Tile Flame In The South. By Luke Hansard. (hutchinson. 7s.
6d. net.)—The reader's hopes Win be excited in this book by finding Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Louis Napoleon among the dramatis personae. Unfortunately, however, though the novel......
MR. SINCLAIR LEWIS Martin Arrowsmith. By Sinclair Lewis. (Cape. is. ad. net.) WE have already seen Mr. Sinclair Lewis display his talents in their full brilliance ; but in......
Finance-public And Private
BANK RATE PROSPECTS BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY IN the Money Market and on the Stock Exchange the -course of business during the past :week has been -com- pletely dominated by the sudden......
Jo, A Simple Soul. By Una L. Silberrad. (hutchinson. 7s.
6d. net.)—A delightful new version of the "missing heir" plot. The homely adventures -of the •hero are told -with a lively sincerity, and he himself, bright with pure -humanity,......
A Man Of Parts. By J. 3. Nelson. (stanley 'pant.
7s..63 net.)=rhose who have the temerity to disregard the.author's plea and begin this - book on page 22 will undoubtedly enjoy its lively and novel handling of the old story of......
Other Novels
Diffidence. By John Eyton. (Arrowsmith. 7s. 6d. net.) —Readers •of Expeetaney will know too well what sort of fate awaits James Vane, the hero •of the -former work, when he......