A Bradfield Naturalist A letter has recently appeared under four
signatures (Quorum Pan Quarta Fui) to say that a memorial to Anthony Collett, a naturalist a genius, should be set up in the_shape of a natural history corner of tht library in his old school of Bradfield. It is hoped that admirers of hip work, which had rare qualities, will sznd subscriptions to Sir Bruct Richmond, Netherhampton House, Salisbury. In the past I enjoyed many days bird-nesting with Collett in different parts of Berkshire ; an came to regard Bradfield as one of the richest haunts. The river Pan is a small replica of the Kennet. Not once or twice on the banks have heard the grasshopper warbler imitating with strange accuracy rh sound of a fisherman's reel. Just above it I saw the only example i my experience of a well-stocked shrike's larder—a thing often writt of but seldom seen. Some of the rarer butterflies, as well as bird abound. The place itself makes naturalists. One of the best articl I ever read on natural history was from the school paper—I fancy was Collett's—and it is pleasant to think that the budding naturalists the school will enjoy Ind get further inspiration from a good library.