The Army Estimates were issued on Thursday. The total ie
E28,845,000, compared with £28,220,000 last year—a rise of £625,000. The establishment provided for is 186,400 men— an increase of 800. The increase in numbers is accounted for partly by the growth of the Military Wing of the Royal Flying Corps and partly by additions to the Garrison Artillery. The total numbers of the Army, Reserve, Special Reserve, and Territorial Force are as follows:— Total Home and Colonial Establishment ... 127,232 Regular Forces (Regimental) on Indian Eetab- The increase in cost is almost wholly due to the new scheme of pay for officers and to the Flying Corps. Military flying now costs a million sterling annually, and the number of efficient aviators is nearly 200. There are 161 aeroplanes in use, and 87 have been replaced during the year. There is a deficiency of 8,000 men in the Army owing to the exceptional number passing into the Reserve. The Territorial Force shows an increase of 72 officers and a decrease of 14,220 of other ranks. The training grants are to be increased by £20,000, and there is to be an increased bounty for the fifteen. day camper.