[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,- --In the second paragraph of his recent letter Sir William M. Aekworth suggests that the Post Office " must produce its own balance-sheet showing the result of each year's trading." This has already been done under the title of." The Post 011iee Commercial Accounts.".. The last set for the year ended March 31st, 1924, was ordered to be printed on December 9th, 1924, and may now be obtained, price 9d., from Adastral House, Kingsway, or through any bookseller. These accounts give most of the desired information, including separate statements of Postal Telegraph and Telephone costs and Revenue. To separate the banking business from other postal work done by a combined staff in thousands of small post offices is scarcely feasible.--I am, Sir, &e., RANDAL BELL.
9 Park Crescent, Southport, Lancs.