The Negotiations Which Preceded The Final Submission Of...
to a vote by the Boer delegates were curiously like those described in the " Holy War," to which we compared them in anticipation. They began with very high terms, and even when......
News Of The Week.
P EACE has come at last, and come in ,a form and under conditions which are the rightful and just reward of the admirable temper in which the British people carried on the......
It Only Remains To Be Said That The Reception Of
the news in the country generally was sensible and dignified, but that in London the mob on the Monday night showed a tendency to rough horse-play of a very disgraceful kind.......
The Terms Are In Essence As Follows :—(1) The Burghers
lay down their arms and recognise the King as their lawful Sovereign. (2) All burghers in the field outside the two new Colonies and all the prisoners of war will, on declaring......
The Government's Declarations In Regard To The Rebels Are As
follows. Rebels will be tried by the law of the Colony to which they belong. The Government have stated that they will not en- force the strict law. The rank-and-file of the......