SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Lord Balfour has given us a compelling phrase, " have always been moved by what I may perhaps describe as
an English-speaking Patriotism," and the Magna Charta Day Association has prepared, with the help of Lord Sydenham and Mr. John Murray Clark, of Toronto, the following brief paragraphs:
" English-speaking Patriotism may be defined as the possession of a true understanding of the common principles of government and culture, which enables the citizens of the English-speaking nations to recognize a certain obligation to study the problems, and to promote the welfare, of each other ;
And which produces a better knowledge of their great destiny, their responsibilities, their common dangers ; and which, while cherishing their local patriotism and pride of citizenship, enables them to co-operate in leading the progress of the world and in utilizing their vast influence for peace and the good of humanity which is their greatest heritage."
The publication of these will arouse a good deal of interest, and we shall be very glad to have any suggestions which occur to your readers. An adequate definition of English-speaking Patriotism can become a very great help to all that we believe