A powerful deputation from Owens College, Manchester, waited on the
Duke of Marlborough on Thursday, to urge their case for assistance from the Government in the great building extension which they have just undertaken. They intend, we believe, to build what will cost them something like 150,0001., of which they have already raised some 60,000/. or 70,000/. There were between thirty and forty Members of Parliament present with the deputation to urge their cause, and amongst them Mr. Graves, the Conservative Member for Liverpool, who gave the depu- tation, we believe, powerful and generous support. Considering the traditional rivalry between Liverpool and Manchester, this aid of Mr. Graves was the more chivalrous. The Duke of Marlborough
received the application favourably, treating Owens College as in the same position as Glasgow, which is greatlyextending its Univer- sity buildings, and though he promised nothing, there is fair reason to hope that Owens College will receive the assistance which it so well deserves,—on condition, of course, of submitting to Govern- ment inspection by the Education Department,—which will do it no harm.