April. Some details of the financial condition of the colony show that-the ten- dency to outrun the constable is not confined to old countries: In 185-3 the revenue of Victoria was 3,068,9271., the expenditure 2,940,4261.-; leaving a balance on the let January 1854 of 128,5014 In the coUrse of 1854 the colony incurred a debt of 1,400,0004 ;. consisting of 400,0001. borrowed from the banks, 200,0001. 'from the corporation, and 800,0001. appropriated by the Government from the revenue assigned for emigra- tion. But Sir Charles Hothani estimated the available balance for the year 1855 at 380,4331.; reducing the deficiency to 1,019,667/. The eer timates for the year 1856 are—ordinary revenue, 1,966,5204 ; unappro- priated moiety of, 670,0001.; making a total of 2,636,5201. But the estimated expenditure is 4,801,2931. From this must be de- ducted savings by the Council to the amount of 1,300,0004; which leaves a deficiency of 860,0431. This, however, it was proposed to reduce by.a loan of 800,000/. for reproductive public works ; which would leave the deficiency 66,0434 Whether this will be the itchial result, remaini to be seen. An export-duty of 2.1. fid. per ounce on the export of gold, and an increase of customs-duties, are part of the financial scheme. The subject of steam mail communication still occupies the attention ef all the colonies. Victoria is willing to spend 50,0001. for a semi-monthly mad; South Australia bids 6000/. for a monthly mail ; and Sir William Denison proposes that the colonies should contribute 10,0004, and the Imperial Government 60,0004 The route by Panama finds much faiour, but the route by Aden has also numerous partisans. The commercial. and industrial prospects of Victoria were tlecidedlY mending. More attention was ,bestowed upon the land ; gold-production Cou3bustion instantly takes place; the mine explodes, atellp everything near it, but throws out a quantity of bitumeli, coated, in a state of ignition, so as to burn whatever *iekts-
An interesting advance was irtade by the Turkith arid bid fair to increase ; building had recommenced, and rent was much less than formerly. The imports on the quarter were 3,117,854/. It was ex- pected that this rate would not be kept up. The imports last year were 17,000,0001. The Commissioners appointed to inquire into the administration of the Gold-fields have made their report to the Executive, and it has been pre- sented to the Council by command of the Lieutenant-Governor. The principal recommendations are—first, the abolition of the licence-fee and the substitution of an export-duty of 2s. 6d. per ounce; - second, the en- franchisement of the diggers ; third, the introduction of a system of leas- ing auriferous lands ; fourth, the introduotion of mining partnerships on the English "cost book" system ; together with other minor changes. The Government have introduced bills to carry out the recommendations. Chinese immigration had become a grievance : it was proposed to put :gime restriction on the incomings of the Flowery people, and the Govern. ment had the subject under consideration. census 9f population on the 26th April 1854 set down the males at 156,886, the females at 80,912. It is estimated that up to the middle of Apiil 1855 this number had increased by upwards of 53,000; but the in- creas'e by births is only 2000 in the year.
INDIA AND CHINA.—The fuller despatches received on Monday con- tain little additional news. In Burmah, Captain Madigan, of the Eighty- fourth Regiment, employed in erecting telegraph posts between Donabew and Henzadah, was, on the 23d April, tied to a tree and speared to death, in revenge for the execution of a son of one of the chiefs. It is thought, as his property was untouched, that he was mistaken for a political agent. The murderers, of Captain Latter, who was assassinated in camp during the war, have all been discovered. On the 30th April, 2000 hillmen, robbers or iherTerar tribe, attacked the British post at Dersamund, fifty- five miles West of Kohat. It was defended by Major Coke, who had under his command, a troop of the Fourth Punjaub Cavalry and a com- pany of the First Punjaub Infantry. The robbers were first driven back by a cavalry charge; and finally routed by the infantry.
From China the news is that the Tartar Emperor is dead ; that the re- bellion makes little progress ; but that the people were suffering severely from famine, caused mainly by the devastations of the rebels and the in- stability of order. Sir John Bowring had expeditiously negotiated an important treaty with..,Siam. He landed on the 3d April, began active deliberations with the Siamese Commissioners on the 9th ; and on the 18th the treaty was signed. Among its more important provisions, are the right of having a consul in Siam ; the right to build ships in the Menane; and the right to rent or purchase lands within a twenty-four hours' journey of Bangkok: