WE stand one with the men that died ; Whatever the goal, we have these beside ! Living or dead, we are comrades all,— Our battles are won by the men that fall !
He who died quick with his face to the foe In the heart of a friend must needs die slow : Over his grave shall be heard the call,— The battle is won by the men that fall!
For a dead man leaves you a work to do : Your heart's so full that you fight like two ! And the dead man's aim is the best of all,— The battle is won by the men that fall.
Oh, lads, dear lads, who were loyal and true, The worst of the fight was borne by you ; So the word shall go to cottage and hall,— Our battles are won by the men that fall.
When peace dawns over the countryside, Our thanks shall be to the lads that died ; Oh, quiet hearts, can they hear us tell How peace was won by the men that fell ?