On Thursday a very amazing thing happened—a thing which till
it happened we should have said was quite impossible. Ever since last Saturday the Daily Express, supported by the Globe, has been demanding loudly and, as it turns out, with perfect justification, that Mr. Salaman, the trustee of the estate of Mr. Fenner, a bankrupt stockbroker, should be called to give evidence before the Marconi Com- mittee. On Thursday Mr. Salaman was called and stated that Mr. Fenner's books showed that the Master of Elibank, now
Lord Murray, bought 2,500 American Marconis on April 18th, 1912, at £3 5s. per share=E8,125 ; and that on May 14th, 1912, he bought another 500 shares at £2 3s. 9d.=£1,218. One of the accounts was headed "The Master of Elibank Trust Account." It should be noted that the transaction of April 18th took place on the day after Lord Murray received the advice to buy Marconis from Sir Rufus Isaacs, and bought from Sir Rufus Isaacs, who had bought from Mr. Harry Isaacs, who had bought from Mr. Godfrey Isaacs, 1,000 shares.