The Bishop Of Winchester (dr. Sumner), Formerly Bishop Of...
was seized with paralysis on Wednesday, and as he is -seventy-eight years of age, the hope of his recovery seems to be slender. Should unfortunately the attack prove fatal, Mr.......
Lord Spencer Seems Inclined To Have A Regular Quarrel With
London. A little while ago he wanted to spoil Wimbledon Common, and now it is stated he intends to see what he can do with Wandsworth. Mr. J. Gravell writes that his Lordship......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Fob. 23. Friday, March 6. Mexican 151 15/ Spanish New ... 351 36f Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 61f 69 x.d.. „ 1862 61 61. United States......
The Mint Appears To Have Discovered That There Are...
sentiments in Englishmen about different coins. The guinea and half-crown have always been popular, say the authorities of the Mint, the five-shilling piece, and florM, and......
If Old John Walter Were Alive What Would He Say
? Here is the Times, which for half a century has beaten every jour- nal in Europe in energy and enterprise, actually publishing the latest news of a British expedition per......
The Amount Of Business Doing In National Securities This...
has been only moderate. Nevertheless, the quotations have ruled tolerably firm. Yesterday, Consols closed at 93k ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 92* ex div. ; Exchequer......
A Telegram Was Published On Sunday, And Repeated On Monday,
alleging that the Emperor had been seized on Saturday with a fit of asthma, and gasped so violently that he had to be carried to a balcony window. Asthma does not come on in a......
Mr. C. Tennant Suggests In The Star A Brilliant Plan
for reliev- ing the British Museum, now suffering from a plethora of treasures. Leave the natural. history collection where it is, and give up Somerset House to the other......
The American Government Has Again Ordered Its Diplomatic...
to put on Court dress, to the extreme annoyance of all - who are thereby compelled to be conspicuous at Court receptions as the only gentlemen in black swallow-tails. It is......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading British Railways...
off at the annexed quotations :— Great Eastern... Great Northern ... Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire ... London and Brighton London and North-Western London and......
A Powerful Deputation From Owens College, Manchester,...
Duke of Marlborough on Thursday, to urge their case for assistance from the Government in the great building extension which they have just undertaken. They intend, we believe,......
The Second Reading Of The Bill For Abolishing The Horrid
spectacle of public executions, and performing them in private, passed the House of Commons on Thursday night by a large majority,-181 to 25. Mr. Hardy produced very striking......