I do not know E. A. Adumua, Esq., but I
should very much like to, for he possesses a conglomeration of qualities which must come near being unique. My knowledge of Mr. Adumua is derived from a brief appreciation off, him in the columns of the African Spokesman, of Accra, Gold Coast. It takes the form of a display advertisement, for Mr. Adumua is, or was, standing for the Accra Town Council. Space will not permit me to set out his claims as they deserve ; but they are these :— " He is Osu Citizen by Birth-right. He has lived in Osu.for many years. He has rubbed shoulders with the people for many years. He has championed the educational cause of the Town for many years. He is humble and unassuming. He has lofty ideals. He has attained a great height in education. He commands enviable diction of the English language. He is eloquent and his thoughts flow. He is ready-wined. He is independent in business. He is independent in action. He is independent in ideas. He is independent in decisions. He is a courageous debater. He is a forceful speaker. He is a good scholar. He is a level-headed citizen. He is sociable and approach- able. He is brimful of experience. He has tact and common-sense. He is full of enterprise. He is acquainted with the needs of his people. He is the people's Man."
We could do with men like Mr. Adumua (if any more such exist) over here. * * * *