Welsh Disendowment.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sir.,—Tbe Disestablishment Bill will come before the House of Commons for second reading in the course of a week or so, and the time has......
Imperial Migration.
[To THR EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR. " ] true Imperialists will heartily welcome the illumina- ting article on " Emigration and Common Sense" in last week's Spectator. The British......
Letters To The Editor.
CHURCH MOVEMENTS IN WALES AND SCOTLAND. [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] STE, —Forty-four years ago, when the Church of Ireland was disestablished and disendowed, it was......
Church Union In Scotland
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Your correspondent " X " in the Spectator of May 31st writes ostensibly to explain to the English mind the " mystery " of the......