" That To Expect Young People To Be Civic-minded At
t8 is either Utopian or Hitlerian." If it were true there would be little point in putting Mr. Butler's Education Bill into practice, or in continuing to evolve our not......
Americans And Britons
Snt,—It is with the greatest admiration that I have read W. S. Lewis's letter in your issue of last week. As a busy housewife I had not the time tb sit down and write such a......
" A Picture Of India "
SIR,—In your issue of June 23rd, the reviewer of Lady Hartog's book India in Outline states: " In Travancore, half the men and a third of the women are literate." These figures......
India's Real Problem
nt,—Mr. Barbour has somewhat misunderstood the Indian population oblem. To say that the peak-rise-period is already over is not to eclude the possibility of " a substantial......
Snt,—Concerning your paragraph at page 594 of The Spectator for June 3oth last, headed Cherbourg. In the Daily Express of to-day's date (i.e., July 3rd, 1944) on page 4, by the......
The German Military Code
R,—Referring to Mr. Harold Nicolson's timely warning about the ming arguments of the military commanders responsible' for the shoot- g of the fifty Allied officers by the......