The Contents Of Amulets And Superstitions, By Sir E. A.
Wallis Budge (Humphrey Milford, 30s.), are professedly answers to some of the numerous questions which were put by the general public to the author, while he was keeper of the......
" He (james Whitcombe Riley) Met Me In A Red
under- phirt and black trousers, busily adjusting gold studs in the bosom of a hard-boiled shirt " is an extract from Mr. Hamli n Garland's Roadside Meetings (Lane, 12s. 6d.).......
Two New B.b.c. Pamphlets At Threepence Each Are The Census
and Science in the Making ; they relate to talks being given at 7.25 and 8.0 p.m. respectively, every Tuesday until March 24th. The first pamphlet is by Mr. Gerald Heard, and......
Carl Akeley, Zoologist And Hunter (the - Order Is...
firmly convinced that the game of Africa is doomed to extinction within the next few years, thanks to economic development and to the modern rifle - wedded in an unholy alliance......
A Hundred Years Of English Poetry, Selected By Edward B.
Powley (Cambridge University Press, 4s. 6d.) should prove of use to students and others. Palgrave's Golden Treasury was published in 1855, and in the early pages of his book Mr.......
The Disquisitions On Art, Life, Religion, Morals And The...
of society which Mr. Dreiser pours forth with special reference to the American scene in his book HO Rub-a-Dub-Dub (Constable, 7s. 6d.) are yet further example' of that......
Father W. Schmidt's " Original Views " On Comparative...
(as the wrapper Characterizes them) are so well known to students of ethnology that the scholarly translation pro- vided by Professor IL J. Rose under the title The Origin and......
The Hogarth Press Have Published Three More Of Their Day
to Day Pamphlets, the first of which was Mr. Maurice Dobb's interesting and informative pamphlet on Russia To-day and To-morrow (1s. 6d.). No. 4 also deals with Russia : it is......
It Is A Pleasure To Welcome A Dainty Piece Of
scholarly work from the United States. A Walk to Horace's Farm is published in Oxford (B. Blackwell, 6s.), but Mr. E. K. Rand hails from Cambridge, Massuchusetts, where the......
Mr. Langdon-davies Referred In His Gramophone Notes In...
issue of the Spectator to a selection of records recommended by Mr. A. C. de Busay. The name should have been Mr. A. D. C. D de BrisaT. - _ — _......
A Happy, Likeable Book Is Harry Randall : Old Time
Come- dian. By Himself. (Sampson Low, 12s. 641.). For thirty 'years this clever mirth-provoking artist has been convulsing music-hall and other audiences with plain honest fun,......