The conflict between Austria and Hungary over the economic question,
which threatens a financial rupture between the two States, has, according to the acute corre- spondent of the Times in Vienna, produced one unexpected result. The Slays and Germans of the Cisleithan Parlia- ment, finding the Premier, Dr. Korber, eager for their interests, have suspended their quarrels and fallen into rank behind him, so that he is supported for the first time by a nearly unanimous House. This will compel the Hungarian Ministry, who have relied in part upon Austrian dis- sensions, to reconsider themselves ; but they are pushed on by their Agrarian followers, and the situation remains so dangerous that it is thought the personal intervention of the Emperor-King will be unavoidable. This is to be regretted, as both sides will question his Majesty's mastery of economic questions ; but his influence with the Hungarian magnates is almost irresistible, and when dangers become grave the magnates can generally guide Hungary. The violent intrusion into politics of economic factors now visible all over the world greatly adds, however, to the difficulties of the older statesmen, who do not quite understand them, and are a little suspicions of the disinterestedness of the experts.