7 JULY 1888, page 8
11:le Change Of M1jssulman Feeling In India.
T HOSE who read the weekly tele g rams from India in the Times will have remarked the g rowin g fre q uency of Mahommedan addresses to the Viceroy, and Mahom- inedan meetin g s......
The Lambeth Conference And Anglican Unity. T Wenty Years...
was the fashion to speak with g ood or ill humoured contempt of every attempt the An g lican Church made to realise or g ive expression to the immense responsibilities which......
The Welsh Land Question. F Intin La.lor, The Editor Of The
Irish Felon—a Nationalist newspaper of 1848—and. the inventor of the most potent method of political agitation ever known, has hardly received the recognition he deserves. If a......