As To The Remains Of The Regulars Who Are Supposed
to form the backbone of the defending force, Lord Roberts recalled the fact that during the Boer War he was specially told that he must not ask for more Regulars, as there were......
In The Lords On Thursday Lord Salisbury Announced That Next
Monday Lord Lansdowne will move the appointment of the following Peers as the Committee to inquire into the charges against Lord Murray: Lords Halsbury, Lorebarn, Desert,......
On Friday, February 27th, An Influential Deputation...
National Service League was received by the Prime Minister. Among those introduced by Lord Roberts were Lord Curzon, Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell, General Elise, Lord George......
Mr. Coulton, Who Spoke As A Liberal, Pointed Out How
ridiculous it was to denounce the policy of the National Service League as anti-democratic when it bad been adopted by two countries so strongly democratic in their Constitution......
In The Commons On Friday Week Sir Harry Verney Moved
the second reading of a Bill providing that all Parliamentary elections shall take place on the same day, and that the day he fixed by the Royal Proclamation summoning the new......
Mr. Asquith, Of Course, Gave A Negative Reply To The
deputa- tion, but be was like the lady of whom Congreve sang :— "Whom she refuses she treats still With so much sweet behaviour, That her refusal, through her skill, Looks......
On Monday In The Commons Mr. Churchill Explained The Naval
Supplementary Estimate of £2,500,000 over and above the sum of £16,309,300 voted last year. The statement was notably lucid and well arranged. The first item was £500,000 for......
The Portuguese Authorities Have Not Yet, So Far As Is
known, released Mr. Bowskill, the Baptist missionary whose courage and devotion saved them from destruction at the hands of the natives who had been driven to insurrection by......