7 MARCH 1931, Page 3

In the Liberal Party, Sir John Simon pursues his independent

course. On Tuesday he had the temerity to make a tentatively Protectionist speech in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester. Yet this was not so bold as the delivery of such a speech by a Liberal in such a place suggests. No Free Trader has ever denied that tariffs may be necessary for revenue, and if the deficit in the Budget should be as large as is expected, even Mr. Snowden may have to raise revenue by imposing duties on manufactured imports. The difference then between " tariffs for revenue " and Mr. Baldwin's " emer- gency tariff " will be one only of name. We would much rather have an all-round fixed tariff than an attempt to construct one of those so-called scientific tariffs which open the flood-gates to lobbying and every sort of undesirable pressure from prospective beneficiaries. It will be.seen that if events shape themselves in this way there will be plenty of opportunity for disgruntled Liberals to join the Unionists.