Louis, the ex-King of Bavaria, died on 29th February at
Nice. He is remembered in England chiefly as the King whose fancy for Lola Mentes, the dancer, caused an emeute in Munich, and cost him his throne. His claim to be remembered in Bavaria is, however, a better one. By extreme economy he saved enough money out of the revenue and his own income to rebuild Munich and convert it into a capital of Art. Not possessed of any origi- nality, his rebuildings were failures, and Munich is a city full of poor imitations of Italian capitals, a regular cit's show place. The King did, however, collect art treasures of value, and attract artists by his patronage, till it is believed that there are more sculptors in Munich than beersellers. He would have made a very fair noble of the Italian sort, but as a King he will be remem- bered only for his galleries.