The Hogarth Press have published three more of their Day
to Day Pamphlets, the first of which was Mr. Maurice Dobb's interesting and informative pamphlet on Russia To-day and To-morrow (1s. 6d.). No. 4 also deals with Russia : it is an account of What We Saw in Russia, by Messrs. Aneurin Bevan, M.P., E. J. Strachey, M.P., and George Strauss, M.P., who spent some weeks in Russia in the early autumn of last year. The authors do not pretend to be able to prophesy the probable course of events in Russia, either in the immediate or in the more distant future, but they describe clearly and simply what they saw of the working of the Five Year Plan. The contrast between Russia's terrific vitality in industrial construction and her comparatively low general standard of living is well illustrated, and this parodoxical situation should do much to explain the variety of the accounts which are published about the U.S.S.R. The price is is.
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