THE new Emperor of Germany is determined to lose no time. Communications have already been opened with Russia, and on or about the 18th inst., the Emperor, escorted by a squadron, sails for St. Petersburg, to be the guest of 'the Czar. It is believed that arrangements of the highest moment will be made during the visit, arrangements to which -the Austrian Government, or at least the Austrian Emperor, has already consented. The Czar, however, has not consented yet, and in view of the possibility of his refusal, the visit is officially described as one of ceremony only. Prince Bismarck does not accompany his master, which is taken in some -quarters to mean that politics will not be discussed ; but it may also mean that the Chancellor can entirely trust the Emperor, whom he has described in the Prussian House of Lords as a man of quite unusual powers. Obviously the two are in very hearty accord, and Count Herbert Bismarck, as Foreign Minister of Prussia, will be present at the visit. It is most improbable, unless business were intended, that the Emperor would endure two days' sea-sickness, or that so immense an eclat would be given to a visit which would more 'naturally have succeeded one to the Emperor of Austria.