7 JUNE 1913, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of May 31st Mr. W. H. Somervell invites suggestions for the amendment of above Act. Let me suggest two which, though apparently unimportant, would ease the position of employers without injury to the employed. First, let the responsibility of stamping the cards lie with the servant, not with the master. Seeing that the former reaps the whole benefit (if any) it is to his interest alone to see that the regulations of the Act are carried out, and it is grossly unjust to render an employer liable to be fined for not stamping a card never presented to him. Of course, should an employer refuse to stamp a card when presented, he must take the consequences. Second, cards should be interchangeable at post offices. Those who, like myself, reside in the country and employ both men and boys, have to keep a large number of stamps of varying values on hand. A lad whose wages are raised from twelve shillings a week to fifteen shillings requires his card stamped sevenpence in place of sixpence as formerly, and the stamps cf latter value are left on the hands of the employer, and are of no use to him.—I am, Sir, &c.,